Tuesday, March 29, 2005
i sleep for a gd 10 hrs... to make up for the previous nite without sleep... a real gd sleep... din even lay use the banket.. haha..
it just feels diffeernt without sleep.. u walk slower.., react slower, breath deeper.. i saw Xiang lin at engine brigde yesterday.. but i reacted like 1/2 sec slower... facny seeing her at eng. i tink she is a life science undergrad. she got this nicenice set of white white teeth and a sunshine smile lar.. so kinda hard to miss her one.. alwasy wonder y is she one year older. maybe she poly one.. not really close to her.. maybe can get to kneo her better..
anyway,today is the due date for project.. i am glad it is finally done.. although i felt there could have been a better focus. and more clearly define borders....
i just realise i am kinda whiny...compainty.. haahha.. maybe my mentality is not there bah... when u dont have the drive to do sometinhg, one can get easily fed up and jsut do a lousy job..
but when u really wanna sometihng, u would give 100% to do it...
jsut like running a marathon... u wnna finish it... u could have easily given up ... u have notign to prove or show..but just run.
anyway .. the curplirt fot eh series of failed culture experiment have been found...
the medium was nto suppose to be autoclave .. only autoclauve upon dilution....
so time wasted perviosuly lar.. REsearch project is likethat one.. get prepared for set backs...
there is a bio chem test next tues. the best of both quiz will taken as the CA mark... chance of redemption..WOOhoo!!!! to make up for my lack of performace ...
i realise my loner nature have gotten a bit into mi interacting with ppl... i guess i am just not a very gd team palyer.. even my sport is indivdual one.. is that good or bad?..everteim i feel taht group work is time wasting , not really projective and diff abt of effrot contributed....
i tink my sister got a new bf... she say his name is culbert... i itnk .. i call him ccookuo bird lar!!!wahahaha... think he is from nus...
kam birhday coming soon.. and we haven tink of wat to get him.. headache...
i miss the bar.... maybe i will go visit it tml...
with love
9:30 PM
din sleep since the APC project at XM grandma house, til now.. a full whole day at sch.... very tired... i was kinda grumpy today at sch...
many chem eng ppl are hanging in hte E2 lab using hysys.. kailing. hui hui and some familiar faces....
i only have lecture from 10-12. then from 12 to 10pm i was doing design at lab ..WAT a mondya!!! hahaNO life lor i was very impatence and grumpy towards my proj mates.. pardon mi leh....
today i saw Xiang lin at engine brig.. first time saw her at engine. she belong to life science i tink.. haha. i tink this is the on few times we talked.. i tink i responseed slower than normal due to lack of sleep.. she was wearing a nice jacket.. she got her nice set of pearly whites teeth and smile.. think she's cute.. but aint got much change to tok to her or knoe her better.
I dont kknoe the focus ot eh design proecjt.. diff ppl got diferent version!! WAt the HELL KARIMIII can u wake up ur idea or noet? stop making us suffer!! sianz
i just so tired.. need to get some rest... no life thought the weekend... plus n sleep..
shit i feel like geting oold.... lack of sleep feel tired..
feeling like going for a long long long jog or long long long cycle to destress... or maybe 200 pull
i miss the PULL....
with love
12:23 AM
Monday, March 28, 2005
sheesh..been a real buisy weekend... culture bacteria at lab but unsuccessful... the bacterai growting weridly.. plus do Design project... and this is the best... APC proecjt 3 in one nite...
sunday start with mi coming to the lab at 9 pm to do APC pproject.. but XM was late... so i carried on iwth my dp discssion unitl he came... he was late..as alwayas.. think i gotten iuse to it liao... and sunday all the cantteen shops closes and thatn means i have no choice but to EAT mac AGAIN!!!ARGH... resreeach have show tahtn arcylamide (cancer casuing chemical) is prenset in substantial amt in fries...becos of the deep frying... sucks...
have dinner with xm, chi lng and johnny.. poor johnny come to sch fro notinhg.. kena con by chilong.. tihnk he oought to seek help from chilong cos prooject 3 is more work than proecjt 2
chilong smart to take project 2 lor...hehehehe..i have fried chiucken for dinner .. super unhealthy..
johnny tell a dirty joke lor 9.9.5 9 9.5 9. 9.5 9!!!.. tsk tsk(as usual)
anway there was not much progess for APC projecttill noon. we have DP meeting at 3pm.. so sain..
