Saturday, April 30, 2005
i wanna be a shaman KInG
DAMN DAmn Damn Damn Damn X 1000000000000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!
as i was watch america chopper yesterday , i suddenly tho of the solution i was not sure for teh exam yestreday... it is one of those things when u sudden tho of the the idea... i was not even thinking hard of teh answer since it is over.. but teh answer jsut appear in my head .. proooff!!!! just like htat... i tink it will cost mi abt 7-8 marks... haiz..
i din have much time to think abt the question in hte exam .. time constraint .. abt 8mins .. i just jotted down wat every came to my head... DAmn...
the one thing i hate most is Mistake like this... not that u dont dont.. but lack of time to thnik... just hope it wont cost mi much... haiz....DAMNZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz.....
anyway i decided to slack yesterday. i watch inuyasha and shaman king... haha it is quite cool.. any one have VCD to lent mi..? hahah
apprenly inuyasha is a girlie love story... seems action pack till now... until the story become too girlie. i will still watch it..
and shaman king really rocks... haha
my sister mention abt ni ni the other day.. cos i saw her on the bus... little did i knoe she got no parents wor.. so sad issit it? haiz... no wonder when i look at her.. she seem to have this expressison of something is amiss.. she seem quiet and mild most of teh time.. i tink maybe life have been harsher on her.. now to think of it, all the insignificant stuff like results, grades, frineds, relation , watever toopid thing u can think of dont really matter...
come to tink of it... hey
things could be much much worst.....rite?
toopid norm... toopid society... dou shi se hui de cuo.. hahaha..
hey i recieve an interseting e mial.. having a subjest of "a personal messenge from hulk hogan" saying u ask for one more match... well i giving it to u.. sign hulk hogan... hahaa
cool leh..can see him back in action.. yeah yeah
with love
11:11 AM
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
LOnely no more
just saw the mtv by rob thomas lonely no more.. way cool... rob thomas look very cool int eh mtv... hahaaa.i like his looks...
spent whole day at the librayr today again.. i ask yi li on some biochem question and she very helpful wor... got back to mi once she got the answer... come to tink of it.. very farnie.. cos i sure we went for teh same windsurfing cos at year 1 but i din really kone her until this sem while mugging at the libray.
she got a really cute laughter i tink.. haha she speaks with a accent despite her being malaysian.. soonhui say maybe becos of her SEP at canada.. sound cool lar...
i am going to write wendy a birthday card .. boguth few weeks ago.. her birthdya is 30 april.. i guess i counted very got heart liao ... she din even wish mi happy birthyda on my birthdya wor.. crap huh...
but i wont degrade into such losuy attitude of theirs.. the goal is to be a nice perosn... althought i am already a very nice person liao... hahahaha
going to sleep early
tml going to mug at librayr again
with love
11:04 PM
Monday, April 25, 2005
bonked out!!
since the next paper is friday.. i decided to take the time out to exercise a bit.. all the hours speent at the library is not helping mi.. accumulating fat in my ASSsss... hahaha..
anyway the plan was to cycle for abt 30km then go for a 12km run...but then something happen...
too competitive..
when i stop at the traffic light in my road bike. anohter blue road biek came along..we say hi... a sort of common gesture for riders to identify each other... when te light turn green.. i push away.. accelerting... haha..
i won the dude by a mile.. the road was uphill somemore.. very happy of my leg power.. but teh sad thingy is the "friednly" competition took a lot of out mi... i bonked out...
i got the stitch and blury vission.... maybe push a bit too hard... but none the less i got back home in one peice.. forgo ing the 12km run...
dont knoe gd or bad.. hehehe
maybe it is not a fair test.. it was kinda darkk i cannot see the drive train on his bike.. for i knoe my bike drive train is very gd.. competition material.. haha
who cares..
i won =P...
with love
10:32 PM
hmm.. exam start today..but having sleepless nite... kinda getting bored of the topic.. liao.. get it over and done with... as usual can do some... some unsure... but it is over... hahaha... eveyr body has their cheat sheet... cramp with little words... the most extreme is xiye and xindi.. borught along mircoscope lor... hahhaa incredible...
the paper last for 2.5 hr.. got a tooopid guy sat beside mi and he slept... and i swaer he was drooling lor... damnz.. disgusting fellow.. he the one a bit balding one.. looks kinda old... probality too stress liao... hehehee... the other side is better. yanshan sat beside.. hahaha but i dont knoe her..
okie next paper is in three day time.. i can go work out today.. burn all the fat always... body fat is still high.....
time for simpson...
with love
5:44 PM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
fallen in LOVE
woohoo!! i have found somethgin i like!!! there is this dinner jazz on class 95.. veryday at 7.30 and 8.10pm ... car tunes by jean danker..really really nice... give mi the relaxed mood.... damnz.. i like jazz....
