Wednesday, June 29, 2005
report DEAD LINE is TML
well the DEAD line is TML.... 5pm... i saw my prof this morning.. too discuss the resutls are like kinda discouraging... then again it is the packaging... shall try my best manz...
oh gaWD.. i am doom!! we were like chit chatting then prof loh ask for my blog address and i gave it to him.. hehehee then i went on complianing abt harry poottter. ahahaha sheesh...hope he wont tell harry potter.. well i wont be taking his mod anyway .. dont care.. hehehee.. happy reading my blog WOr... but there are no nude pic of mi here like the crazy undergrad girl...hehehe.when i more free i upload a haryr potter pic so can make comparision
anwyay i was at the library the whole afternnoon typing and improving on the report..then i was online.. i chatted with xiong xiong.. u knoe who u are lar.. then she had bao for lunch.. i call her CSB aKa CHaR SIEW BAO..
then she call mi KOng BA BAO...
tehn i say not nice cos no liao(filling)
tehn i say i wanna be BA ROu BAO..
tehn she call mi man tou!!!
it was farnie lor.quite childish.. but i swear i was like laughing at the monitor then it like attracted looks form ther person beside.. i sheepishly left the librayr to lab.. ahahaa
oh yah!! HONG JIA be come THIN LIAO... even winnie and i could not regconise him.. he lost more weight thatn OOooolinder chow!!! lor...incredible lar... maybe RP too stress liao... impressive lar... anyother case of slim 10?hehehe
i was discussing with my labbie FT abt this.. she say most guys are mean to fat ppl... cos her frined say something like: HUH? SO FAT still WEAR mini skirt!!!...hahahaa
erm.. well it is not wrong to be fat lar.. it is the character that stand out lor..dont be so shallow huh.....heehehee
oh my tag havae been inactive since the lost of the jabroni.. but someone tag today agian.. ehehehe.. hey ppl feel free to Tag okie... hehehe..
anyway. how to put a song online... well u first need ot have a song.. (fei hua)..
tehn u have to upload it to some host.. so that the song will be on hte web all the time..
i upload my song to the yahoo. i go to yahoo geocities.
tehn file manager then upload my song..
then u need to adit the HTml of ur blog template.
cut and paste this thingy inside..
"" change this to the address wher u upload ur song..
then save ur setting . then WAH LAH!!! u got ur song... hehehee
hope it helps... hehee
oh GOOD neWs CAO Bin SAY he might be getting reigister to marry year end... wish u bliss and happinesss!!!!! sheesh , he say this weekedn go out for kayaking .. but i just rem got osim Tri this weekend... have to change plan liao.. sobsob.
COme on... push on!!!!
with love
8:35 PM
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Rock ARe beST listen AT Full BLast!!
i was listening to ROck music and doing my report till 5 am last nite.. well most of it is done .. less resutls and future works and the sorting out part..sleep for like 4 hrs and came to the lab..
did an interesting personality test.. koala sent one.. think the last one i did was during selection but the results aint told to us.. anyway here is the results of my personality test..
i am a planner,ideas , head and introvert.
tat make mi a mastermind!!
Summary of Masterminds
Visionaries who put energy into achieving their goals
Prefer to work independently and dislike inefficiency
Think of themselves as logical, thorough and bright
Value practicality and common sense above ideas and theories
More about Masterminds
Masterminds create a vision for the future by gathering and organising information. They then develop strategies to achieve their goals. They have a rare gift for looking at almost anything and seeing how it can be improved. These skills and the Masterminds' high standards often allow them to reach leadership positions at work.
Mastermind is the least common personality type in the UK, according to a nationwide survey.
Masterminds value independence and prefer to work on their own. Once they have decided on a course of action, Masterminds rarely change their minds, although they can be persuaded by the clear reasoning of someone they respect.
In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Masterminds may cut themselves off from a group and criticise people who don't understand their plans. Under extreme stress, Masterminds may overindulge in sensory experiences like eating, shopping or watching television.
Masterminds often have an unusual sense of humour, which arises from their ability to spot surprising links between seemingly unconnected facts.
