Tuesday, May 31, 2005
crap GRADES!!
haiz... resutl were release today!! 2 B 2 C.. i wasnt expecting any C... DAMnZ...
i knoe why one mod is C all thanks to mr harry potter!!!!for making my mid term sucks..
i dont knoe wat is wrong lar... i really studied and put in effort liao still like that...
i am not study material lor... i see some ppl nua like hell then also get gd gd grades..
hwo come? exam luck? the world is not not fair..
it is relly not fair..quote u example.. the ppl next lab have completeed their RP.. i really dont believe they spent more time that mi in the lab..yet they can finish their RP and i am barely 50% throught... it is just not fair... diff prof diff standard..
SCREWED!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!! how come bad luck allways fall on mi one...
anyway iw as saddedn by the resutls.. i went to the chin up bar.. i relasie the bar no longer feel my pain liao.. it is like immune to it liao just like i am immune to the fact that no matter how hard i try.. i still face failure...
just sad..
anyway i went to use hte row machine for a chance.. i did that for a full 4 set till i am dripping sweat.. then i meet kammy and dingy for dinner at china town.. i jsut dont wnnaa spent the bad day alone...
we ent to eat chickren rice, tang yaun.. and finally a root beer to wash down the trouble for todya..
during the meal, weihao was like trying veyr hard to find trouble with mi...ove rhis GF jaslyn..
when i order china apple the other day at jack birthdya ,, he say i EXtra
whne his gf order, he keep quiet
he is veyr defensive of his gf when his GF try to play a fooll....
they say i will get into some arguement with his gf on of these day..
yah u bet i will.... cannot stand yaya payaya ppl...
watch out.. dont tread on my back jabroni!!
kinda sad again huh.. talk abt bortherhoood... becos of a girl, treat mi liket hat..
kinda farnie lor... girl so fantastic meh? maybe i treat brothers more closer than girls bah.. but unfortaunately not many ppl tink like mi...
now kammy speak so highhly of his gf.. next time break laio also like taht wat....
personally.. i dont tink much of this relation.. hahajsut my thought.. no offence
the song is really appropraite like the rain falling on mi!!
when will it be sunny? when will i see my sunshine?
anyway jingy sent the pic for jack birhtyda outing and madagacar movie
jack birhtyda!

