Tuesday, May 31, 2005
crap GRADES!!
haiz... resutl were release today!! 2 B 2 C.. i wasnt expecting any C... DAMnZ...
i knoe why one mod is C all thanks to mr harry potter!!!!for making my mid term sucks..
i dont knoe wat is wrong lar... i really studied and put in effort liao still like that...
i am not study material lor... i see some ppl nua like hell then also get gd gd grades..
hwo come? exam luck? the world is not not fair..
it is relly not fair..quote u example.. the ppl next lab have completeed their RP.. i really dont believe they spent more time that mi in the lab..yet they can finish their RP and i am barely 50% throught... it is just not fair... diff prof diff standard..
SCREWED!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!! how come bad luck allways fall on mi one...
anyway iw as saddedn by the resutls.. i went to the chin up bar.. i relasie the bar no longer feel my pain liao.. it is like immune to it liao just like i am immune to the fact that no matter how hard i try.. i still face failure...
just sad..
anyway i went to use hte row machine for a chance.. i did that for a full 4 set till i am dripping sweat.. then i meet kammy and dingy for dinner at china town.. i jsut dont wnnaa spent the bad day alone...
we ent to eat chickren rice, tang yaun.. and finally a root beer to wash down the trouble for todya..
during the meal, weihao was like trying veyr hard to find trouble with mi...ove rhis GF jaslyn..
when i order china apple the other day at jack birthdya ,, he say i EXtra
whne his gf order, he keep quiet
he is veyr defensive of his gf when his GF try to play a fooll....
they say i will get into some arguement with his gf on of these day..
yah u bet i will.... cannot stand yaya payaya ppl...
watch out.. dont tread on my back jabroni!!
kinda sad again huh.. talk abt bortherhoood... becos of a girl, treat mi liket hat..
kinda farnie lor... girl so fantastic meh? maybe i treat brothers more closer than girls bah.. but unfortaunately not many ppl tink like mi...
now kammy speak so highhly of his gf.. next time break laio also like taht wat....
personally.. i dont tink much of this relation.. hahajsut my thought.. no offence
the song is really appropraite like the rain falling on mi!!
when will it be sunny? when will i see my sunshine?
anyway jingy sent the pic for jack birhtyda outing and madagacar movie
jack birhtyda!

jack birhyda 2

can spot the couples or not?
with love
11:09 PM