Thursday, September 21, 2006
we have all grown some how
we win some .. we lose some..
today is games day...i won a two bags for coming first in two event..gave one to daddy..heee..
overall champions...

acutally got very nice face paint one.. but faded after sweating in the hot morning sun.. like crying on the right eye only..i likes
kinda rems moi of the time we had sports day, back in sec sch..
i saw my p.e teacher at my camp for ippt.. he had like grown is definately not the same p.e teacher i used to look at when i was sec 3..
seem to moi a good 7-8 years have made significant changes.. to both the body and mind. seems to moi tat we all have growth.. from little kids to childish boy and to immature men.. there is still a few more transformation ha.... to lao peh peh eventually..hee
life been pretty monotonous.. quite broke this month. cos of the liquiors i got at the duty free shop.. wonder y did i buy that .. since i dont really drink.. just buy and keep for some major events bah.. weird.. poor le..
admist the boring life.. i have grow so much closer to my bike.. gave it a good wax last week and a new sticker..
with love
11:18 PM