Mastermind Careers
Masterminds are drawn to jobs requiring logical analysis or abstract thinking common in science or technical fields.
so how abt it? accurate? well to some extent yes.... espeically the part on cut themselves off a gourp and cristise ppl who dont understand...under extreme stress may go for a hard workout.. hahahaaha..
rarely change their mindset....hmm... doest that mean i am stubborn? hahahaha..
that explains my loner nature? rite?hahahaa
well if u realise there is like little or not feeling involved in mastermind huh? well i sort of been wanting to throw away the feeling side of mi for the longest time... for i knoe it make mi venerable to ppl.. looks like i pretty much successful.. i have sort of given up hope on feelings liao.. ppl are like plain selfish.. ppl are like so FAKE and u would never knoe when someone is going to turn on u.....yeah there are plenty of back stabbers lurking ard.
the sooner u realise tat u are on ur own . the better it is for u..well if GOd is nice someone nice will come along and give u a hand..then again.. God is not so nice to mi..... then again who cares? rite?
well i guess mastermind aint tat bad rite?
tehn agian personalitly changes from time to time base on incidents that happen.
maybe i cahnge someday...
haha maybe this personality is screwed. dont take it too seriously.
haha okie back to report!!
with love
2:43 PM
Monday, June 27, 2005
OKie..U arE asKing For It...
DAMN.. i went out today!!!! to town to challenge ROBOCop and Did 160 pulls... i tink i am asking for it u knoe? my report not yet completed.. but it is not bad liao got 40 pages.. anyway i dunno why i go pull today also.. maybe becos koala asked? just for her u knoe....haha.. marko still weak from his illness....
gosh!! koala is really scary.. we were teasing her she is a pink MONsteR.. mutated KOALA...haha..but she got a muscular back okie!!! i tink KOALA is Getting more and more cool!!!! WOOAH...
marko a bit crazy about gaiing weight.. change diet from drinking cheapskate drink to milo.. and eating chicken and eggs just to get a scary back...erm in my opinion..
gain weight is not really gd.. cos u are making urself heavier..
ideally u must change the work out then gain weight naturally.. that is the best!!!i tink?hahhaaha...
koala say something htat is like veyr true " training got to be specific, u must know wat u train for...... ".. it is really true that we are training for nothing.. just pull for fun... and perhaps that is why we are so weak compares to koala.. no focus ... no objective... just pull.....a bit sad to knoe our training has gone to waste....but then again.. the pull is form with 4 ppl who are like cast away from the rest of the cohort.. well.. for that i will no forget how pull has made our student life better.... heehee....
YEAH!! finally , marko WOn E honda!!!! and koala WON ANrolD.. U go, girl!!.. hehehe we played photo hunt.. cos it like the only wholesome game that 3 ppl can play... but it was fun.. din play such games in a long long long long time.
anyway time to get back to report.. enought blogging for today!!!
with love
10:49 PM
Sunday, June 26, 2005
stressed up!! busy busy busy
okie i writing this while taking a break from report writing .. well the stress level been quite high many things happening.. so many things ot do..
haiz.. come to tink of it.. time passed like so fast...
it is already end june... and it sucks...
1) RP due
2) i aint have enouhg fun to do the stuff i wana)
3) goign to work soon
4) and next sem gotta start soon..
seems like all those ppl are havin fun.. i knoe some PPL have aready complete their RP.. diff prof diff requeiment... hell... life just unfair...
alvin backs and he asked me for supper.. well i was at sch.. but i am not scarficing pull for supper wiht him and ZM... a few factors tho.. it so late and i dont have my bike iwht mi.. if i have i wouldnt have mind going.. but then agian.. report is Due soon!!!
bro wong back agian... kee ask for supper the next day.. sheesh.. suddenly so many ppl ask to go out.. aiyah no time lar
no time lar...
sorry... wait till one formal one lar..intro him to all hte new gf in our gang...
suddenly so many things happen...
oh yah.. wrote marko a testimonal hehehe.. hope he wont CHEK tio liao.. ahaha
got one more insertion into hte pull up gang.. KOALA!!!!! toopid marko tryign to scare her with his scary pics. hahaa ..sorri koala.. but i tink after seeing her pic.. marko somewat intimidateed.. hahaha... but she is nice alrite...
groovy missing in action fromthe bar a long long long time liao... guess he busy wroking.. haha...
hope can go pull next week.. so stressed...
okie time to go back to work!! sainz!
with love
12:52 AM
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Special baR.. special You....
well the bar got a special person today!!! koalA..!! cannot beleive it.. hahaa first time i did pull up with a girl... haha but koala strong!!! very strong... i held back a lot....din wanna unleash all my power.. wait she say i too show off.. just normal...hehehehe..