GD NEW.. my cousin wife given birth to a baby... dont knoe boy or girl ... haha add on to the already many nieces and newphew.. i tink they are 15 of them... so during chinese new year will be like kindergarten..
hahahaa babies are cutes. i like babies.... woooHOoo..
stay libray and mug .. productive..
snoopy had her exam today liao
mine is in 3 more days... panicz....
oh yha kammy gf name is jaslyn..
kammy jio mi to watch movie today.. but i having exam wor.. toopid... go wiht jaslyn wor... make mi jealous only... =(
To be happy is to able to watch movie while eating subway that is smuggled in..
cheap thrill
with love
11:00 PM
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
HAPPY birthay kammY!!!
WOOooohHHOOOOooooooo.. kammy birthdya today wor.... we bought him an okaley shades cost 278 wor...poor liao.. hahaa.. real sorry to have to make kee hunt for the present.. suppose to my job one.. since i am the one who suggested it.. cos hor kam every time wear his pair of pasam malam shades... look veyr cock.. so decided to get him a presantable pair...
yah since kee bought the present.. i can spnet slight more time to revise todya.. 3 hrs to be exact..
the place we had dinner is essential and brew at holland V.. never been there b4.. need to take off shoe one.. hahaa .. heng the place got no werid stench.. ahhahaa... been the first time there.. we blur ly just walk in never take off shoe.. hahaha.. heY.. it our first time mah... dont laugh.. hehee
anyway kam surpirxe us.. by bring his GF to laing xiang...his gf is kinda nice.. a bit shy initially wor.. she look nice with her make up.. she is kinda tall at 1.71 m .hahaha we sort of manage to get her height.. hmm.... hhaha think will get to see more of her... the wierd thingy is that she is 82 year one.. but she just grad from poly.. weird huh? wonder wat her story.. and she can write with both rigth hand and left hand... cool huh...
anyway the place is kinda a lazy place for lazy bones .. the essential and brew have no chair only cushion.. haha ..the waiteress is kinda slow in servie too.. but since it is a girl we gave it to her lar... she got this cool wat of shruggging off responsiblilty by saying
" oh!! they haven bring it?"
" can i have some chilli and tar tar source to go with the food?"
5 mins
10 min
20 min
" excuse mi can i have my chilli sauce?"
" OH!! they havent bring it?"
haha how irrespionsible... hahaha
but it is a gd way to shrug off responsiblilty... heehehe
anywaya teh place is nice enough to give us a FREE apple strudle , dont knoe how to speel the thingy ...FREE leh.. auntie instinct!!! woohoo...
i wana get high lighter and rubber for holland V .. aparently they dont sell wor.. no stationay shop....
come to tink of it.. now dingy is attached... so is kee... so is kammy... only left mi and jack....wonder when will my come along? seems to mi like it is going to take veyr long long time.. sainz...hahaha.. so i very happy for kammy... he stillhave time to pei mi see swing girls wor..hahaa...i itnk next time no one pei mi watch movie liao.. all got gf to acompany... sobsob.
seee soon say i was very chatty today.. i mean come one lor.. i only chatty to ppl i tink are nice one wor.. or i am comfortable with... see soon is one of the better ppl at chem eng wor.. infact one of the very few... he alwya is helpful.. and he taught mi a few things abt climbing too... his a great friend wor.. although we are not really close but i tink he is gd enought to be a gd worthy friedn.. unlike most ppl i knoe... if i am chatty with u.. means i am comforatble with u
if not... means u are screwd... u are in my bad books.. hahaha or i cant be bother with u ... =P
exam period.. very bored... stay at librayr to mug.. the toopid hong jia also mug at library... i hate seeing him.. sheesh.. the fat haven clot up ur arteries? damn...
now i will end my blog with words of wisdom or happy moments as part of the be-happy plan( newly implemmented to make mi happy one)
"knowing is the easy part... saying out loud is the hardest part..."
To be happy is to knoe that ur frined found happiness in his GF ater many years of loniness..
headahce now.. going to watch WWE before sleeping..
with love
10:40 PM
Sunday, April 17, 2005
rem winnie hahahah..finally got a pic of winnie.. XM sent to me to cheer mi up one.. WINn

winnie drinking teh.. haha
very cute hor...hahaha taken while doing mech E2 comp cluster

with love
11:51 AM
Friday, April 15, 2005
dont kneo wat the word mean?
