Wednesday, August 31, 2005
i like my pressie !!
sheesh i was studying late last nite until i was bored and took out the heart rate monitor and play with it..
after reading the instruction manual and all the ling ling long long..
i got it to work..
my resting heart beat is 53 per min. not bad rite?
and bmi is 21.7
got a function can calculate fat burn one.. WOOhooo.. i like the gift sai.. the best part it can be mounted unto my beloved bike.. hee...
thanks dingy and jingy.u guys are great at present hunting.
there is a test tml.. i manage to get some past year quiz paper.. oh yah.. speaking of which .. i have irresponsible classmate who say he will call mi to get lecture notes to zap.. when he dont wanna already . he din even have the responbiltiy to tell mi.. make mi wait in sch!!! FARK... this are the ppl in chem eng lar... self centre freaking BastARd!!most lar.. not all...
i happen to browse friendster cos koala took pics of neighbour doggies. quite cute doggies. then i saw calvin frinedster..just take a look see..
then i saw his pic with janice.
jancie and calvin..

dont knoe leh.. but suddenly feel heartache.. hee.. dont knoe lar.. seening someone u once like with someone and i am still alone and all.. make mi really kinda sad.. but well.. wish u guys happiness!! that is the least i can do already..janice once said she always wanted bliss!!
wishing u bliss and happiness.. sorri i could not be the one providing it to u...
calvin.. take care of her hor.!!!!
affairs of the heart aside, i read jw blog by chance , he did max pull in 10 mins.. so i try todya at the bar...
i did 83 in 10 mins...
i keep doing max till arm numb..
but hor i tink if i do set of 10 without maxiing out.. can do more..
well... 83 not bad for a first time try...
the climbing ppl say jw pretty strong 42 pulls..!!
i must not let the pullgang down!!!
i must beat tat!!hee..
friendly competition.. jw a gd friend.. gonna msg him and ask him to open rock gym for mi techniques sucks.. big time..
anyway the dragon guys are the bar again.. then the bar got swamp by climbing girls..
got a few can do 5-6 pull up lors...!! impressive...
got one very strong guy also.. very muscular.. aint see him pull max but i tink he conserve a lot.. i just might lost to him..sobsob
today pull at the bar make mi realise 2 things..
i lack training.. and
there are so much so much stronger ppl out there
i need ROck lee spirit!!! the lotus of konoha blooms twice, the next time u see mi..
i be a stronger person.!!
with love
8:08 PM
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
HappY BirTHday to ME...!! WoooHOOOooo.
yeah!! i have some fun opening present at 12 midnite..i "store" power then one time open all the present i had.. like x mas like that.. quite nice..
lets see..
i got a put photo thingy from koala with flower and a dophine.. nice nice..and a writen koala note.. heeee
i got a naruto figures set from marko and groovy
i got a K lee cd from kermit!! sheeesh.. now i really look like a k lee wanna be..
not to forget the stacy kent CD from sunbear AKA ah soh.
thanks lar..
i sleep at 2 am.. oh yah.. recieve quite a number of sms birthday wishings !! hahaa
i am not forgotten sia..
in order of who wish mi
1. muru
2. koAla
3. clara AKA da yan mei
4. Kermit
5. joanna
6. li hui aka blur blur
7. chris AKA les
8. bro kee
9. ah jie
10. janice
11 dive buddy Zhi hao
12. de de
13. liyu AKA sharky
14 Alvin
15. wendy
thanks wor.. really touch wor.. this are the ppl sent personal msg,one.. really made my day..
ah jie gave mi ang bow wor.. hehehe.. first time..
i went library at abt 1300.. to mug.. got test coming thursday... saw the blur blur lihui haha.. she said i so sad, brithdya still at library.. yah lor.. Birthda but still mugger..anyway.. i mug till 1600 then i went climbing and pulling..