jack birhyda 2

can spot the couples or not?
with love
11:09 PM
happy kids = happy mE!
this blog is backdated one day.... monday is kinda busy... been surviving only on 5-6 hrs of sleep lately.. dont knoe why but i just dont wnana sleep.. tho i am tired.
well.. mondya i went lab as usual..then to my fav huant for some pull..then i went for a swim...
guess who i saw at the swimming pool?
tery!! and his new GF lor... they are not swimming lar.. touch here touch there.. tsktsk..
he just broke up with his gf wor.. so fast can find another one liao... how come i cant find one... sobsob..
anyway his ex gf is like older thatn him.. i tink jie di lian very hard to work out..if one or two year still acceptable...
i also saw marko at teh pooll..... so farnie.. so many frineds at the pool.. but yet i felt lonely...
i swam 20 lap then return back to lab...
well... i went to my aunt house to pass jonathan , joey and joel. hte toys i bought at the taka toy fair...
they were like Soo..... sooo.... happy!! that makes mi very happy too...
i tink i am a good uncle huh...
since i miss cycle on sundya.. i went cycling... i cycle form home to ntu to nus then back home.. i pay james, the guy i knoe from diving a visit , chatted a bit..
been a tiring monday...
with love
10:54 PM
Sunday, May 29, 2005
RAining sunday!!
RAining sunday= lazy sunday
ppl say there is no bad weather only weak mind when it comes to training.. i mean i dont totally agree with it lar... kinda toopid to go running or cycling inthe rain rite?.. i hate it when the rain spoilt my sunday..
yah lah
yah lah..
i nua for teh whole sunday can?.. sainz...
i waited for the road to dry.. when it is abt to dry.. i decided i shall go cycle for like 2 hrs... then after i pump the tires, prepare teh drinks, change up, then i relise the odometer no battery...DAMnz!!
ultra sainz.....
i hate this rraining sunday...
with love
10:46 PM
Dont WatcH MADaGAsCAr !!
madagascar is not nice!!!!
i repeat " madagascar is not nice"
i repeat again " madagascar is not nice "
i repeat again one more time " madagascar is not nice"
save ur 8.50 lor.. treat urself to a nice nice meal instead of watching madagascar!!
freaking dissapointing show...heng XL is not free else she sure scold mi for such a crap show. haha
there is toy fair at taka.. my nephew johnathan sort of ask mi to buy him some toy.. cos he knoe i got some gundams at home.. but i tink gundam is too complicated for him to make a nice nice one..
well .. he say he liked justice league and gransazer.( i dont knoe wat the hell is gransazer) some ppl in some silly mask i suppose.. but i know wat is justice league..
anyway i boughg him justice league action figure wor since i promise i will get him something.. i rem when i was young i always like action figures.. hahaha..
but since he has a younger bro and sister it wont be fair if i bought only for him..
so i bought another justice league superman figure for his bro joel... joel is kinda naughty one... haha.... and i am not familiar with girlie toys... but i bought a powerpuff girl for joey...hope they will like it when i pass it to them...
i havent been to town on a sat afternoon for a long long time.. it is pretty crowded..
jack treated us steamboat dinner.. erm.. like i anticipated. it is not really as fun witht he couple gang liao.. the whole ball game just changed lor.. last time we can play a fool and public nusanice .. but now.. when we are walking, i make a conscious effort to not go too close to them in case they are talking sweet nothings.. all the hugging and kissing and wat crap... haha..but hor.. i cant help and wonder.. now u all ( the couples) are so close.. wat if break up liao? haha okie.. i not that bad lar... hahaaha anyway i dont tink we hang out later than midnight cos the girls have to go home one..
i dont like outing with gang liao..too couplely liao...
nowaday my mummy been stressing mi too... got Gf or not? bring her home for dinner lar... as if it was so easy to find one !!
i had a damn weird dream.. it been ages since i dreamed. i dream abt some person bike crash..and i went to help the guy.. so weird.... wonder got implication one or not?
hahaha superstitous.
HEY the singapore sale is here.... maybe i can take the chance to buy my converse shoe and the rudy projcet shades i always wanted...
today is training and slack at home day!!
with love
8:56 AM
Saturday, May 28, 2005
MADaGascaR ?
today is a normal day for mi lor.. i have bougth jack brihyda card yesterday.. went to look at some stone cold shirt but donthave.. sobsob.. anyway. jack is going to treat us tml....outing with the couples again.. sainz
i watch shaman king and inyusha as usual .. woke up early to go my fav huant..stay there for 1 hrs.. tehn go lab...i din swim... cos a bit sluggish.. haha
hey!! i very happy to have generated my first 2 d gel...happy wor.. althought the gel canot be use.. but i am still happy..
today at lab, wendy say hi on msn lor... first time ever... she kinda kapo one lor.. wanna verify the rumors she heard abt mi in chem eng.. wu liao.. ur rumor is not true lar..... anyway.. i share with her such stuff wehn she ask lor.. cos i treated her more that a frined lar.. but she simply dont derseve it lar.. i told her she bu ke kao one... y am i so soft hearted everytime.? when will i learn that some ppl are jsut heartless one..? all that happen int he pass seem nothing to them? how can they jsut pretend and fake their way through? sucky crap!!
came home and watch simpson.. tehn america chopper .. then inyusha agian then shaman king.. i am a tv addict lor..
tml meeting huiling for coffee since she gave mi a koala.. aha she is going to show mi her grad trip pic...
i ask XL for movie.. but she is not free!! how disappointing lor... sobsob..she ask mi to go support her at her workingplace.. but i dont like my friedn to serve mi lor.. not nice. just not nice...
anyway teh dive ppl have beening adding each other unto msn lor.. quite cool to keep in touch.. hehe
i din go climbing today.. but i will definately be going next week...
it is just a dissapointing day today..=(
with love
1:11 AM
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
woohoo!!! i am back from my diving trip!! i had so much fun!!.. had fun with SHAW , KErmit, Zhengmin!! and i made a few frineds, jai qi,huixian,joanna, yongquan,JAmES, huiling AKA slug,joshua, johnson, david, jane and many many moe lar... and i got to knoe lihui better... din knoe she is so blur and cute one lar
haha.... she was my diving buddy for this trip... nice knowing her lar... heehee..
anyway. the trip is so fun.. i will post the link to the dive pics later..
hehee..i am totally relaxed lor.. the long boat ride seem to take mi awsy from my hectic sechdule..
the shore breeze seeem to blow all my worries and sorrow away .. haha.. there was a time during exam period where i tink eating meals is a waste of time..but at there i was wasting time like nobodybusiness and i kinda like that...heehee..
i wanna go diving soon agian!! heeheh
as soon as i reach home on sunday, i went for my niece full month!! she is very cute wor!!!!! and saw the rest of my nephew and niece.. they are all veyr cute... one of this day i am going to take a pic of them all!! hahaha .. kids are so cute lar..
the following day is vesak day hoiliday .. i am suppose to go to lab to do my experiment , but i still in ba long long mood... and brother kee is celebratiing his Bday .. we went swensen at suntec.. suntec got many new eating places...we gave him his presetn adn i knew instantyl he liked it.. hehehe .. i went with jack... together.. somehow we feel a bit isolated cos the rest of them are couples liao...
kam and jaclyn. dingy and jingy, kee and alexis.. left mi and jack.... when jack left
i felt kinda EXtra!! haha anyway...
i got a suprise visitor at the lab the following day!! huiling came visit wor and she gave mi a gift out of the blue.. she just came back from aust for her grad trip...
she is a gd frined.. most helpful one... she gave mi a koala
koalawith nogart