"Of, characterized by, or generating hallucinations, distortions of perception, altered states of awareness, and occasionally states resembling psychosis"
derailed or loss focus..
yes, i admit i was being overly upset by trival things that dont hold much impt.. but it is just disappointing to have put in so much adn get back so little in return...
i know i have fallen once or twice or maybe a few times.. none off them have keep mi down .. i got to keep moving on..
it is kinda farnie htat i watch telly the whole day today.. trying to cheer myslef up.. noramally i will go for a long run, a spin on my bike or a swim.. but i watch the serial huo xia qu... poor kidney patients spent 2-3 hrs a day for "daily"sis how they afford to find the time to do other things? then also cannot drink too much... that translates into cannot do sports.. cannot do many tihngs..
come to think of it , i am so fortunate.. i mean i am bless wiht gd health.. maybe no so gd looks.. not so gd eyesight..
althought i try to walk by faith and no by sight..
now i think i realise y many ppl need religon.. cos they are lost in the materialsitic pursue instead of the really impt things in life.. i tink this is wat many religon preaches.. regradless of wat kind..
very sad lar.. in the serial, the liang yi die..
wo shi ge lu miang,( i am a gangster)
ru gou wo shi le ( if i die)
wo de sheng, yi ge gei ni, yi ge ge wo de ah ma( my kidneys, one give you and one give my ah ma)
then there was jiao dian... show cases AIDS one.. got one grad... kena aids... i mean his future is gone liao lor.. just like that... last time divison 3 RSM told this story to both men and commander.. there was a guy.. in this unit.. kena HIV.. the senior commanders are plannig to charge him... but he say. 'God have already given him a death sentence, why be so cruel to charge him agian'
although he alwyas catch mi for wearing inner shirt, i kinda repsect him for his statement..
there was the usually america chopper... my fav show at the moment.. watch liao very ahppy... temperary only before i get knock back to reality...
i am so busy.. doubt i will have time to buy kammy present... ask kee for help.. but he dontknoewa tto buy.. hope i can find some time on wed to buy present...
dingy still at lab.. dingy ask mi to find GOD.. hahahaha it is so farnie.. last i am the one going to church asking him to come a long.. now it is the other way.. this is not the worst tho.. the worst is from frankie.. he told mi this which never make my life quite the same
" it was u and wen xiang who borught mi to christ, now it saddens mi to see u no longer in his light"
yes.. y ? if so great is the light? y are things not going my way..and bad things keep happening? dont tell mi this is a test from GOd..i rather take eveyr thing in my own hands....
maybe i am rite?
maybe i am wrong?
i dont knoe..
it is kena farnie that i got to knoe winnie this sem more ..never tho i would find his presence so amusing.. he is really a joker ... he seem sad but not as sad as mi.. but none theless i wish him all the best with watever problem he is facing...
everyone got their sets of problems...
with love
11:03 PM
Thursday, April 14, 2005
earth quake and volcanic activty..
sucks disaster alwalys happen together one.. baerly got over the last low grades, here comes another... the lecutrer din gave mi the 10 marks i deserve.. althought the working and answer are the same.. he say i din demostrate understanding... sheesh... got such thing one meh? just one step... cos mi FREAKing 10 marks.. 20 % leh.. suppose to be 44/50 now become 34/50... and given the effort i study... and done all the past year papaer... this is so not fair...i tore the tes paper and threw it in the bin.. although i hope i could do this in rfont of the lecturer...
if there is a GOD in this world... i just wanna say thanks for making my life so mierable... i wanna meet him in person adn gave him a whoop aSS and bash him up.. before selling my soul to the devil...
eveyr body just like to screw mi.. little mistake cost something .. many small mistake will eventually cos mi to get kick out of uni if this dont stop..
the lecutre always say GAO BU SHENG HAN.. u are so high in ur position.. dont u feel cold? pls dont make my world cold too... isint it suppose to be filled with warmth... where is sunshine? and warmth?... maybe the flames of hell will provide mi with the warmth i so much needed...
i now mock at the M.O.E advertisitment.. showing how big is classroom .. showing all the interestinf and inspirating monments.. i bet they get sued for fake advertising. for u and i knoe education is not liket this....
another hit like this i think i cant take it any more... i tink i am really not cut to an undergrad.... pls dont screw mi no more....
maybe Snoopy and XL msg did make my day slighly better.. thanks to u both lar..
anyone help mi pls?
nah screw u....
satan ...
with love
4:19 PM
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Happy Birthday winnie!!