Koala gave mi skittles. hee.. and we did pull ups again..
lecture at 1800.. was slightly late.. mark garland came back from his oversea trip .. he teach and overshot the 2hr time by 30mins. sobosb..
late for malay class..
in fact it was so late that i din enter malay class but i waited outside with dingy.. dingy was waiting for jingy for dinner..(jingy also taking malay lesson). the class ppl are like quite shock to see mi after lesson when they thought i was absent..
haha. anyway jingy gave mi HAppy Brihtday chocolates and jelly beans and a green t shirt with dragon.. So much sia...
i was saying the t shirt so beng-ish.. Dragon.. kaoz.. suitable for alex lar. cos she had been spotted with her pet dragon on her shoulder before the dragon got kipnapped
oh yah.. i got present from dingy and gang!!! heart RATE monitor lor!!!! EX stuff!!! touched wor... sobsob..
thanks guys.....
then we(dingy and jingy) had dinner at JEC ( jurong east complex)
alvin and the army frined ask for supper..
i went immdiately after dinner and trouble kermit to give mi a ride there... so paiseh.. hahaa..
erm.. huddie AKA bitch fit, ZM aka slut, alvin aka rsm ANG, darren AKA self-high and kermit and myself
6 ppl.. enought to stirred some shit..
basically complained abt spencer gf mummy.. complicated stuff.. not for the innocent heart..
and gossip abt ray..( ray if u are reading this.. it is huddie's doing.. he ask u go scratch it u are icthy.. heeheee.... )
and of cos talking abt my F up OCS buddy.. the one whose ARse i WHooped!!
laugh abt the big size girl who came for prata buffet
and the boX WAgen car she driving..
hahaa... basically we laugh at any one lar.. so dont feel offended..
nice nice.. so long never catch up with those bunches of cool silli and farnie dudes..
kermit gave mi a ride home.. thank kermit.
i came online and saw piggy's nick.. happy birthday ah ming!! haha.. happy too..
thanks piggy..
to all those who made my day real nice in one way of another.. i really thank u all... each and eveyr one of u...
Thanks WOR!!!
with love
1:23 AM
Sunday, August 28, 2005
lousy run indeed..
i din have a good night rest.. sleep at abt 3 am then wake up at 5.15 then try to sleep till 6.30..
maybe i was too anxious abt the run today.. was waiting for the motivation tat did not came...
i tell u motivation is very impt element in any run or race. when u are tired and ur mind tell u to stop.. it is tat motivation that keeps u going.. it could be anything..any person..
i din have any motivation today.. i jsut ran.. and all i tho abt how long more..
a bit disgusted.. i really din enjoy this run..normally i would give a sickening smile to those i over taken.. but today sadly.. seem that ppl are doing that to mi..
okie .. lack training.. comfirm!! i miss the 16km ..
one more race next week to redeem myself!! u CAn do it..!! they CAll u freaking chiongster and lung-less last time in camp..WOoOooAHHHHHhhhAAA...
loti xiang ran too..he is my sec sch CCA buddy.. we suffered and got tekan all the time.. but we sttood strogn and we grow stronger... he din have a good run too...
we are like complaining how we couldhave done better for the run.. he got stitch and stop a few times.. but one thing we agreeed on is that we are still pretty much the front bulk of the running group..
Moi and LOti Xiang!!

i koop my ah jie camera and took the pics.. hope she wont relaise i took it .. haha aiyah my hp no camera one leh.. cannot capture memories...
trying to be FArnie!!

one more run.. mizuno !! here i come!!
with love
1:18 PM
Saturday, August 27, 2005
boring sat.
stay at home sat.. doing assignment and read up on lecuture and practice net logo.. still some part cannto work.. sainz..
watch telly .. fwah there is this hydro flow machine that can cut thick pieces of metal with just water form a nozzle....
but this water is going at mach 2.. twice the speed of sound.. amazing huh...!!
did some forearm excerise for my tiny weak useless forearm..
muru praise mi in this blog sia...
sandy worte mi a testimontial in frinedster..
haha farnie.very unexpected.
Wooo HOOo tml real run!!!wiht wenxaing..!! shd we run together? or shd i go for timing?
haiz.. dnt knoe wat to expect.. tml going to wake up at 6.30.
motivation!! come to mi now!!!!
with love
11:45 PM
PResent FROm thePull Gang..
yeah... Got pressie from Groovy and Marko!!! nice nice..
groovy had lesson till late wor.. 8pm...
my lesson ended at like 1400.. so i basically came home first... lala a bit .. then went out again
meet at the until cannot do.. aching body.. sheesh.
we went to eat subway... nowadays we are healthy ppl.. no more fast food, no more soft gassy drinks..
marko's thoery of pwr triangle.. where training, technique and nutrition makes the sides of the traingle.. any lack in the components. then u get a loped sided triangle.. which is not good.. hehe
then we went to NYDC.. dingy part timing there.. been quite i long time i went to nydc.. but i always like the warm brownie with ice cream.. nice nice..!!!
been quite a long time i went suntec wor.. been kinda sad to see couples holding hand s almost eveyr where.. sicky... avoid such places.. make mi sad.. hahaha
oh yah chem eng got new t shirt.. quite nice!! high pressure!!!
high pressure indeed!!