anyway i lent her my power strap.. i use tat to hit my first 20 pull....
hope she will hit her first 20 sooon!!!
wanted to go lcimbing today one.. but lab took up my time.. been at lab from 8am-9.30pm
damn sick.. suffocating..!!!!
dman sick lar.. dead line coming soon.. report not yet up... but it will be up in 3 days time!! haha...
tml going to pull with marko agian!!tobi backs..
ohyah i found my long lost frined murugan!! we sat sit by sit play a fool whole day long lower sec.... ahahaha we used to do childish things.. like challegne who can sing the most song... and we hate maths and his "fav" teacher is chia goon neit.. hahaha
cannot makeit one..
he has really grown.. not tall but definately dark and handsome....
hey hwo say i racist? my bro is an indain okoie!!heheheee
well we will meet up soon!!!
with love
11:35 PM
DONt panIC!!
9 more DAYS to DEAD line!!
with love
12:44 AM
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Drink Driving is a BIG NOnO
at abt 3.20 am on a friday night(or sat morning).. some drunk female driver crash into my sister BF car... i was intially unaware cos i was watching naruto... i was still thinking who so SWAy...until like 15mins i went to look again.. kaypoh a bit.. then i realiase it was my sister.
well.. it was clearly the girl's fault.. she was drink driving and was driving without a lisence... lucky my ah jie is fine... but the bf car repair abt 10 K... damn sway lar...
well the curprilt has a very bad charactor.. she lied tat she have lisence and forget to bring it along... she still claim to be not er fault..
i alwaays belive in giving ppl being given a 2nd chance..but she dont really deserves it.. come on.. at least be honest mah....
when the police came.. she still had teh cheek to say the car was driven by her frined... when in fact she is the only person in that car... where's ur intergrity man....
well my papa say it is like 2 years for her .. cos drink driving is serious one...
my advice to all is dont drive and drive...and no more late nights for u AH jie!! hahaahhahahaa
anwyay i slept at 6 am after eh whole ordeal.. kinda tired.. i return lab.. abt noon.
the pull and swim...marko created a record... he only pull 3 ... hahahaha
he is still sick lar...
get well soon wor.....!!!
well we have father day dinner at long beach at IMM sat night .. the food not really fantastic.. i guess the chef din cook using his heart and soul.. just average....
then i went out again.. to play pool and bowl with the gang....
come to think of it.. the gang is increasing in ppl.. now got adrain.. and bad lar.. all fun loving ppl... yeah yeah .. jion us for more outing...
reach home at abt 4am suday morning...tired....but i still manage to read on how to develop forearm strength.., i tink i am crazy ... ahaha
anyway i oversleep the next day.. i wanan go staduim and run at 10
but woke up at 11.. went clcying instead... cycle for 40km....the weather is scorning lor... damn hots.. almost died... well.. just a average ride...came back home at abt 2pm.. then went o play soccer!!!
had the usual dessert after soccer!! slurp!!!!
well wenekend mah.. play a bit.. running short on cash
tml going back labz.. bored.....
anwyay bro wong coming backz too!!!
woohooo got more ppl playing soccer!!!!!
koala having exam!! GD luckz to koala!!
with love
9:32 PM
Thursday, June 16, 2005
i may fail.. but there WoNt Be a LaCk Of efFort...
I chatted with Koala for the Whole Afternoon...!! Happy wor!!..
anway marko sent mi tips and pointer on how to do one arm pull.. it is possible... in fact very....
i will achieve it...
i coop this from someone..
"There is no condition,
no circumstance,
no problem,
that love cannot solve."
quite cool huh?
try to DL shaman king game but cannot play one.. toopid...
i went back lab at nite.. but cao bin advice mi not to rush the samples..think abt wat is wrong first.. else i just wasting chemical.. true.. take a break...
anyway i had a werid dream.. normally i dont dream one .. i jsut k.o cos i am tired..but i dreamt this weird dream..... i was holding on to this weird handhold with both hands.. and starting doing pull ups on it..
abt 48 times.. i woke up...
thinking wat happened?....werid.....
with love
11:12 PM
deNted EgO .....QuiVeriNg Will....
still sucks at climbing... fingers are weak lor...cant do certain moves. damn disappiointing..
strong back without strong grip is like..
having tonnes of det cord without a detonator
having a RX8 without wheels
having boxes of ammunition without a MG.