cute rite? heehhee i was joking telling her to get mi a joey when she is at australia but she really buy mi sometihng.. hahaa
thanks wOR!!
anyway i realise some of the ppl i dont like one are reading my blog!!! damn... i dont like... hmm wat to do?
hmm... who can i ask to pei mi go watch madagascar?
GO with the couples gang ? then i will feel left out
go with snoopy?
go with jiayan?
ask XL out on a date?
ask the ppl at lab?
ask the ppl i just knoe at dive?
ask janice? so should i even acnkowlegde her existance?
hmm... confused!!
heck!! time for shaman king laio!!
with love
10:35 PM
Saturday, May 14, 2005
dinner at marche!!
yesterday nite was the first time i saw XL online.. chatted till abt 3am din wann log off b4 her... but most of the time waiting for her to reply.. haiz... oversleep this morning.. actually i woke up at 7 am then return to sleep.. sleep till 10.30 .. haiz
miss whose line issit anyway.. haha..
today i went to the see teh guy for sale of 2nd hand C2 syntace areo bar.. i din bought it inthe end.. and ended up walking all over town from 2- 6.30 . walk from chinatown to bugis to citylink to plaza sing to taka to heeren. i bought yet another CD.. haaha teh best of rock and roll... i tink i am an oldies guy.. prefer old chinese song and rocka dn roll 60's plus jazzy songs.... hee that's mi..
oh yah.. i also bought kee present since i was roaming ard.. like wat we planned got him a shade too... cos mi $$307.. sharing amnong 4 friends..

kee is really a gd bro.. he alwyas pei mi go swimming last time when i was nuaing ..and he is veyr tolerant towards mi.. ahah
all boxed up .ready to give to kee!

i tink now everybody has a pair of shades liao.. here's mine.. a bit old.. but still cool huh.. shielded my eyes from those afternoon cycle.. hee

for the rest of the time.. i roam ard.. looking at books, sports wear and toy department.. haha oh yah i saw shaman king VCD episode 13-26
very tempted to buy.. but i resist.. already poor from buying the cd..
i realise hmv got many nice nice CD wor.. but i tink i bought too much cd this monht liao next month bah...
anyway the marche dinner was very fulling, and i was bloated.. my sister bf showcase for the first time.. think my mum was very nice to him.. he was kinda shy, he has a boyish face.. i tink.. watever lar.. my sister like can liao.. heehee.
Happy familie!