dont mess with chem engineers..

true... really smart ppl in chem eng manz... haiz.. how come they are so smart? not only are they smart .. they are also diligent.. bet they aint got life one.. mug and mug and mug... sheesh..
oh yah.. i relaise xiao fei took micro bee wiht mi .. i ask her to do lab with mi togerther.. so at least i have some company.. hehee.. dont knoe her very well.. but only knoe she daughter of do do..aiyah not the extinct birdie lar.. but the DO DO company.. rich girl.. but she dont have airs ard her.. humble nice girl..
okie lar.. i am a goner.. i miss my 16 km run.. haiz.. die lar..hope the race tml will be okie.. aint got high hopes.. sianz... all groovy fault.. lesson end so late!!
this weekend i will stay at home and do work.. read lecutre notes and do tutoiral..
things are starting to get busy!!
with love
11:38 AM
Thursday, August 25, 2005
KERmit's pressie!!!!
YAH.....kermit drop by the gym today to give moi present! yeah yeah... tahnks kermit...
surpirze wor... well jsut like koala pressie. i will open it on the 29.. heheee... been quite nice....
kermit's pretty much like mi.. i suppose
read his blog.. there is a part on the petrol station darn farnie one.. heheee..
i tink we are like on hte same frequency one.. cos wat i say he will understand.. which i tink he will feel very sad.. cos he has degrade himself to my lousy level.. ahaha..
manz.. i ought to meet up with him for lunch/or moive.
oh yah WE are going for superstar together!!! yeah yeah!!! treat him dinner then..
i done pull up and climb for the whole afternoon.. jun wei gave mi a few powerful routes.. stillthink my finger pretty weak.. junwei say must be angry!! to climb well... hhmmm. farnie.. i tink anger take u nowhere. paitence does...haha
"river knoes this , there is no hurry.we shall get there some day" by winnie the pooh..
well gradually manz.. slowly ... rome wasnt built in a day... so is the great wall.
great things need time !!!rem ? TTT. (things take time)
well i was kinda tired from pulling yesterday and doing pull up with jun wei..
i pull agian after climb..
not much jucie left.. jsut pull 4 set of 12.. slowly.
i was kena bored at the pull.. so i took out a marker and wrote. PULL GANG.. rock meng , marko and koala!
well no one visitt there more than i do lor.. hahaa
lecture at 6!! it sucks!!!! the lecturer still read off form the notes.. sheesh u tink i cant read myself? alamak damn buang one this lectuere.... general manger some more.. haiz.. i tink i could have done a better job lor..
in comaprison witht he 4 chem eng idol.. prof lee, prof loh, laksa and marc garland.
he is crap lar.. just awful lor.. i wasnt paying attention anyway.. i was dreaming away... haha...
watch superstar on telly just now.
now waiting for shamanking to start.. last espisode liao.. story gettign a bit werid..but i gonna finsih watching anyway..
i knoe i knoe i am suppose to go for 16km long run today.. but i wanna watch shaman king and i really a bit tired from climb so much..
with love
10:30 PM
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
today is REALLY not a BAD DAY... a few nice things is wednesday.. long day at sch.. 10-6pm.. non-stop... thank goodness the first 4 hrs are with marko and dingy.. else i be like alone and so bored. got lab..i manage to wake up on time fter going for a 12km run late last nite..still one more 16km one. then i be ready for real run come sunday..
marko brought mi a donut for lecture! haha nice!! i getter more and more like homer liao lar.. DOH.....