woo hoo!! the bear was pass to winnie during lecuter today,, the wholelecture was laughing at the sight lor a cute yellow winnie... heehee.. even the lecture laugh too.. hahaha think winnie really liket eh present...
today is a bad and grumpy day.. so many bad things happen lor... for example the test which i study very hard for... i got short changed of marks.. tml i am oging to go to sch to ask the lecutere why i got marked wrong... damn...unfair...why my lucks is always this lousy?
ppl always get teh good deal.. like my classmate going exon for i.a .. i bet with my grades i wont even qualify for interview. lousy grading system..haiz... sucha loser....
there is this guy call hong jia in my lecture.. i swear i so hate his guts and behaviour... such a show off.. he try to show off once again in lecute.. but his anwaser was not so coreet... sureve u rite jabroni!! hope u die earlier.... may all ur fat choke up ur arteries....
i am not mr nice guy... i will end up in hell one of this days... but heck... i din wish to an an angel.. either way i am both miserable....
eveyrone got 24 hrs.. why i seem to have unacheive many things? wat am i missing? passion ? commintemt? brain? or hard work? i tink i lack brains.. pea brain ming...
homer has a pea brain but he is happy... i have a pea brain yet unhappy... argh...
hope something nice will ahppen for a change..=(
with love
10:49 PM
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
hua pan ZI...( drawing of agar plates.)
i been hau pan ZI-ing the whole day for my reserach project.. miss heat integration tutorial.. which i tink is useful.. haiz... hope the bacteria is not contaminated .
i hate public transport again.. ppl just like to stand at the door and dont move in.. talk abt high standard of living? and high education level...simple thing like moving in also cannot do meh? idoit... desperately need a place in sch to park my bike.. any takers? willing to pay for parking...
it is kinda sad.. ppl are so self centre and selfish.. maybe that is why i like the army.. cos ppl work together ... instead of against each other... i mean 2 ful platoon can squeeze into a 3 tonner lor.. i am such a person that will help another fellow soldier in need instead of turning a blind eye... but in uni.. i have learn to be selfish... ppl more ppl die better cos then u will emerge victorious.. i knoen many selfish ppl lor.. always say " i din study" but int he end get top marks... haha
really so smart meh? smart at bluff ppl issit? i guess eveyr one have their fair shar of down time lar...i really hate fako ppl..
that is the reason why ur primary and secondary sch frineds are the closest.. true blue.....
anyway i walk home form mrt today.. walk pass teh sch agian.. so cute the kids..
" yuan yuan jiu ke yi kai dao ni le" i heard one kid told his mummy in his cute unbroken raspy voice with a tone of innocent and delight...
it is so funny cos i see parents come in big cars. bicycle, some walk.. u see as kids they dont ask for much... no matter wat their parents own, rich or poor, successful or not they dont really care... for the kids know who really love them..
but look wat teh price of progress have brought us? ppl get discontented over littel things like useless things test grades... i am one of them lor.. how did i become so unfocus leh... last time a simple packet of chickadee and shen bao( ice bag) would make mi happy.. now not even the greatest amt of material possession will make mi happy.. how sad....perhaps ppl in the olden days understand values and roots more than us todya.. perhaps that is why they are more happy.... really! 'zi zhu chang le.' that is to be happy is to be contented....
but sadly hor, some older generation get upset over the demand of today world.. i mean like those old folk who cant get a job cos of low education? like my ah yi who is sort of replace becos she dinhave 3 o level .. cos she was affected by some switch int he education system..they always say will take care of everyone.. but why are those successful ppl benefiting most of the time.. while we just be commoner and listen and do.... without having a soul and mind of our own?.. altought those aborginal ppl donthave a lot but i guess they are happy dancing to the fire at nite and happy at the sight of rain...maybe too extreme.. i bet the ppl who stay at ubin are a happy bunch... if the governemtn do not try to change the place... sheesh !!wat it is witht his impreovement shit...huh?
maybe i took every single thing for granted? yah i am spolited and pamper.... and there is nothing u can do abt it...
anyway i bought new socks today.. ahah just though of buying someting for myself... still rem last time seconday sch days, ppl liket to wear branded socks to sch... ahaha i only wear normal pasar malam socks.. but i rem my sister got a nike socks.. if i am lucky i will happen to pick the nike sock from teh socks basket..
then my sister will complain.. " mummy how come ah di waer my socks again?" ahahaha
lent mi a while lar..... show ppl i have branded socks too... so childish rite?