having a clock without the hour or min hand..
having a ipod without a ear phone..
having the best drivetrain on ur bike but without the chain..
having 1000 gas tank but without regulator..
u get wat i mean?
for a moment i dont know why i wanna improve so much wor.. maybe koala motivation...
y break into another sport.. do well at at u are gd at lar.. run, swim, cycle.i din cycle for 2 weeeks liao..damnz sickening..
that is maybe y marko don climb..anyway marko fallen ill... the last tiem the bar also took some of his skin lar.. marko hope u get well soon.. else the pull will only have mi alone..=(
it is so farnie that i mention to rest my hand till then recover.. but i was like still doing pulls and climb giwth them..
anyway now i knoe wat i am weak at. that shd be my next move.. it is always the hardest at eh beginiing rite?....
anyway lab dEADline is neearer..i was kinda unhappy with my labbie for not coming lab and i have to do her stuff her for in order to run the experiment together.. dont be unfair lor.. i also wanna nua at home.. i also wanna do my stuff.. i dont like to stay in lab....maybe i shant be so nice.. be a fish monger.. selfish a bit.. WaHAHAha..
well nowadway sch are fill with orientation group ppl.. so sad lar.. eveyrbody having fun in teholiday. i am stuck at lab.. i din have the chance to taken part in all this cos of my study award.. guess i miss out this part of uni life.. the part where ppl forge bonds and make new frineds...frankly i dont like uni life.. except hte freedom...hiaz wat to do?
materialistic society...
with love
11:07 AM
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
tired.. very demoralise.
last weekend seems busy..was doing lab on sat morning and sat till late night abt 2315.
the 9 hours waiting time for the running of experiment..i went to pull with marko yet agian.... i tink after pulling so much over the last few weeks.. fatigue had set in..
only did 60 pulls.. marko say not enough rest.. i tink so too....
marko was telling mi " go hard or go home" and " shut DUp and train" hahaaha..
aiyoh...tired lar...
anyway i decide to rest for sunday.. instead of goign to stadium to run and cycle .. i went sentosa with the divers and my brothers.
well.. been a while since we chill at the beach.. sentosa really changed a lot was not bad lar... played beach soccer and ate junk.. haha...
i post the pic later.
mi chatted with koala again..tho i was very tired i din wanna sleep .. till she log off.. haha..she seems to brighen up my mood...she mention abt one arm pull.. i sure the pull up gang tried this before ..and we concluded it wasnt possible back in the JC days..
i aint seen any one do tht before..but i trust koala..
today marko and i have been trying to achieve that since 2.30 to 5...but unsuccessfull...
i tink got certain technique and strenght one.. figure it out!!ARGH>. haiz...
to do this i think it is harder than to do a Bar F...
well todya pull sesssion made mi conclude i have not recovered .. since the intensive sat pull , the robocop arm wrestle and the prevous pull and those climbs, i need to rest...
i am so tired that i concuss form 7.30 till now...
with love
2:08 AM
Saturday, June 11, 2005
koala FAN!!! koala .. koala ...number 1!!!!!
yeah.!!. i am a Koala is just my day.. i saw the cool girl at Climb adventure... way cool.....
today is a very happy day lar.. i got to chat with koala... unbelievable... almosted fainted. haha... =) =) =)
oh yah.. i saw this amazing girl doing pull ups.. like in sets of 6... damn impressive!! this is the first time i saw a girl doing pulls up so ferice one.. i mean some guys are like struggling to do 10?... damnz.. i need to alter my work out manz..
marko meeting mi at the pull tml... going to pull till my arm break agian.. plus marko ask mi to bring 10 kg weight.. and motivation pic.. but i tink i already have my motivation...hahaa... cool climbing girl..
i really need to strenghten my fingers.. well i tok to one of the climbing instructoer there.. he gave mi some advice..when i ask him y some holds i cannot hold one..and ways to improve..
- maybe it is the foot work..
-maybe it is the technique
-maybe it is the endurance
-maybe it is the shifting of C.G
he cont to talk abt stretching and muscle memory...