Then dingy pass mi the photo of miss singapore thye took over the weekend.. they developed it.. too bad.. donthave soft copy.. cnanot post.. hahaa
got lecture notes from piggy.. one look at her i knoe she going to lab lor.. jeans and cover shoes.. i tink most girl in sci dont dress like tath.. hahaa..
then i had a boring lecutre a lone from 2-6 pm.. 4 hrs straight.. but i skip the first hr... cos hor. they alwasy screen video... i went to have lunch instread....
saw shannon aka beijing mei...
oh yah.. i tell u .. there is this store in ART canteen.. they seling kai lan nu rou..( kai lan veggie with beef).. it is really nice... in fact it is marko's fav....
he just ate it yesterday and he eating it today again...haha..
go try go try..
at least it is healthier than all those western foods... Belch...
back to the lecutre.. the lecute was not bad.kinda interactive..just tat the lecutre is a bit cold.. i wonder how those girls do it? they always wear sleeves and short skirts. manz.. dont they feel cold? pei Fu!!!!
the lectuere told us abt his two doggies.. one is call sunday and the other one is call blackie. he like the sunday more. but when sundya not ard.. he try to sweet talk to blackie and petted him.. ahaha sheesh... FARnie LAR.. i though lectuerer serious one? how come this one so childish? hehhee
i went to pull at 5.45 cos i dont wnan go back during peak hour.. marko went home early noon.. so i was alone..
but no so alone.. the dragon guys are there.. saw them a few times... a few fmailiar faces.. chatted and exchange training tips.. observe and see them...but i tink i strogner than them.. hee..definately!!
got a guy quite good shape one.. he look so strong but he can only do a few .. i give him 15 or 16 max..
he struggling with his 12th.. farnie.. good to look but not strong..toobunky liao..
i kinda prefer having the bar to myself.. cos i dont like ppl doing when i am doing.. cso they will hsake the bar.. tehn i cannot concentrate.. hmpf...
bar ettitque manz...
my wrok out for the day is 12 pull per set.. till i hit 200.. wiht 3 mins break...when i hit 156 koala came alone.... she GAve mi birhtDAY PreSenTT!!!!
HAPPi wor!!!! and she also acompanied mi till i finish doing.. but after she came.. tink got melted by her sweetiness. the last 4 sets all cannot complete.. haha.. tink i wasted some of her climbing time...
my arms still not fully heal... but i tink a good 80-85 %.. still hurt a bit when i try to pull till chest..
tml i think i climbing agian..hand cannot clench... koala say it is normal.. her's cant too.. manz.. cannot fight like that manz..cannot punch ppl in the FACE!!. haha.. i tink i becoming a koala wanna be.. still as inspire by her.. to be good at climbing.. hope to be as good as her...motivation..jun wei opeing gym for mi agian!! wOOoohohooo..
sometimes i like beeing alone at the bar.. but it is really nice to have someone to accompany mi once a in a while....=)
oh.. i got a letter from janice!. birhtdya card!!... nice....i tink i will write her back.. i knoe she like sunflowers.. and ther eis a sunflower postcard which i borught for some charity stuff....tinki will write on that..
Sheesh today been a really really nice day...koala's present, marko's donut,janice's card and dingy's pic..
Happy like HIPpo..!!
with love
9:47 PM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
PERfect LA LA weaTHER!
weather perfrect for La la ing... been raining whole day.. well for those who dont knoe wat is la la ... la la means to sleep... as in visit la la land...haha i lala-ed the whole afternooon.. hehehe i din sleep well again.. nowaday dont feel like sleeping at nite.. cos the nite is quiet and nice.. listen to nice song and all... i like the nite...
anyway today lecture 8-10 only.. then i ask junwei to open rock gym for mi!!! and he did!!!! i had the gym to myself!!! wOOohohooo!! secret training... i completed a route1! which i cant do just yesterday.. happy wor... climb form 10 to 12.30. then hang board for 1/2 hrs...
sunbeaR Drop by... she brought he whole gang come climb.. sheesh.. i kinda dont like crowd mans.. i prefer climbing alone or with one or two person i comfrotable with.. dont knoe why.. loner nature bah...
OH!! my first Bday present drop by!!! from sunbear!!!!a stacy kent cd... touched wor!!! thanks lar sunny she burn mi a host of other disc.
oh yah the DA P girl also came... i still haven kill her Xiao P... sheesh .. i though i am childish.. but she is even more so... she carries with her a pooh bear.. which she call Xiao P.... i haven seen Xiao P yet but been hearing much abt the legendary bear... gotta kill it someday... dont ask mi why.. just feels good to kill some one fav stuff... hahaha.. oh no... i becoming like AH hao!!! the wang na murderer... sheesh....haha just teasing her only lar..
erm.. oh yah.. today the lift at EA block is crowded.. always filled with PESTY, selfish undergrads.. that is not the pt i trying to make ... but the pt is there is this group of undergrads keep talking and bragging abt wat they do and how tough their cos is.. none of them bother to even press teh open button for the door lift to open... then the door lift close on a poor girl.. who use her arms to block the door..