sis and bf

LOOK AT Tat TAll glass of beer.. explains the red face doesnt it? hehehee
PApa and Mi

with love
10:02 PM
Friday, May 13, 2005
screw up ppl!! screwded up organisation
okie .. i concluded YCK is a F up CCa.. tml they resume their first session..and i just no one take over jason from mi.. not tat i am irresponsible in handing over and taking over.i have sounded long long time ago i am not going but only just now some one ask for jason mum contacts.. i not going to tell ... go find out urself..
u knoe who the guy who ask? KAIren aka GRoovY .. sheesh i tho he was my frined? he is a FAKO kid.. those kind i totally trust but stab mi type!!! only now i understand. damn..
he was very eager to take mi off YCK yahoo grp..
ungratful bastard.!!
i am the one who brought u to YCK leh...
kinda smitten by Xinyi then like that.screwed..
becos of girl , go run for committee, voulunteer for ACId... u are trying to hard to make a presence.. i knoe that is not kairen lor..so fake..
tinking back, he only come to mi for lecture notes.. self interest.. he is not erally counted my frined...
actually back in jc days i dont really like him.. we only share a coommon pull up bar...and a few swim together..
i bet he see that i am a lousy swimmer and wanna feel superior!! but now.. hey i tink i can swim just as fast as u maybe faster...
just the other day the outing to SGH, he was very fussy abt this and that.. wanna eat that hawker then say the one we eating not bad!!!then wanna go temple then dont go...
some frined is he that he din tell he got a sister and 2 brother..
and din tell mi he got a gf at citylink .. but i found out anyway bastard..
and make a fuss over using his locker at sch!! f you lar i also have locker b4. i dont fuss with frined over such things..
I had it!!! i am going to treat as fake as he treat mi!!!
anyway YCK is a screwed up organisation.. the kids need our help but the ppl are somewat screwed... GOssipy bunch with rumors and politcs... worst the NVAC chaie just go there and eat the food!!! if that is the spirit of vouluntterism.. i pity the kids..
i really cant stand such CCA no more..i somewat hope it collaspe and a totally new ppl with gd managing power to run it!!
back to marko!! i tell u he is also another screwed one!! when i msg him for swim. seeing he doing notihng.. he dont even bother to reply sms or call to tell mi he is interest or not...
not that i am veyr partiuclar .. this is the response i get for trying to be nice to u?
i knoe ur CAP is very high lar.. so wat?
i tink u are SCREWED!!!!SCREW U...
ppl grow and change.. the one that change are u ppl who fail to cherish the friednship we once had...hell with u all
with love
6:33 PM
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Emotional ride?
i been swimming for 3 days without break... haha hopefully my swimming endurance will return to where it has been b4...
i also cycle to sch on monday and today.. hee... plus i visted the pull twice...
did 90 pulls ups and and 40 wide the next day..body starting toache liao..
anyway.. we did pull up with groovy and marko. my sajc pull up buddies... feel really good to gather and do pull up once again.. marko mummy was hospitalise
becos of flat blood AKA ping xue. haha we went SGH to visit her wor.... from the visit , we learn from auntie that marko wanna be a police man... sheesh... hope he will find wat he wanna lar.. all the best to u marko!!
anywya i was angry at marko, i was telling him abt how i feel towards certain things in life and how screwed my life is.. then he say i COMplaiN TOO muCH!!
i am sharing wiht you leh!!!
if i din treat u as a GD FRIEnD i wont even tell u such SHIT!!!
DAmnZ ..
the worst thing u can do is say i whine too much..!!
anyway i keep quiet after his comment and vowed never to share with him again.. obivous he is not those who can share with mi one..
still to think last time he got a problem wiht a korean girl he like , i still listen to him,,
such frined huh?
anywya i came back to lab that nite..hoping the bacteria was ready to transfer but unfortunatelye it was not.. so i stay till 1 am at lab then took cab back home..
waste a GD 12bucks!!!! i wish i somehow have a bike so ic an ride home or have my yellow bike wiht mi.. so i can cycle home... haiz
on the way to SGH guess who i saw? i saw XL !! kinda happy to see her.. she say she got off the wrong station then hurried off liao.. dont know why . just seem happy to see her .. i tink i sort of develop some liking for her... which i dont really like myself. make mi very vunerable.. =(
happy in a way i can see her agian. sad is becos she is graduating soon and i wont get to she her agian since i quited my CCA..
anyway i was in sch morning to transfer the bacteria,she was also in sch to see some prof abt going honours .. i some how hope she continue someway so i can see more of her if fate permits. haha.After my 30 lap swim. i receive a msg from her. asking mi to pei her shopping wor..cos she ended her meeting early and she have to wait till her frined arrives... tho it felt werid, but my heart keep telling mi to go.. anyway i have nothing to do till evening time when the bact are ready to havest.but i guess she left without mi..
spolit my day..dont knoe why.. see wat i tell u? this things make mi vunerable and weak... haiz...
with love
4:34 PM
Sunday, May 08, 2005
so glad i bought the " yi jian ni ju xiao VCD" it made my whole family laughing upside down ... really farnie!!haha
today is mummy DAY!!