But one thing he say.. i tink is the key.. " how long have u been climbing?"
haha.. bearly a year lor.. on and off somemore.. come to tink of it.. today number of visit to climbing gyms and rock wall are less than 30 times...damnz sick... athought i tink i am doing much much better than peer who started together with mi..but i tink i still wanna improve more and faster..
i swear i be like gd one day.. and ppl calling mi a strong climber..
yupper ... i found my oversoul... Koala in chalk bag...!!!
time to rest!! for tml pull... DAMnz koala uses the same bar as mi... SSOOooooooo CCoooooooLLLL.................
with love
1:37 AM
Friday, June 10, 2005
motivation from the PULL up gang
Arnold say this:
"Experiencing this pain in my muscles and aching and going on and on is my challenge. The last three or four reps is what makes the muscles grow. This area of pain divides a champion from someone who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens. I have no fear of fainting. I do squats until I fall over and
So what? It's not going to kill me. I wake up five minutes later and I'm OK. A lot of other athletes are afraid of this. So they don't pass out. They don't go on."
5 mins later wake up and PULL some more
The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent.
with love
12:44 AM
Thursday, June 09, 2005
extension of date line not granted!!
DAmn... my RP extension is not granted.. personally i have doubt abt generating gd gels.. too much procedures and uncertianty..just do lar.. then see how..
aiyah.. no JAbroni turn up at the pull today .. chey!!
anyway marko was at teh pull with mi... we had quite a bit of fun at the pull todya.. i brought shaman king there to read.. gave him some bubble ggum.. brough our JC pull gang pic.. the one we took on last day of sch.. and a pic of arnold wiht his powerful back.. hahaa we have been trying to scare ppl by showing how ferice we are in training.. haha..nah.. actually we are nice nice ppl one..
we went to burger kking at town to have lunch.. then i realise i over spent this month... cash flow problem... i tink i have been spenting most of my $$ on climbing ... each time is 6 or 4 or 3 bucks... so expensive lar.. spent so much yet so lousy... anyone knows of free climbing gym huh? tell mi leh...
oh yah.. hte yoda from Burger king looks kinda cutes...
rem the hippo i bought eh other day?. well i pass it to janice todya.. at 3.45pm outside california business.she still looks the same jsut as radiant. perhaps a little bit tired. but still as nice as ever. still gotthis sense of uneasiness i suppose. anyway she was happy to recieve the small gift bah.. knewn she would like it...
it is surprising how much marko and i ahve grown in terms of strenght.. we went to
cinelisure immdiately and to the arcade to changelle the arm wrestling machcine.. hhaa i won!!!!even the secret charactor.. well the toughest 3 , from the most lau yah one. arnold, e honda, robocop.. marko only win arnold.. he lose to E honda...
maybe i bigger size.. i won all.. even the secret charrator.. we even set the top score.... haha happy wor..
i was so tired tat i k.o all teh way from dinner till now.. sleep lack... but i manage to wake up abt 2300 to watch shaman king... hahaa
tml i going climbing again... improve!!!!!
with love
10:58 PM
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
man man lai.....
man man lai.. slowly.. too anxious.. .. i went climbing today.. from 3.30 to 7.. too anxious.. too impatience.. suppose to be a fun climb cum secret training.. i ended up moody.. cos i am not as good as i wanna be...wat does it take to be good??
use my oversoul? monkey in chalkbag?..
no pain no gain..? i left some of my skin on the hand hold just now.. my hand hurts.. but it is aint going to stop mi form improving..still as motivated by nRS..
anyway thanks to cherling who pei mi to climb... i tink she is just a frustrated as mi .. for cant doing some moves.. all the @#$@!%!#$%$#%$ also come out.. hahaa
thanks lar sunbear!!we will improve together!
well i tho of investing in a fingerboard.. to my bros thinking to get mi birhtyda present..*hint hint* hahahaaa...
well i did a toopid mistake at lab.. add stuff in wrong ratio... wasted the whole morning.. too tired lately i guess... think i ought to sleep early ...
there is this person who trying to play a fool in my tag broad.. dont knoe wat he/she wanna prove lar... the jabroni mention i am popular.. so ironic.. i am not popular at all lor.. in fact far from it.. dont really have real close friend to share my life one to share.. so i blog lor.. if i am indeed so popular.. why do i hang alone at sch...? maybe uni is a lonely place for lonely person like mi.. another reason is for my mum to knoe of wat i am doing lar.. cos i really dont wanna her to get worrying and all...well partly also i spent a lot of time online at night chatting mah.. ahaa
perhaps the person is just jealous? i dont knoe lar.. but seems toopid to be arguing online.. haha damn bloddy toopid!!