sheesh!!wat have ur years of education done to u ppl? simple tihngs like pressing the open button u cant do? disgusting lar...
that is not the worst lor... the worst one is i saw wiht my own eyes.. they delibrately close the lift door when they saw some one running toward it from a dsitance away..
bet they were thinking" hurry up .. close the door.. waot for the next lift sucker!!'
selfish ppl... failure manz.. this are the future leaders?
talk abt caring for he people? seft centre buggers...i going to ask turtle whoops ur ass...
time to practice net logo program
ask turtle [ say "happiBday"]
with love
6:25 PM
Healing Well
i sleep till 11 am today!! i knoe i am a lazy piggy.. but i woke up a 6 am yestreday to run okie.. give mi abreak.. but to be able to sleep so late is really a BLESSing lor...
oh yah.. i meet jiahui to pass her LS 123 cert... LS is not liao sai lar... it is life saving... she is alos doing prof loh RP...hee.. so the three person is benjamin( ah jie frined and eyecandy's class mate), musha( the passenger u knoe wat i mean ) and jia hui...
saw one more frined.. the dengue boy!! i call himthis cos he kena dengue fever in year 1.. he is taking prof lee RP... i kinda respect prof lee but i keep my distance..
he is demanding in some way.. maybe becos he say this b4
" if u dont delvier u dont deilver. time is not an excuse.. given enought time my grandma also can get a degree"
" so wat if u work hard? the road sweeper work hard, but u tink he derserve a degree?"
this two sentecne he say have somewat make sense at the same time make mi realsie limitation of ppl.. come on.. not every body is born as smart as u lor.. limitations.. i wish i could say someting like tat.. if i am that good.. cockY!!..
but dont get mi wrong.. i do respect him for his smartness. that is why he is my chem eng idol..
i went to library and mug a bit..the librayr crowded sia... so fsat got many mugger liao.... hmm.. no more familair faces this sem.. cos i year 4 liao.. most of my frined either grad or ia liao.... anywya can concentrate better.. but got question also dontknoe who to discuss with.. sianz... anyone wanna mugg with mi?
anyway i went lcimbing at 3 pm... woohoo!! i knoe junwei!! he help mi open the rock gym!!! thanks wor.. now i can climb at afternoon... can have hte gym to myself..
yeah happy.. no stress... no pressure.. only mi and myself!!! TAhnks JUNWEI!!!
my right arm is better already!! abt 70% healed... i can do a few pull liao...
i did 80 today.. wiht marko!!! happy! happy!.. yeah... but still cannto do explosive type.. nor bar F .. train a bit for one arm...saw a few dragon boaters at the bar.. but they going gym.. hee... i dont relaly like dragon boater.. but some are my still okie..
gosh!! today unit ops pharmy lectre is sucky. replacement lecuture.. marc garland is on oversea trip!! that person really cannot teach manz... sainz.. he gave 20 mins break and relaise like 1/2 early..
but he was like damn sad.. cos he get arrowed by marc garland to teach when he could have been home watching telly and do wat evey he likes ... haha.. well too bad!!
tehn there is malay class ... i was late by 1 hr.. but i was there... acutally there is a mei nu at my malay class lar.. jsut that jingy mention it least i tink she is cute but then she is short.. i was telling jingy that.. then she agree with mi.. haha jingy very farnie one.. keep dreamning for nite classes. sheesh...
jingy say dingy say i like BIGBOY.. always need to give in too mi.. hahaaha
am i so spoilted?ahaha well just keep giving in to mi lar.. hahaahaha
yeah ! grandma gave us bread again... i get hungry now and then .. got bread to eat.. hehehee.. tml going to bring one for jieying morninglecutre at 8am. plus she stay hall one.. very lonely and sad.. cannot see mummy and daddy... cos the sandwich cannto keep long one.. there is more tahn enought..
this week is my last week as 22 liao.. so fast.. old liao preety unfair to mi.. in some ways yet bless with mi some good stuff...i just hope to be a better person. and things will go my way.. find someone nice that underatsdn mi ...become a stornger person..more paitence and more kind. haha..
sheesh din they say htat cannot say out else not will not happen..
anwyay this is not B day wish waT. so can say.. heheheh
wonder who will give mi present? heehee.. i still rem only de hui gave mi gundam and jancie gave mi baby blues comic last year.. and marko and groovy had a cake for mi..!!tehn we go crazy at WEst COAST... play like BIG kiddies... ahahaa
CANT Forget.. still REm... heee..
with love
12:10 AM
Sunday, August 21, 2005
" the Strong must protect the sweeTs "
by homer simpson..
with love
9:13 PM
MIss THe podium! but HaPPI.... very!!
