Sunday, March 20, 2005
HOW to post piC one?
how to freaking post a pic on blog? argh!!so frustrating .... ask my sister... she knows how.. butshe is not at home for the entire weekedn...
i use hte digi cam and take a pic of myself with my new hair do.... haha aiayh actually same as the hair cut i had for batam trip... bro kee say very punkish.... punkish!!!wah lau.. i wanna be BOOkish one leh!!
plus i wont be meeting bro kee i took a pic of the shoes i bought for him.. wait i knoe how to post pic. i post it up....
hahaa anticipate... leh...
kee shoes

i tink my mental is geting weak.. i went for a run just now... my mind is not thnking abt anytihng..and guess wat? a freaking 10 sec lack from my previous timing...barely reach 80% intensity in fire!!!.. lack motivation .. lack desire..
where are u ,motivation? come back to mi leh.. dont like that... sobsob..
productivity is low this weekedn.. sad..
got test on thurdays..c lsoe book one.. sadder..
next wweek need to stay over at lab SADDest...
with love
10:21 PM