the design report is fianlly up and the pfd are up and running wiht a few minor flaws.. need to calrify today...
the APC is due today at 12 but as of yestreday nite at 8pm we have not done muhc one it... basically i have writen the m files.. but XM was kena busy i guess... he kept making silly mistake that wasted his time.......anyway he couldnt do apc in sch cos he need to teach his tuition kid something.. and ask mi to go his grandma home and do .. i tink it is kinda unfair to mi.. since the kid is his commitmetn not mine lor... to go his place i sitll ahve to drive my daddy car , means addition csot on petrol... so unfair.. but heck lar... we have been doing project together for so long liao.. the nite was preety productive adn we rushed the report....anyway well done XM!!!!
i kone xm alwasy do last min stuff and work,.. sort of grew immune to last min descion and cahnges...
i did one silly thing.. i tear a parking coupon for mid nighte parking... damn.. wasted one buck...
the most fun tihng over the weekedn is i tink i step on a snail ...NOT purposely one lar.... and GOT FREE TUMBERSSS!!!.............. my aunite insinct coming out liao!!! FREE!!!!engine fac only.... sorry to u ppl at arts and scinece... too bad... hahaha enignie rulesss .free stuff!!!i din get the water bottle last time.. althought i really wanted it.. but i got a free eng file on engine day!!!!
got any free one or not? just give mi lar!! hahahhaa
anyway i got it liao!!!!!!!!111 RED color one!! i was the 13 in the Q....the first is a girl lor .. super kaisu... plus i have to re Q for XM cos he was sleeping at home while i came straght to sch from home after going back anf forth xm grandma hoiuse....a bit tired...and sleeepy..
when i was printing out the report fot proejct... one toopid girl agian print like a whole stack of note...kaoz jam up the Q.. print so much for WAT??? u tink u got read one meh?? wah kao!!!!
this is a new week !! a fresh new start...
many tutorial coming.. one more mech project, one more test!!! adn then exam!!!!
all in 3-4 week time!!!!!
Tough time dont last .. tough man do...
with love
1:04 AM
Saturday, March 26, 2005
sheesh !! sleep at 4am wake up to go sch again1!! the bacteria looks promising and grow pretty well intially... towards teh nite, the bacteria grow very very slowly.... wonder wat is wrong... i dont wanna waste the disposable equipment by harvesting the cell..so i abort the cultuation.. left lab at abt 10pm... will ask CB wat is wrong on monday...saw kailing at the busstop.. she seem stressed over her dp too..
tml going back to SCH agian.. for DP project and ADC project... i done up quite a bit on ADC liao.. but XM say sometinh is wrong.. sainz... and teh DP is abt there liao just many bits and peices to be link together into one 8 page report..
alex lost her pet dragon.. so farnie.. she go and maill ppl abt it.. i tink she too free liao
hahahahaabut he dragon look cool lar...
plus next week got test only read up till where a/p loh teach.. haven try tutorial.. i swear i will ace this quiz!!!!
ate macdonald for dinner! so guilty!! FAST food make mi FAT and ALL that siting in front of the computer make mi grow FAT ASS... sain.. got fat tummy... hahahaha sianz..
likethat say... one u hit rock bottom.. there is no way to go but up... i hope i already hit the botoom liao ...
i am going to reward myself if i get thorugh all this shit.. with a shoe hahaha .. din buy one during the adidas sale... tink will buy for my self a converse canvas shoes.. for 54 buck..... a bit ex... but i need a shoe to go gai gai with... that is if i get the change to go gai gai...
how coem got ppl kena lagar by MRT one? y no body go save the poor guy?... so self centre ppl..
no body go help when ppl need help.. sometihng wrong with the society? here we have lasir operation to corect vision problem yet ppl are always trying to turn a blind eye to ppl in need...
WAT is wrong????wat is wrong with my culture? wat is wrong with the society? if i am there , i will go save the poor guy...
who can cahnge all the wrong in today world?