speaking of frineds.. christina going to have her 21st birhdya and slug is trrying to have sometihng planned out for her.. dont really knoe i shd go or not..well slug was telling mi dont be spoilt sport.. make ppl day happy by going... but slug din knoe on my 21st birhdya... only 2 ppl celecrated for mi.... so sad rite?...kam and kee!! i was very delifrance with 3 bottle of alcohol and one chocolate cake.... i will birng this memory with mi till old one....and wendy din wish mi happy birhdya.. until i have to msg her and tell her today is my birthdya... sad huh?
think slug is a gd frined to chris since she doing such things for others...
my pt is everybody got their sad and lonely moments.. if God is kind enough.. some one nice will come along..
De DE lent mi 6 shaman king comic.. so happi wor.. thanks!!
with love
10:41 PM
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
just some thoughts.
i heard from the radio the other day.." if love was indeed true, nothing else would matter" was wonder if this statment hold truth... and i was watch the oprhan winley show.. they were talking abt feeling before thoughts... if u do wat ur head tells u to do and ur heart dont agree with it.. u will have like a small turmoil going on in ur feeling....
one of the problems i definately have is thinking of the future... the more i tho abt the possiblitlites of a relation , the more i get turn off.. mainly becos i am not even strong enought to take care of myself....
that is why i am so impress with dingy.. for moving out of his hosue to be with his gf...given her illness...i tell u.. i cannot imagine myself doing that...
huiling the slug mention the other day too.. u are a guy.. just go into relation lar.. u wont lugi.. well some turth lar.. but i am not supportive of such thinking....well i still value relation and love as it is.. but many ppl cheapen it...
sad lar...
sorting out my thoughts... argh.....
with love
12:16 AM
Monday, June 06, 2005
i swear i was smitten by the cool girl i saw lor..i was the at pull today.. but this time i am not sad...but kinda moitvated by the girl... well.. the pull shares my happiness and i did like 5 set of 20 pulls in 23 mins... very gd lar...just like the first time my fav teacher hug mi and i did my first 20 pull..wonder can get to knoe her or not... dont even knoe her.... haha...
well maybe i can jion climbing competition and then get to knoe her.. but my climbing sucky lar... shucks... i will improve my climb!!
anyway de de brithdys is coming.. i went present hunting... i bought her sometinhg.. in case she read.. i better keep the present as a secret.. ahhaa....
doggie pensil case

there is this shop that is closing down and it is selling keychains for only 1 buck...
since jieying promise to lent mi her naruto CD.. i just bought her a kakashi keychain...jsut to thank her lar...
beside that that is also full metal achemist... XL mention she like it.. so also bought one for XL .only 1 buck nai... hahaha

how ? u tink XL and jieying will like it? one buck to make someone happy.. definately worth it..
also got inyusha one.. but only left lousy charactor.. hee..
also dont have shaman king...
i being to rot at nite liao.. was thingking of buying the shaman king comic to read in the nite...
well i also bought janice a pair of hippo.. she just like hippo .. dont knoe why.. althought i tell her off the last time. but i tink i am not that bad.. i am but human with feelings one.. hahaa dont knoe y i bought it but i just though she might like it.

are the hippos cute? big and small one..
this is the pic of hai gui... i say i would post it.. here u go..
hai gui

haiz.. smitten feeling........ bitter sweet......... damnz
with love
10:54 PM
Sunday, June 05, 2005
IT is hER AGIan!!
haha.. sleep at 4 and woke up at 9.30.. still lacking rest.. guess wat?.. i went to watch the climbing competition agian..can see cools moves and learn technique.. and also can see the CoOl girl from yesterdya...
i manage to drag cherling along..cos cherling also like climbing..they are all vey li hai lor...super strong... anyway i manage to find out the cool girl name..
i tink.. i was supprting her.she was just too cool!! .lover her lor.. cherling gave her a nick name call NRS.. aka nan ren shou..( guy's hand) cos she got muscluar arms and some bulit..hahah .cherling was supporting this girl call siti... she veyr young and li haiz... but the think the champ will go to the suzaana girl or the other bertice girl.. aiyah.. they ae just veyr lihai lor...
motivated to train harder...
we went to climb asia at 5 and climb till 7.. wonder how to improve quickly? i tink there are no short cuts just hard work and training...