we bought a cake for my mummy!!! ice cream cake somemore!! really glad to be her son!! MUMMY !!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! MUACKS!!
this is the toopid pic we too outside fish and co... the "O" is mi

hahah cute rite?

another toopid pic.. dingy and jingy wiht mi kammy and kee
today i went bike trail..
muddy bike

make my bike very veyr muddy.. but it has been a while since i went trail!! i sure many ppl look at my muddy bike andd wonder where have i been... after that i rode teh bike to play soccer.. the guy ask mi whether i had accident ? hahahahaa crap...
but i am happy today.. cos i went out cycling. hee
this is a pic of my beloved bike hee my rm is quite messy one

with love
10:45 PM
post Exam period!
okie now the exam is finally over i can do wat i pretty much wanna so.. hmm..come to think of it .. i make 2 serious mistake in the exam.. firstly by writing 400 as 500
and writing 5 as S.. my handwriting is getting bad to wrost.. damn... i hate it...
anyway lets not dwell on the past.. move on...!!
i am hooked on shaman kinG!! eery wed thur and friday nite.. haha.. quite cool wor..
anyway after exam the follwing nite, i went climbing.. and my climbing deprove a whole lot.. maybe the route was tough? i dont knoe.. but i just cant complete any route.. just a bad day? hmm.. maybe i will take this holiday to improve.
there is still Rp going on... i went to prepare solution and learn from my Phd student.. but there seem to be something wrongwitht eh solution.. cos i suddenly got litte suspension in theflask.. wonder wat is wrong... =(
yesterday i went to IMM to support bro kee in his jue diu superstar... haha unfortunately he din make it.. i saw my ocs platoon mate.. lee jing yao.. he also flung the audition.. haha... after t hat we went fish and co to eat... the plaza sing one... we got an interesting photo.. forming a LOVE word one.. i will post in up atfer jingy sent mi.. heehe..
anyway jingy is back in action after going for her YEP.. she got a auntie hairstyle.. hahahahhahahaha...
oh yah.. and weihao talk abt his ai qing gu shi duyring the meal.. i like listening to ppl love story.. ahahhah..and i know more abt his gf past..
i bought a CD yesterday SAX moood!! it was rather nice!!! i like the sound of the sax!! hahaha
i couldnt think of wat to buy for mummy on mom day.. but i buy her the "yi jian ni jui xiao" VCD.. i hope she willbe happpy and laughing alwasy, just like when we laugh when we watch it...heehee..
todya i went lab early in the morning.. then realsie sonmetihng was wrong so i din contuine.. haha.i came back home and brought mac breakfast for the family... haha.
list of things to do for the holiday:
1)Reserach Project
2)learn class 2A
3) hit 8,30 min
4) improve on climbing
5) buy new shoes
6) wax my bike
7)watch shaman king
8)get in shape
9)eat shusi buffet
10) watch magadascar
hmm .. i tink that is abt it..
anybody wanna jion me in any of the task? hehehee
with love
10:44 AM