hey i wronged XL .. she din rpely but she drop mi a gd day msg... thanks yah... but i ran out of msg to sent her.. waiting for ppl to sent mi those cute msgs then froward her... heehee
with love
7:08 PM
Monday, April 11, 2005
There's a bear in my LOCKER!!!
toopid!!!just now got internal error toopid server.. type just now one all disaapper..=(
anyway i try to wirte all again.. there is a winnie the pooh bear in my locker.. hee hee it is a pesent for my class mate .. his nickname is winnie.. haah got story behinf it one.. hehe
anyway i wnet out shopping yesterday, i bought present and many card..
i bough a incredible vcd for jason.. when i was wrapping the present , i realise his birhday is the 6 not the 16.. toopid mi... blur like sotong.. argh... i tho of hand deliver... but i nto familar with woodland area.. so intead i sent via speed post..cost a freaking 10 bucks abt 6/7 of the price oft he present.. sainz..
i din manage to buy an oakley shade for kammy.. cos kammy fav color is red and white she super poser one lor.. ahahah anyway the sale girl say red frame oakleys are out of prodcution liao.. so i ask bro kee to come along next time..
i din eat dinner on time agina.. cos i was alone inthe lab.. i left the lab at abt 945pm.. tink the lab becoming my office liao.. haahhaa.. have a super late dinenr or supper? watever u call it.. manage to do a few pull ups before dinner. my only exercise for teh day..
i concluded it is very veyr hard for one to remian friend with ur ex. i told some one off yestreday... for she reply a one word answer.. i mean why do we promise to keep in touch to be frined while i am the only one msging all the time.. it take 2 hand to clap lor.. dont treat mi like a idiot lor.. i dont tink i ever going to msg that girl any more.. i mean if u sincerely wanna be frineds or remain as frineds, u will make effort to keep in touch one mah. guy and girl can only be couple meh? cannot just remian as frined meh? is my thingk screwed or is the world screwed? din i mention in my previous posting not to make effort to keep in touch? why am i making the same mistake? cos ihave feeling lor.. althoug h i dont alwyas show it.. but i feel it lor... i mean it is so hard to forget once u have experince love bah.. amybe it is not love jsut some liking or inflautation.. i mean cant be so hearltess one rite? or can they? sheesh... if this is the case i so so so regret fallen for her.. damnz...
ppl come and go lor.. if u dont have anyting they want they wont even bother with u... realistic girls...well it just sucks...
shi wo meng gai bain liao shi jie?
hai shi shi jie gai bain le wo he ni?
XL din reply my msg.. another example... haiz...sad...
tml going to be a long day at lab..
so busy and hard to find time to workout..
i miss my bike =(
with love
11:28 PM
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Growth kinectic!!
the bacteria took at whole 35 hrs to growth... since friday.. that means i was at lab till sat nite.. wah kao..!!.. actaully the sat morning at abt 10 i went home to wash up and catch some sleep inthe bus ride home.. sleep for like 2 hrs before goiing back lab again...still have to plot the graph... a bit tired so din plot..
next week still need to go lab.. for 3 consective day.. but having the growth kinectic means i can agar agar knoe when the time to harvest and conduct experiment.. and planb such tat i only work in the day and nite can go back home to ZZzz..
i caught amerieran chopper.. now they are builting a comahcne bike.. kinda cool...
i also did some tutoial while i was at lab..
Snoopy did a very sweet thingy this weekend. she gave mi a badge and card to sort of cheer mi up over the poor grades and long lab hours.. she is very si xing one.. she got teh eyes for the slightest of detials.. rem last timw when i was still with nus life ggurad corp, she worte for every one on the last day of our session..
either she veyr got heart or she too free lar...
anyway she lent mi the Rundown DVD plus a host of other shows... the rock is soooo cool... option A and option B... way Cool!!
after i came home from lab , i watch shi zhi lu kuo and the rundown..celest chong got team up with NONO haha.. i mean NONO not bad mah.. how come the celest so fussy.
i din feel like sleeping tho i was tired.. bro kee mention he was hungry.. so i drove and round up the gang for supper.. since i the one with the car..
only had a lychee drink.. the supper place remind mi of the time we cycle then hve supper there when alvin was still ard .. haha..crazy cyclist
oh yah. the toopid xiao zhen play a prank on me leh.. the morning i went home from lab, i receive a msg from her.. she say it was urgent adn she need to tok to mi.. then i call the number, but the number is some sleazy girl toking lor.. toopid xiao zhen.. fake mi.. sobsob..