with love
9:10 PM
PuMP FeST + LAB + Harry'S + pan pacific Hotel = TIred
i almost couldnt wake up for lab... i woke up at 7am but was feeling tired cos only slept for like 5 hrs. so i decided to snooze... well.. snoozing is not bad actually.. hahah lazy bum huh?... well i manage to went lab and did staining for like 3 hrs...befofe going to check out pump fest..
pump fest is a boulder competition organise by ODac NTU.. saw some fanstatic moves.. make my hand very itchy... i saw this FEmale climber.second climber in open category. who is kinda cool.. she got the fact i tink she just might be more bulit than mi wor... she is quite tall too.. imaging the time and hours she had put into training.. i knoe cos i do my part of training in other discipline.. even on bad and tiring days.
now i knoe wat attracts mi.. not girls with the most beautiful of faces with deceiving make up..but instead girls who are dedicated to wat they do . and that make them like indepedant and the fact that she got a nice set of teeth and wonderful smile..haha... all this make mi all the more wanna improve in climbing... i will someday be some gd climber..=)
damn... i tink bcos i blogged i wanna go to harry or nice place on weekedn. .. then joana and huiling jio mi out...i prefer weekday actually..midweek... haha i was like pplaning to nua at home and watch NONO in action in shi zi lu kou..anyway.. huiling recommend pan pacific hotel...
the singer is not really fantastic( lost to the one at batam's holiday inn) and the dirnks are kinda EX too... haha
the place is not too bad lar.. but also not very gd...
huiling got a sleek cammy and took some pics.. wnet she sent mi. i post it up. hee
anyway we went to hARRY'S thereafter.. i tell u harry is a much better place... got live performace.. the jazz is kinda good.. got his old singer wiht greatpowerful jazz blkac voice.. but ironically she got the face of a rotten cropse. kinda scary .!! ahahha.. highly recommended...
bro kee , dingy , jack and adrian also jio to play pooL tat nite... i wanna jion them one.. but since we promise a diving gathering .. i went chilling wihthuiling and joanna, lihui , david and jayne...too bad james wassnt there.
still got one more person. christina.. huiling friend.. she kinda remind mi of wendy..cos they both got the same style one..
oh yah!! wendy got attached which is just know not long ago.. she say smetihng which i wanna laugh...
ym: apprecaite him more by showing them with nice sweet gestures..
wendy: wat gestures?
ym: aiyah.. like write cards lor.. and give him something sweet lor.. dont need be very ex lar.. but something like choc or someetihng to munch on or cute keychain , etcetc
wendy: chey!!
when she say chey!! i wanna to laugh lor... cos that ist he reasoon i chhose to broke up..she is like totally effortless in maintianign the relation.. of the 1001 letter and cards i wrote to her.. i only got a card back.. which is like a birthdya card.... i knoe cannot compare likethat.. but wouldn't it be nice if someone could reciprioate ur actions? the way she say chey like she veyr thoughtful which i tink is a NONO ahahaa...
for some reason, i kinda miss going to yck minds sch to be the kids..wonder how jason doing.. dont knoe why i am feelingthis way.. i promise my self to let it go completely.. maybe that explian why i am seldom out playing and boogie-ing till lates..
anyway, training is push backed today . cos of the alcohol content in my blood... cycling cum swimmign today.. the weathers perfect..
shoud i go support the cool girl at pump fest?or go climbing at climb asia?
with love
9:41 AM
Saturday, June 04, 2005
LAB outing to Climbing GYm..
woohoo!! all four ppl in lab when to climb today... thanks to cherling for using her charm to borrow 4 haresss for us... yupper.. manage to climb 6 A route less the last move... not bad liao lar.. given i MIA from climbing for like a full month.. heheeh
well maybe next weekend the lab ppl are going kayaking!!
lab work is boring .. need some activity... work hard.. play harder... hee
tml going wiht cherling to watch climbing competition at the espanande....yeah yeah
i am at lab since morning trying to type report and run experiment.. tml morning need to go back to sch.. hehee..
fwah!! someone just tell mi a nice place that have jazz music..harry;s at boat quay..
anyone interested to go with mi?
just msg mi if u have nothing to do on a wekedn and wanna go some nice place and chill.... yeah ?
got a prank msg from huiling who is trying to be farnie... haiz.just try to happy okie? althought i am sad also.. but life can be happier... okie lar.. jsut decieve ourselves... hey.. but wat the heck,, things could be much worst huh....