I CAN!!!!
but not today,
i am so tired.. i am going to K.o liao.
with love
11:30 PM
the time now is 0015 am .. i am still at lab.. E5-04-16.. bacteria is still not at max production rate... haiz...NO life!!! to the MAX.. i tho it is suppose to be gd friday? haha bad friday more like it..come to tink of it.. i am really Thankful that i got a family car.. cos i drive to sch.. from experience the bacteria will be realy at abbt 3 am... tehn i will drive home...
today my family order pizza for lunch!!! niCE!! but fattening!!hahaha but heck.... wat's wrong wiht being fat?
so much work to do this weekedn.. design project due.. ADC still waitinf for xm to do his part... and biochem test coming up... i am reading biochem .. taking a break to type this...i brought my jazz CD to teh lab to help mi make it thorught eh nite... haha..jazz rules!!!
heng also got snoopy to chat with mi lar.. tinhk remind mi of the moive by the GTO guy and andy lau... one snoopy for one murder hahaha... tink snoopy also very ke lain.. longing to go home to her comfy home and see her mum.. hee.. soon bah.. after exam one more month.. hang on snoopy... snoopy hang on... ( there is an oldies that go like this)
many ppl still at sch.. i tink mostly chemeng year 4 ppl.. their design project also due soon...
i caught america chooppper again!! my FAV show at the moment... cody is buliing old sch chopper... but i kinda like new age chopper... the low seat hiegt.. classy fenders. large head light , long reach handle bar... and long long long front suspension.. and not sissy bar...i hope to own one such chopper ... haha.. speaking of which i haven even attend my first class 2a bike liccence.. haha sign up for 3 weeks liao..
manage to sqeeze one work out into my day.. just a short one..
Alamak xm just call... tml project meeting!!! time to get busy liao...
with love
12:10 AM
Friday, March 25, 2005
SWinG wItH ME!!
Swing girls TOTalli rock...!!! i liket he movie very much.... very farnie plus i like jazzy pieces of song..... the drummer girl very farnie... kill the boar with her wieght!! whahaha and cause the bike to roll down the slope and use the stomache toner in class.... i recommend!!! 4.5 star!!!!!
i realli need a break from sch.. the movie is just it.. long time never go town walk walk... got many mei nu on a holiday eve... haha.. i smuggle sub way into the cinema with my trusty bag... wahhaah... subway cookies are BEsT!!! hahaha my FAV.. i like!!!
i like to learnt SAXOphone !! any body willingly to teach mi?hahaa i tink it is ery cool... since the batam trip i have grown even fonder of the jazzy sound... so basically the jazz is wat i kinda wanna watch int eh show... hahaaha the girl playing the saxaphone inthe movie is kinda cute.. but i tink the rocker chicks witht he long hair is hte coolest... you xing ge
the next show i wanna watch is madaescar or Be cool...
the ROCk!! my idol.... i like his hairdo... ... SCOrcHing!!! *SLAP ASS*the ROCK

IF u smell lalalalalalalalalalaalalal wat the ROck IS COOkinG!!!!
nice movie
nice food
with love
12:38 AM
Thursday, March 24, 2005
my PHD incharge took my SOlution without tell mi... !!!!!!!!!sob.sob... waaste my time yestreday..anyway i manage to cultuvate one more time lar.... hopefully it will gorwth as expected...
TTODAY the petrol CHEM is very tough lor...more than 50% cannot do... haiz.....
things are still not going well...
i saw an old frined jsut now... ANDY lai aka ah Lai. we took our airborne cos together... he is a navy diver then... he is a commercail diver now..kinda sad for him to leave teh force...
he broke his shin in his SOF training... kinda sad...
he not higly educated and marry super young .. still rem hte toopid thing he ask teh ba pok at changi village... HOW much? hahaahh WAT u DO? hahahhahaa.....all the fun we had back tehn
i misss life back then.. train , sleep , train , sleep and have fun...
watever it is .. i wish him all the best.... got time will ask him out for gathering witht eh divers guys....
with love
6:51 PM
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
SWay With ME
i am realli realli realli sway to the maX....i when back specially to sch at 11pm to preculture my research project... and guess wat? the preculture flask i prepare b4 hand is gone... i pretty sure it is a big headed flask with no marking...now all the flash there got marking...haiz.. wasted 2 hrs to cycle back and forth sch...
unable to preculture means i cant stay over on frioday.. means i have to stay sat nite...
i hate sat nite.. cos it is very lonely and quiet...things just have a way of going wrong for mi!!!!!sheesh.........my weekend is gone!!!! cant watch swing girls...
the trip to sch wasted mi precious 2 hrs.. for there is a test tml..