i got a call form jason mummy... jason is the kid i mention.. but then i din told his mummy i quite the CCA liao.. hard to kai kou. if i just walk away like very irresponsible.. if i stay i dont like the ppl in the CCA, delimna wor..anywya jason brithday coming. tink can buy him the increbles vcd.hope he will not become more voilent but more guai.. heehee
going on a shopping sphree soon.. need to buy many presnt and gifts.. shd i play soccer? or go run? which is better?
with love
11:03 AM
Friday, April 08, 2005
just another day at the lab?
din write blog for 2 day.. cos was too sad over the porr grades.. complainged to snoopy, jiayan and surpirsingly, XL too.
anyway i tink i gotten over the poor grades liao. or so i hope..i mean it is not my fault rite? i did study for it and try my best... i mean studying is not really my cup of tea... but i realise tat it need to be done.. the bottom line is i get things done when things need to be done.. i dont mind buring mid nite oil or scraficiing weekend to get things done... i knoe there are tonnes of work to do .. i scarifice a lot of things that i hold dear to for the sch work.. maybe i not so smart need more time to get things done.. but i still get it done... i knoe my parents are worrying over mi.. i mean i have grown up in some way or another, i tink this is responsiblity bah.. i can go play pool , wathc moive, pak tok, cyling but i choose shc work over it...not becos i like it but becos they need to be done... so dont worry abt MI!!! i hate ppl worrying abt is kinda farnie . they will worry abt mi then i will owrry abt them worrying abt mi. then all the more they worry and all the more i worry.. i mean all right already.. there is not much i can do lor.. just study harder for the exams...
i sort of sent XL a gd nite sms.. then the morning she replied , i told her i wasnt feeling too well over hte poor grades.. in one way i was happy receiving msgs from her ... in one way i was really sad.. i tink i have gd image and gd feeling for her bah... kinda disappointed when she din reply my last msg.. but heck.. i am the DAO one remember?hahahaha
today suppose to be climbing day leh.. but i am at lab running experiment..alone!!
isolation ... i tink not every body can take such kind of isolation.. less for someone wiht a loner type of attitude..
it really is not so bad.. i mean despite then long sleepless lonely nite and hours..
i mean i cant complain since i choosen it.. just take it as a test of character and strenght.. i learn that during my army days.. training and tekaning are meant to break u down.. the more u get bother by it.. the more likely u will ring the bell..
beside CB is a nice guy.. and a.p Loh kc. is a great lecuterer lab officer mdm chow pek is an awfully nice lady lor..
mdm chow pek, i wore cover shoes to lab wor.. heehee
there are 3 idols in chem engineering.. The 3 chem engine idol are no 1 prof lee jim yang, second, a/p loh KC, thirdly laksa!!..all are my chem eng idol....
the harry pottter lecuter can take his petrol text and shaft it up his candyass...bascally u suck...
today is the best.. apc lecuterer last min wanna extend lecutree by 1 hr wihtout first infroming us...come on.. at least tell mi b4 hand mah.. so late min... my bacteria are waiting for mi in the lab leh...
lab issit so bad.. but the worst thing is opposite my lab.. a fellow classmate whom i kinda hate is working there... jui hu kia...( johor kid) just dont like him...
i tink there are 2 things i dont like abt him... his left face and his right face....
red force.. if not for the water u are giving us..hell with u...
wo meng he de shui shi gan jin de..
ni meng he de shui shi ang chang de....
yeah rite!!
anyway america chopper is delay becos of the pope passing away. he so fantastic meh? he din help mi lor... anyway the america chopper is going to show at 2 am.. woohoo.. if papa allow mi to buy a bike it will be so convievne lor... can ride to lab then can go back home to sleep.. dont need stay over nite so long.. but then again parents are all risk advert ppl...
i only ate egg tart for dinner .. cos i really dont liket he feeling of eating alone at the canteen.. so lonely...sorry body.. i knoe my body can take temenous amt of abuse but unneccessary one like this ..i tink it is not wise.. sorry body.. dont fail mi..
for the fat % issue.. i went for an hour run yesterday.. dedicated rite? haha.
i tink i have grown weak leh.. not as sharp as tough as i was back when i was 18 or 19.. haha.. maybe i gain some wisdom ? just maybe... imagine waking up at 4 am just to to run and mental prep myself for 10 km soc.. haha
those were the days...
i just got to knoe my sister bf is from real estate and they have known each other at zouk... i mean it is a youngters party place but picking up ppl there is kinda farnie for mi.. maybe i cant accept it.. i mean yah lar, the girl dress better, look nicer, are hotter, revealing outfit with mo gui shen chai.. but i mean love base on physical attraction? does it really work? looks ppl say are secondary.. but i tink also need that little bit of look lor.. if looks dont really matter... marie france and all teh cosmetic and yun nan jian fai zhong xin will have gone busted liao lor.. if ur guy/gal do this.. does it alos mean that they will do this again?pick up some one else..thinking "i done it b4 , why not again?"