WOOooooHHHOoooo.. every time i use WWOoooo hooo!! means i am high or happY!!!...
yesterday was my birhtyda treat.... tehn we played pool till late.. i had to sent clara home.. dotn understand her.. she jion us but she din play.. she always come watch watch only.. weroid.. either she too free or she really enjoy our company.. ? i think she too free..haha .. but she cliam she is nice.. ahah yah lah. she nice and veyr indenpendant one...
i reach home at 130 am.. then i K.o.. cos i wanna go running with dingy.. he need to win sometihng for his NYDC... so i fugure i go pace him... i lack motivation lately.. after losing my koala motivation...cant train well and dont feel like studying.. plus injury.. haiz..
i woke up at 6 am... snooze for 5 mins.. the morning was cold and nice to cuddle in bed.. was contemplating to slepe throughout or not.. but i guess my heart wanna to go.. despite the body saying no!! hahaha...
but i WAS DEfinately glad i did......
dingy say the run is at 730... we reach there at abt 7... but the race start at 7!!!!!
there was extra number tag.. so i just took one from dingy and run... i was bearly warm up... hand and legs are so cold form the sleep last nite.. and the lung was like not even warm up hte least bit...
nonetheless i ran... i was leading for a while before kena over taken... hahaa but still can count..
i got FOurth!!!! not bad lar.. a steeady fourth.. the third was like 40 sec away and there was like no one behind mi... i wasnt even prepare for the run ... no training wat soever.. just last min ad hoc due to extra number tag.. plus i did not warm up...
i tink i am like the most bulit runner.. all those pulling and all.. not ideal.. carry excess weight.. got a kid skinny and thin.. he pretty good.. think he is ideal for running.. this body type.. like those kenya runners. carry jiak enough weight fro the run.. no more no less.
it kinda remind mi of my SAJC track in jc2 .. i had shin splint and i ran... i tink i was suppose to secure a top 20 position.. despite the injury.. i got 21 place.... that day i was so sad htat i went home after the run instread of going out witht he track guys... sucky huh....
but nice to run marchite agian!!..
thast is not the best part!! the best part is i got to shake hand with a pretty girl!! according to dingy .. she is miss singapore.. she is really hot!!!! hahaa.. good looks and gd figure!!
if i knoe she is at the ending pt , i tink i would have whack the run and got first1!! haha..
when i got the pics i will post it up!!!!
hee .. happie!!!!!! VERy happie!!
anwyay i saw karen... farnie lor.. she keep giggling and laughing at her poor frined!! haaha... but nice to see familar face ard...
also saw kah gay.. my ocs frined..
looks like i still can run despite missing from running for like 1.5 years.time spent mugging in the library..haha i am a mugger manz..
anwyay two more small run and one big run! real , wave and FUll!!
had tau hui for breakfast!! nice!! and warm..
oh yah.. labbie ask mi to post pic of my shoes.. i got two.. my adidas superstar..
pensisular got a shop selling!!! many models.. $89 bucks.. nice nice!!! u wont go wrong with this pair of shoes... cool!!
nice ?hologram one!!

notice the hologram!!! haha
my ADiDaS superSTAR!!

the dirty one is bro kee shoes!! the cleaner in is mine... soon it will be dirty!!! more rugged.....but till it get dirty.. it is going to remain clean and white..( erm.. bro u better stop stepping on my shoes liao =P)
Labbie... nice rite? hehe oh yah.. got a converse shoe i saw.. black shoes with red lace..!!! quite nice.. when ur shoe spoilt got get that.. cos i tink really nice...
that is one more pinky one. muru's FAV .. hahahaa damn.. too bad i am broke.. else i get a size 9 pink converse for him cos his birthdya TODAY.. happy B daY MURU!!!
not going to wash my hand..
hhaa pretty girl touch before..
ahahhaa. CRAzy!!
with love
10:49 AM
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Friendiest cyclist!!!!!
i drag myself out of bed.. today colection of race chip at toa payoh.. it is nearer than i thought ..clock abt 45km... hehehee
first time cycling into that area...