xm called just now and say sometihng is wrong with our design project.. he seem pretty fussy abt this project..
i skip lecure today to stidy for the test tml.. low productivity....
how come tihngs always dont go well one... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with love
11:35 PM
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
I hate public transport ... A toopid MAT like to lean onto the mrt hand railing ... backboneless creature... and another fat guy like to hold two or more hand rails on hte train......... selfish and inconsiderate ppl........
i tink i am depressed today.... just thinking abt my life in uni..kinda sucky... lousy grade.. i regreted not studying hard for in year 1.. which basically dictate ur placing.. cos the 4 toopid year have equal weightage.... really regret going to cycle at nite... imagine cycling till 1-2 am instead of studying most of the time.... regret....
and also partly becos i am not as smart as the rest of the smart ppl in my fac....who am i to ccompare?.. i just a commoner...and that really sucks...
wendy finally reply the mail.. she say she have no enough time. i tink i am not going to reply her liao...cos i tinik i am a more busy person than her... heck...
i once told someone that teh bestest thing is uni is knowing her...now i evaluate it and comfrim to say that NO FREAKing nice stuff every happen to mi in uni!!!!!!!!! i regret every thing...if given a chance to repeat uni ,i will live it differnetly...
i tink i always put a fake front in front of ppl.. although i appear to be okie.. but actually i am not!!!haiz... okie i better stop whining now....
anyway teddy bear and spencer got attached... gd luck...
kam also attach accodring to his frinedster... wonder who the girll... never hear him say... tink must ROng MO MO (RMM means torturing.. in hte show huan zhu ge ge, the rong mo mo torture zhi wei) him to ask him confess... haha he sledom share his love life one. heehee..
got test
with love
9:28 PM
Monday, March 21, 2005
REdemption!! from the depths of HELL!!
today the day din really start off well... i was at the E2 cluster at 8 am trying to print my project 2.. then there was this toopid idoit who print like a whole stack worth of notes... iwaited for a gd ten minutes before deciding that it is too time comsuming. toopid guy.. print so much for WAT? u got really read meh? waste paper... bloddy hell...
so i procede to the central libray cluster... and guess wat? there is again an Ediot guy who cut my Q... Hullllooo... am i invisible? or i am too small size so u cant notice mi... i bet his mum never teach him how to q up lor... bloody fat bespecticle guy....
neverthe less i mamage to print the project but i got the worng cover page for it.. haiz.. toopid mi... i pay attention for lecture today... well done!! pat pat... apart from my classmate johhnny who like to make obsence faces and sound in lecutre... haah he is really a funny guy... quiet on first impression .. but once u knoe him .. he is a farnie guy..apart from his dirty action and sounds.... haha... i really hope the chui ms will give a test 2... so i can redempt myself for the poor results in test 1.....
anyway i visited my fav huant again... same i did a 100 pulls... took a pic of my blistering hand...
the bar was pretty hot as it was abt noon.. despite teh torn skill fromt he last pull.. i am glad i complete the 100 pull......dehui ask mi for lunch .. but kena rejected cos i wanna visit the pull... haha next time.. sori de hui...
i pass up my dive form to shaw after lunch.. and if u are reading this...shaw if u have problem trying to find motivation for runnin.. i can run with u... i tink it will take 35min ride on my racer to reach ur house..
hahaa gd luck for ur comiing ippt 9.15... 100% and tehn some!!!!
on my way home.. i saw mary. she very nice wor.. she miss 2 183 just to pei mi take 188... tho that as a very sweet gesture.... she use to sit next to mi in sec sch..think she has growth and mature much into a young lady...=)
i was nto very contented with yesterday performance at the run... guess wat? i did the same route and manage to shave off a gd 30 secs.... WOOooHHOOoooo!!!! indeed the mind is the strongest....but still a distance from the best timing i clocked.. contented tho... hee..
i feel like taking up yoga... any takeers? hee
Dive trip!!! antipating leh....
oh yah one body wanna watch swing girls on sat nite?.. tink it iwll be a gd show....
with love
9:12 PM
Sunday, March 20, 2005
HOW to post piC one?
how to freaking post a pic on blog? argh!!so frustrating .... ask my sister... she knows how.. butshe is not at home for the entire weekedn...
i use hte digi cam and take a pic of myself with my new hair do.... haha aiayh actually same as the hair cut i had for batam trip... bro kee say very punkish.... punkish!!!wah lau.. i wanna be BOOkish one leh!!