i tink i wanna learn sometihng this holiday... i wanna learn malay and sign language.. just a useful skill to pick up.. hehee
i tink i have grown from listening chinese oldies ( for old ppl) to listening to jazz( for really really old ppl) .. hahaa really old liao...hehe
i only manage to catch little part of shaman king... loving it more and more.. hehhee
cherling also like shaman king.. hehee
de hui also... haha since i call her DE de( turtle) maybe her oversoul is a turtle shell... hahahaa.. okie okie.. just kidding lar..
i miss my america chopper today!! sobosb.. hope to catch repeat..
with love
12:31 AM
Thursday, June 02, 2005
I GOT A seA TurtlE
joanna gave mi a sea turtle!!!! for no apparent reason i guess.. but i tink is was a nice gesture.. she knew i was feeling down lately.. mainly over poor grades.. it was weet of her to do so...
i post a pic of the sea turtle tml.. it comes in a box wor... hee
THanks JOanna...!!
in fact i only known her not for long.. she was from the diving trip...first spoke to her ont he boat... eventaully chatted ... she wis a rehab officer!!! carreeer that command respect.. impressive...
well it is not my fualt that bad things always happen to mi.. life just sucks.. i guess if ppl are so nice eveyrwhere.. the world will be a better place..
if only XL is this nice.. cos when i am feeling down .. i like to tok to someone.. but sadly.. there is no one i can talk to... so i will sms XL at times.. mostly bad times...
XL sms say that i am grumpy and i make the ppl ard mi sad... well this sms saddens mi wor..... the last thingy i wanna is to make other ppl sad...i can understand why she say i grumpy.. cos i only msg her wehn i am feeling down..i have decided not to bother her liao... in case she feel unhappy..
in fact.. when i come to think of it.. i have no best frined wor... there is only one in primary sch, ke zhihao and one really close frined in my sec CCA..low wenxiang. that's all i have...
i have only a big group of sec frineds..and my pull up gang in sajc... in big group, it is hard to get as close as a best frined...
oh well... wat to do? remind of the rob thomas lonely no more song.. haha..
anyway i went to expo with bro kee.. for the IT fair... ther eis a lot of offers.. too bad i din need anything.. heehee..
tehn we went to marina and walk walk.. marina changed alot... totally new.. i saw victor cafe.. the one XL work in, she say she liked the place.. indeed it is very nice and realxing lor... din knoe of victor cafe before today.. haha...
anyway we ate at Lerk Thai... promotion pinapple rice at 2 bucks.. noramll cost ard 8 bucks... quite okie... food was not bad.. but small serving... i was wondering why is was call JERk thai cos the L in the lerk was design looking like J... hahaha
we went coffe club for dessert... well ther eis many dessert wor.. i seldom go such nie nice places to eat... unles i go out with girl.. but the last time i went on date is like a year plus plus plus.... i wanted to eat strawberry shortcake.... but it was sold out.. i din eat that b4.. hehehee... ended up eating strawberry romanoff!!! it was not bad... got tangy orange favour with strawbeery needless to say.... kinda nice...not too sweety like those chocolates...
i came home to watch shaman king... heehee which is starting now...
oh yah.. i was FREak piss with kam today... hey dont call mi a close frined if u dont treat mi like one... F u kammy... i had enough of ur nonsense.. intially i tho jasyln would be nice .. but u like to make a fuss with mi.. abt her... ARGH... wat the hell SCREW u and her lar... i dont like u both...
with love
11:05 PM
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Boring daY..
erm.. the day started with mi in lab at 8 am... stained my second batch of gels.. going to de stain tml.. heehee...then nothing to do at lab liao..
then i meet marko for a " do till ur arm Break " pull...
if u haven been reading my blog. marko is my jc pull up frined...
well i did like 170 pulls.. fall short of the 30 .. target was 200....
we wanna to pay dipsy a visit.. but too tired liao.. din do much dipsy...
tehn we went for a swim...only 10 lap... cos arm too tired liao...
ate lunch at arts canteen.. which is like so empty....most shop are close ...
i came home.. watch simpson.. dinw atch for a long long time liao... today episode is abt this jazz musicion .. knida cool.. hehee..
then i burn some madagacar CD .. dingy bought the cd and he lent it to mi.. hehehe
well i am wating for shaman king to start... heee still long..11.30
with love
8:46 PM