i saw many cyclist todya.. mainly angmohs.. they are foriegn talent wor. and got the $$$ to buy nice nice bikes... i saw them riding hte nicest of bike...Drool!! but my yellow bike anit that shabby..i say hi to all of them... they are very frinedly too.... i tink i am the friendiest cyclist mans... hehehe
it rained!!!! i dare not go fast. cos the brake on rainy day a bit retarded one .. no sensitive..
it was fun to cycle inthe rain nonetheless. but the babd thing i need to wash up the bike...
it abt time i wash my bike too...
so i strip my bike.. wash it... the crtic acid.. got a bit of lemon smell..
then i Poll lack it.. haha ( the ah lam in money no enough say car polish as car poll lack )
now it is shining!!!! proud...!!
but i relasie two things.. i tihnk sometimes i cycle too ferice then i chip off partially the crank teeth... and the gas valve capping is borken too..
well.. wear and tear i suppose..
and i make a mess in hte toilet floor.. eeks..
i use all of my this year ang bow on tonite dinner... haiz.. $150 dont think it is enough....
waiting to go out soon... boring sat afternoon..
shd i go play soccer tml? murugan sound interested.. look like nobody wahcking lats pull too.. hmpf... murugan pretty strogn for his size.. he also defeated E honda.. but he is like a qauter samller than marko and koala.... strongs..!!
too bad he dont wnna jion hte gang.. haiz..
heal heal heal.. right arm faster heal!!
with love
4:19 PM
Friday, August 19, 2005
FAir or not?
KElly won!! wooHOO!!!... but felt sad for xin hui.. she worked so hard.. when htey flash back those prevoous images.. xinhui is like kinda plump.. then she work hard to become thin.. but unfortunately she lost...din i always beleive that hark work always pay off? sheesh, so it is sad even i supported K lee.. but u catn deny it!! she sang better in The semi finals. Well thats enough to prove ur worht liao.. she also a superstar in my view...
weilian Won!! unbelievable..!!! ARE u blind or wat? most of his fans probaly are.. maybe the whole blind assciation is behind him...(just kidding) as much as i beleive in giving fair chance but i tink the fact tat he is not marketable, makes no sense to sent him to the final..
maybe singaporean really belive in fair chance for all.. even the handicapped... or maybe just plain pity.?
lesson to learn: the best probably wont win.. a thousand and one other factors will affect hte out come.. dont get demoralise and move on...donesnt matter, u are improving anyway..
if weilain win in the final!!! i will FAint!!!
todya jieying din come for lecture..she got driving test!! i sat alone !! bored.
then there is 2 hr break.. i went to the pull and realise my arm are still as bad.. cant do pull liao... sian..
i headed to yih study room to mug a bit
then another 2 hours of lecture ..
i had lunch alone.. i always hated that sucky feeling.. haha.. guess who i saw? i saw koala at yih.. she eating lunch too.. i pray that she din notice the poor loner eating lunch alone.. ahaha
anyway i went up to say hi before heading home for a nap.wanted to go climb.. but cant find ppl to climb..
i giving birhtdya treat tml at mache!!
kammy and J
dingy and jingy
adrian and jack
marko and groovy
ah jie and bert
and clara too..
poorer by yet another 200 buck i tink.. haiz...
if only i got ji BA ban
with love
7:07 PM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
lousy DAY!!!
i was at the bar alone today at 1045.... i tape some marking on hte pull up bar.. in an effort to help mi achieve my one arm pull right arm aint really recover .. still hurts ... arghSS
so i did only for left hand... the weaker of my hand.
marko drop by..
i told him i found a canoe polo ball... he burst the canoe ball and wirte" fark canoepolo" and place the ball outside the canoepolo storeroom...haha.. i tink he too stress up liao.. he really hates the canoe guys.. i dont likethem too..but then again i dont like many ppl.. hahaa..come on.. when push come to shaft... i stand by marko
all the way!!!
sssshhhh.....dont tell them it is us who spoit their ball.. haik haik haik..
i went for lecture today.. TOOpid dingy skipp lecuture...bought sometyinhg for marko to eat..
the lecture was farnie.. he taught us the netlogo program...
the command has to be type as such..
ask turtle [ change color " blue"]
then hte tihngy will change color
ask turtle [ set shape "turtle"]
it iwll become a turtle shape.. haha
the turtle so li hai.. can do many things..