plus i wont be meeting bro kee soon..so i took a pic of the shoes i bought for him.. wait i knoe how to post pic. i post it up....
hahaa anticipate... leh...
kee shoes

i tink my mental is geting weak.. i went for a run just now... my mind is not thnking abt anytihng..and guess wat? a freaking 10 sec lack from my previous timing...barely reach 80% intensity in training...weakz...no fire!!!.. lack motivation .. lack desire..
where are u ,motivation? come back to mi leh.. dont like that... sobsob..
productivity is low this weekedn.. sad..
got test on thurdays..c lsoe book one.. sadder..
next wweek need to stay over at lab SADDest...
with love
10:21 PM
WinD CHimEs .
qing ming shi jie yu feng feng
lu shan xin ren yu duan hun
jie wen jiu jia he chu you
lu tong yao zi xin hua chun
the news show that ppl are startign to pay respect and remember lost frineds and relatives.
it is kinda heart touching and warming to see ppl remember each other...realli,, i see old ppl walking up hilly terrian on their bad legs and knees which probably tolled in the ages of suffering and hardship. carrying plastic bags or incenses and candles..under the unbearable scorcing heat of the afternoon sun....wonder if i die .. who will come vist my grave hahaha...
but i guess this is life issit it? the joy of new born is balacen with teh sorrow of losing love ones...
teh cycle of live.. beore i lost anyone out there, i swear to be a better person... i will spent more time wiht my family... i tink my sister have been kinda busy at work.. she been neglcting family..
while i have been staying at home most of hte time..hee..if i tink i am lonely now.. when i am old it will be worst..... haiz... perhaps it was better last time when ppl die at abt 30-40 a their peak..
wat is the pt of living to a ripe old age of 100 when u spetn it alone in silence and solitude..
my dad told mi one this story..
cow,horse, dog each have a life span of 40..man only have 20 ..
he was compaining that his life is far too short.. so the animal each gave their life 20 year to man
for teh cow do not wanna toll under the sun for 20 years. the horse and dog simlairly dont wanna suffer fro 20 years..
so 20 plus 20 x 3 = 80
noraml lief span of man is now 80...that is plus pt.. but the catch is this...
for his first 20 year.. man will life a man life..
next 20.. he will live a life of a cow... tolling hard under the sun...
next 20 he will live the life of a horse... gallooing hard and panting for breaht
last 20 be like a dog.. watch over house for his childern and get barked at..
so life is not so easy...need to zhuo nu zhuo ma.. old laio also canot enjoy..
Nobody say life is going to be easy...
" if u live to be a hundred years old, i wanna live to a hundred and minus one day, so i wont have to live a day without u.."
with love
12:23 AM
Saturday, March 19, 2005
finally!! the fire man bike has been bulited on america choppers!!! way cooll.. in memobrance of the 343 fireman who died int he sept 11.... no no.. we haven forgotten abt u heros...
today is telly day.. long time din watch SHi zi lu kou liao... i still like the NO NO .. hahha cos he very farnie one..... YANG GuanG NAN HAI... haha yeah!!.....got fish leong as the festure guest..
... haha
sometihng is amiss today.. din go for my CCA liao .. i jsut QUITTED!!! haha dont knoe rite or wrong... but i feel there is no pt in staying in an organisation where u are totally not appreciated... go there alone come back aone... haha. i still tho cca suppose to give u friends... haha but i tink i i gain nothing there.. and come to tihnk of it.. i took 2.5 sem to realise this.... so to all the ppl at yck i dont like.. hell to u all!!!!!
so just serching for another cca... if it comes it comes....if not i just be nobody in sch..
haha maybe be with lifeguard coups if i can find the time during weekday....or maybe focus on climbing.. cos i really wanna be gd at it..
yah.. wendy did saw the mail but she reply via sms... talk abt differnet level of effort.. sheesh.. bottom line is i am rite on my view on girls.....
thanks AH jie for bring back the 2 shoes yesterday.. wanted to give bro kee the shoes.. earlier so he can use it to play soccer tml... but he din bother to even reply my msg.... u knoe i am veyr particular abt ppl replying to sms.. no reply = cant be bother... he say his work cant use hp... YAH RITe... as if i believe.. so haven given his the shoes... wonder if he is worth it... uscky feeling tho...
with love
6:09 PM
Friday, March 18, 2005
WINDmilllsssss and wind millsssss...
keep seeing wind mills during lecture.... hahaha dont understand? haha taht is get lost in holland lor... toopid lecuture from taiwan uni.. cant teach properly.....haiz...