anyway it it work out it will lor.. if not too bad.. not regrets, they are out to play... cos zouk is a play ground.
the weekedn end need to buy birhday present ..
long blog= stuck in lab or nothing better to do...hahahaa
with love
10:09 PM
Thursday, April 07, 2005
a period of calmness B4 disaster
i knew it... this was coming!!!! i got one of the lowest mark for petrolchemical!!! WAT the HELL!!!! it is a freaking 40%%% ARGH!!!!!!!! gone case liao!!! SCREWED manz...SCREW mark sayes aka HHARRY POTTER.. SCRew the TEST.. SCREW ur F... up belguim accent .. SCREW the Lousy LECTURE NOTESsss...SCREW ur BLODDY tutorial!!!!
DAMN u!!!!!
with love
12:33 AM
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
okie.. it has been comfirm... i am fat!!! i went to take my BMI today and shun bain measure my body fat.. i got a body fat of 17.3%... sad lor... average for guys is 15-18% and for girls is 22-25%.. must be those times i spent mugging at libray.. sit whole day and grow fat!!! sob sob...
okie from today onwards i will follow a strict exercise regime and no more snacking....okie okie..maybe a few chocolates on special occasion wont hurt..give mi 2 months.. i bring down my body fat...
today i spent 2 hrs in the lab preparing bacteria culture.. Y? cos i am staying over at lab this friday and sat lor.. i mean i have chosen this topic and so i cant complain over working long hours at the lab.. hahaa..the thing is i am going to run 10 set of readings.. ahahah hand busy leg messy lor..
anyone read the issue of NTUC lifestlye..there is one article on a couple giving birth to deform baby.. so sad case lor... pls donate to their cause..i mean that is one of the worst thing tat could possibily happen.. u anticipate 9 months for teh joy of parenting.. but inthe end , u only introduce suffering to the child by bring hikm tot he world.. killing him prematurely will be too curel... so u tink u got the worst life and shit int eh world? think again....
well , life is just not fair... teh finger on ur hand is also of unequal length..
anyway STONE COLD back in the WWE!!! woo HOO .. my idol.... hahaha
WHOOP ASssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!
paficer open tml.. feel like watching hahahaha.. but cant!! got project to do.. this two day seem peaceful but it is always liketaht.. a period of calmness before a diasater happens..
it has been almost a year since i broke up with janice. ard this time before study week..dont knoe wat to say.. but i guess tihng could be better or regret tho..
wendy birthday coming too... haiz. that means need to buy 3 present.. one for kam kam one for chilong and one for wendy..
with love
7:08 PM
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
i printed out 8 past year paper and maange to finish tehm all for today biochem test..
but i sleep at 4 am last nite...hehee
i tried my best liao.... tink the paper is veyr easy.... tink most ppl would score.. damn... but anyway i have complete revision for one mod liao...
i watch the wash kidney show channel8 last nite during my study break.. think the purple hair guy quite cool.. haha teh joanne peh also cute lar... hahaha.. but very farnie to see the chen hanwei act spastic.. like mocking those disable ppl...=(
i walk home from mrt was drizzling... i walk past a primary sch.. th sight of many parent fetching their kids.with cars and big brolly make mi seen a lighter sight of life...amist the business, it is wonderful to see teh cute helpless kids looking for their parents. the smile on their face wehn they saw their sweet lor...remind mi of the time where i wanted to be a teacher myself. so i can interact with cute primary sch kiddies.. but ironic thingy is that times really flies lor.. before u realise, u are already in ur early 20 liao... no more happy carefree day liao... full of responsiblity and out of teh comfort of ur parents liao...kinda sad.. but i tink that is life bah...
lets take a break and take a chance to breath and marvel at the stuff that are heart warming...let htere be more nice ppl in the world......
with love
6:59 PM
Sunday, April 03, 2005
iknoe how to post pic liao !!!

a pic of mi.. unshaven... hahaha tsktsk..
my poor hand

this is the pic of my hand after 100 pull at my favourite huant
still post one more pic of kee shoes.. refer back to the last few posting..haha
today i got to knoe XL a little bit better.. she is not sinagporean wor.. how come most of the nice nice girl are not from singapore one? Sook nee also malaysian, XL too..a bit happy to receive sms from her tho...
anyway i cant stand to be indoor over the weekend.. i went to play soccer.. wasnt very tired.. just happen to realise all the kids playing are 18-19 kids. comapre to old man like us.. haha.. wonder how come i suddenly aged so fast...
with the pic function i can post more pic liao.. a pic is worth a thousand words.. hjahaha
yeah yeah yeah..
with love
6:48 PM
Listen to the RYTHm of the falling RAin!!