ADIDAS sale was not so great lor.. very crowded... din buy anything.. sob sob.. got a shoe i like but it was still kinda ex 79 bucks.. anyway.. i manage to drag kam kam along wiht mi... kam is very slack lor.. since he ord.. he never do work. according to him he has been focusing on his computer games and meeting with frineds.. slacker if u ask mi.. haha perhaps this is y he got good PR skills..haha.. i was complaiing to kammy that all the ppl are cheapo .. come sale buy all the stufff so that there is none left for mi..
kam bought a adidas street soccer shoes.. they play eveyr sunday.. which i din join.. cos i have to run, swim and cycle training..plus need to catch up on sch work.we also bough one shoe for kee lor.... his birthyda coming soon.. problem is shd we give him the shoe now? or later? kammy birthdya coming soon too...dotn know wat to buy for him..
very surprisingly i saw my fac ppl there.. a couple to be exact... the girl call yanshan and teh guy name i dont knoe .. hahaa i know guy's name for wat?!?! haha just kidding .. but the guy always doze off in lecture... but i tink he is a very fortunate guy to have a pretty girl like yanshan for his gf.... lucky guy... envyz...
saw Xiao ming also... my sister ex bf.. my sister and xiao ming are working there .. hee...wonder will they be wierd to see each other?.. i dotn knoe .. if u ask mi.. i tink ex cannot be frineds one...
look at janice... i tink she dont bother to even reply my msg... i mean if cant be together can also be gd friends wat... bloody bitchy attitude... i kinda still haate her.. even thought i was the one that suggest we shd not be together... nevertheless i tink i am the more affected one in the ordeal... Lousy bitch... wendy din reply my mial.. same thingy lor .. u cant expect teh same treatment as before... u are just a beloew average frined...accept it... next time if i ever try to make an effort to keep in touch wiht ex gf... remind mi not to even try... girl are like that... if u are not their bf or have nothing to benefit them, they wont even bother... KAOZ ... BITCHES ....
speaking of them i sain 1/2 liao .... alothugh i still pretty much anticipate my dream girl to come along... i am quite dishearten by the actions of wendy and janice..
how come eveyr one just have that special someone to share their day with.. ,even the guy who sleep in lecture.., while i type all those in this toopid blog int he hope that someone will read it... Wu laio lor..... but i know sook nee read it... think she is the second... the first is my AH jie!.. hahaha
i cant wait to wati whose line isist anyway tml and america chopper!! so cool... black window bike ..
black widow bike!!

nice rite? who is willing to buy one of this babe for mi...?
they sound they make? " harley...harley....harley.....harley.....harley....harley." hahaha cold joke....
with love
7:10 PM
Thursday, March 17, 2005
i hate public transport.. today got a bunch of inconsiderate teenage girls played her stylo mili kopi O handphone with mp3 very loudy.. kaos she tink her music very nice..actually her musci is like SHIT lor....fortunate kids.....
bookish!!! hahah the design prof say industry ppl will laugh at us for being bookish.... bookish is cool WAT!!! at least i wanna be bookish... hahahahhaa..
today i went to my fav haunt at sch again... the pull !! i was there alone.. at 3.. it is very quiet at that time... i like it here.. peaceful...i did 100 pull ups until my hand skin peel... i kinda seem to like the painful aftereffect.. maybe it is the endorphines kicking in...but i lke my winter oak...
YET agian i experience effort not equal results... today the tutorial many ppl din do or donthow how to do... the tutorial was supposely the tested topic like 2 week ago.. unfortunately a/p loh kc din set any question on this topic... lucky basturbs( those who din do the tutoiral 3).. so freaking unfair!!!!!! i bet i will have score well if he set question on those... and those who din tutoiral can shaft the test paper up their candy ass!!! and i swear i will die die get an A for this mod...just to make a statemetn...
today episode of simpson so cute... maggie call homer daddie!!!!!so sweeet!!!!
still got no one to acompanyn mi to teh adidas sale.. sad.....