WOoHOOoo.. today weather is perfect for grumpy bear to hibernate.... hahaha.. taht is wat i did for the whole day... hibernate under my blanket in my comfy bed... wanted to go cycling one but rain water isnit too gd for my bike...
caught shi zi lu kuo on telly .. haha the NO NO is really farnie... haha..i always like watching that show... i also caught miss singapore 2005... but i tink teh girls are not really taht great i tink got better girls out there wont din take part in the competition..hahaha the rebecca looks nice and sweet...too bad she only got 4 runner up.. haiz...Rebecca Lim

look nice rite?hahaa
i am so bored at home.. feel like watching be cool or pacficer .. i like watching movies.. and snacking in cinema.. but it is a activty wat need $$.. haiz... be more thrify bah... workout, swim, cycle and jog all dont need $$ one.. ahahaha..
exam is drawing nearer by the day... a bit worry..
with love
1:07 AM
Saturday, April 02, 2005
April fool?
sleep at 4 am last nite.. trying to do biochem tutorial. made a few toopid mistake.. but nonetheless i got the job done..wanted to go for swim this morning.. but i relaise my swim trunk is a bit old liao.. need to get new one... hahaa. so instead of going to swim. i went librayr to do biochem again.. hahaa... see soon came along.. so had lunch with him... hehe.. he quite a good friend... sorry dehui jio u for lunch next time..hahaha
i forwaard a silly april fool msg to XL but got toopid idiot as reply.. ahahhaa unfrinedly lor...
APC proejct3 return today, i tink we din not a bad job.. the thinking process is correct but eh calulation are wrong.. i am not complainging i am kinda satisfied...
xindi look very sick... ikeep asking xm to askher how she feleing.. haha i tink xm got good feeling for her.. u knoe just those type of girl u like..hahaha..
the heat intergration tutorial is 2 hrs.. i dont realliy liket he tutor.. maybe because he gave mi a hard quiz last time... maybe i din really understandt eh hysys thingy then... but i still dont ilike him...xm is very enthu at the tutorial... think he wanna impress the tutor... haiz...
grovvy went climbign with his french SEP frined and ask mi to come along.. but i dont feel like going.. i tink i wanna watch amercia Chopper and slack for the nite... maybe cycle ard or do a workout...
the increbdibles VCD are out.. i tho of buying one for jason.. the minds kid i taking ccare of... maybe by watch the vcd he can learn a few word... he aint really good in expressing himself ... just a destructive kid... heee..
oh yah.. kee and dingy decided on buying kam a phone.. but i tho maybe we can buy him on oakley shades.. i tink kam will like it lor.. cos he quite poser also one.. hahaa i got one... dingy got one.... kee donthave one and kam donthave one... just nice... get one for both of them....cos abt $250 each..... i tink need to discuss with dingy...
i like weekends.
with love
1:06 AM
Friday, April 01, 2005
BE COol!!!..
WAhLAU.. kam and kee went to watch be cool yesterday!!!.. i wanna watch one... but i was preparing buffer solution yesterday... i tell u buffer solution are hard to preapre.. ( tris base solution at 6.8 ph.) i took ant 2 hrs to prepare a 200ml bottle.. over shot the Ph on the first time... use conc HCL.. the CONc HCL will give smoke when exposeed!! cool..!!!
today i skip petorl lecture.. no pt going since i llost in POLy merisation... toopid harry potter lookalike teacher with begium accent.. how u expect ppl to learn when u teach just 1/2 be quiz... of cos lost lar...
anyway i went to sch 3 hrs earlier before tutorail to do bio chem tutorial... pretty glad that i manange to do 3 questoins... wOOHOO... still got one no time to do... but i think the thnking process is the same one...
i HATE PYY.. he just like to tok and answer question asked by the teacher... he tink he very smart.. but i tink he just liket o apple polish every tutor or lecturer...sheesh... heard during his BMT say he is very disliked in his platoon..... anwyay i dont bother talking to him.. i stay away form ppl i dislike... so HELL to u PYY...
wanted to stay back at library to mug one.. but librayr is very cool.. plus it is very the end i came home to eat dinner cos i am hungry...
tml is friday!! so fast..... shd i go climbing? i din go for 2 week liao....
with love
1:05 AM