wat the heck ....the weekened is here
with love
7:00 PM
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
patience is a virtue
PatiEnce is WAT i DONt have.. i hate public transport..since lession ended at 5 .3o.. i din wanna waste time sqeezing with ppl on the bus.. went to do project at E2 comp cluster... left sch at 7.30
wait fopr teh TOOPId 188 for 20 mins... plus the Air con is very cold... plus the bus uncle drive like a snail!!!!!!!! GOsh .. i wish i have my bike with mi lor.... cycle home is the best!!!!!i reach home at 8.35..
damnz.... it tink cycle need only 40 mins.... if only i have a place to park my bike at sch without fear of ppl stealing its parts.... there are a lot of cheapo ppl in nus lor.... alvin OCS singlet got stole b4... ppl bike seat kena stunt... jiayan's hp jsut got stolen outside libaray last week..
jiayan seems to haev problem troubling her... her msn nicks is "utterly disappointed, my heard is close and cold..." must be affairs of the heart...i tink... watever is bother her... i hope she is fine...
Finally i manage to get my hysys recycle loop to work..
but ther eis still many problems. sucky... still got test haven study... going to study later...=(
wendy reply to my yesterday mail, so farnie, she mention that most ppl stay over nite at lab for RP..that make mi felt better.. cos i tho i am the few sway one who kena stay overnite project.. she stay hall .. kinda weird .. hhaha but she was nice to offer her bed hahahaa.... tink i will go look for her the next time i stay overnite at labz...
oh yah!! diving trip is comfrim laio going to hadn the from up tml.. heehehe
weekend is coming soon!!!! ADIDAs SALE HERE i come!!! i hope to buy a nice sling bag, then a canvas shoes.. my purple converse shoe is too torn and tattered liao... maybe i can buy groovy a adidas bag.. i still own him one brithday present..... AH jie is working there... hope she chopped a ll the gd stuff for mi...heehehee
no climbing this frday.. going sales....heheee auntie mentality ... pick up cheap goods..WOOHOO
tml need to go collect FREE nus MUG.... FREE gift FRee GIft here i COME!!!!
WHO wanna go with mi to the adidas sale? i dont wanna go alone....
anther project is out!!! sianz.....
with love
9:25 PM
hmm... seems like bloggin is the in thingy .. i shall start one too... maybe an outlet to voice my feeling instead of keeoing them to myself...
seem like there are a lot of work to do nowadays, sleep at 3 am every nites.. daily routine= wake upat 7.30 , go sch , come back late noon, wake up, mug, work outat 11pm, sleep at 3 am again.
i am such a no life creature...
today went to lab at 8.00 to prepare solution to grow my next batch of bacteria to culture.. Research project is so time consumming.
tehn do design project. which i am sucky at... cant seem to get the desired results.. maybe i too toopid liao....time and effort not equal production.. sometimes u just dont produce.. and that make mi grumpy today....
had lesson biochem lecutre at 2... a/p loh kc ask us to do feedback.. i wrote that i was afriad when he start calling ppl during lecutre and tutorial cos normalling i am clueless abt his quesiton...
reach home nap .. miss my daily dose of simpsons... but manage to watch boollis and theif...lame but still watch...haha
i meet shaw ray today, my cdo buddy.. make mi miss the days when i was back at camp... anyway we plan to go diving together.... he is going take his advance dive while i going for leisure
zm and jianhao also going... i likethe calm sea at nite and the serenity for it soothes mi unliket he busy uni...
speaking of which, i realise i am not the only onethat resent the uni life.. i manage to tok to a pretty girl in year 4 chem eng ying ying during poster day, apparently she also cant stand life in uni ..
she seems to mi is the person who have every thing in life.. got the brains, got the looks , got the $$, got the figure... haiz.. life preety unfair.
i din manage to speak to wendy and mindy.. they were there but after i finish my conversatin with yingying. they are no where to be found..
out of gd will, i e mial wendy to see how she was doing.... she also having a busy time with her design... hope she has better luck with her design.just reply her mial hee
then i also manange to get sook nee msn.. she pass mi my ls 123 cert today..guess i own her one treat.. she keep calling mi lao ren jia... haha in return i call her prawn head.. miss the pool so much...
din swim as much as i used to .. wonder can i still swim as fast?...
as usual work out at 1100pm. not in very high mood.. only did 100 sit up and 50 pull up with 10 kg weights.. getting fat liao =(
with love
12:10 AM