ASk turtle [ bar F]
Ask turtle [ Whoop ARSE]
bet it cant do taT..heehee
i had a 4 hr lecutre straight..!!! alone!! i sat first row!!! and kena ask question.. heng i knoe.. okie... farnie thingy is that after doing my RP.. i sort of understadn athe concepts in a diff light.. seems to link toghter.. a clearer pic... WOOooHOoo..
lecture ended at 1800... i dont wanan sqeeze witht he peak hr crowd.. so i went to the rock gym.. climb a bit...
i swear i really shouldnt be climbing.. my arm aint doing so well... but i manage to complete one route some one set one.. a few trys lar.. i am still weak...
i did some endurance on the wall.. then i did hang boards.. farnie wor...doing it alone... hahaa koala introduce mi to the hang board one..i wnana a hang board!! so i can have stronger fingers!haha
i left the gym at 7.30
i went to the pull again.. fark the pull got a few ppl sitting there.. inconsiderate.. hullo i wnaan pull leh.. can u ppl pls FARK off.. dont block!!!
i try to signal i wnaan do.. but they just din budge.. FARK inconsdierate..
anyway i move to the other pull.. the SADDER one... i try to a a few left hand pull..
not bad lar slight progress...
ithen i went home!!!! mummy din cook!!! i was hungry.. yet dont wnan eat arm njure leh.. i need to eat healthier wor.. my body need protein to repair my arm..
then i went downsatart to buy.. then most sho close liao.. i was like kinda irriated..
like they say hungry man is an angry man...
i was like in a foul mood.. i just eat biscult and drank milk and lock myself in my room.. reading shaman king comic..
in hte end i was hungry and cook maggie for myself.. abt 3 hr later..
haiz.. but i added 2 eggs. for my arm.. recover soon.....
YEAH , ZM say he got mi ticket for JD super star final!!! muack!!! thanks!!
come on kelly!!! u got to make it there.. !!!!
i just relaise kermit have a blog!! kermit is really a cool guy in my opionion .. having being together for sometihng.. and he understands wat i am toking abt.!! hahaa
he quite farnie ! and gd natured...he been with mi for a efw activites too.. wind surfing.. diving, climbing... erm.. i jio him for lunch one of this day... instead of skipping lunch...
seems to mi tat all my frineds are all mr nice guy one.. Shaw RAy, KErmit, ZM .. how come i the only one that is like bad and evil?.. attitude and all... sainz..
it is indeed true lor.. i sound like a angry blogger most of hte time.. that is bad manz..
okie!! from tml.. i try to be mr nice..
oh yah.. i saw yushan for 2 days she working as some insurance thingy..we are like nememis in sec sch one.. i hate her guts and she most prob hate my as well... well..
farnie thingy is htat we are talking.. tho i still hates ur guts, i am sorri abt the means things i said.
yah my mr nice guy plan is working..
i say the least use word in my dictionary
" sorri"
remind mi of the war veterans who shook hands on nomandy beach now, when at D day.. they weret trign to kill each other..
well. i was still young and immature...not that i am mature now.. but hey.. i trying to be a better person...
a stronger one infACt
the lotus of konoha blooms twice.. and u shd knoe the REsT... hehe
with love
1:11 AM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
yeah!! yeah!!! i went to catch kelly in action today at the recording of JD superstar!
kelly is really cool!!! but she din have the highest of score...=((
xing hui did... she had strong supporters all in red one...
tickeTS!!! thanks ZM!!!

well we all wore blue to support kelly!!! i had to borrow a shirt from ZM...
ZM , weiling, kermit , sophia , vincent and esmond ..
it is the first time i went to media corp studio.. hahaa i am quite moutain tortise one.. hahaha but it is an eye opening experience...
anyway can catch KElly in ACTION...

she look really cool and sharp in her fisrt outfit!! way cOOl..!!!
we hide behind the banner when camera turn to us.. tink can see mi on telly!! haha..shyz!!!
both are really good.. but i supporting kelly..
her pts are 41 37.5 and 37
the xinghui are 42 41 and 44
rem to call and vote for kelly!!!! cos i wanna see her at indoor staduim wor!!
i itnk the judges have too high an expectation from her.. cos she is like one of the better one.. u knoe the learning and improvement curve gets harder when u are better.
but she already a superstar in my view liao!! hee...
girls are sensitive manz... i just commented weiling look a little fat from lastt itme and now she not eating supper!!
sheesh!! okie oike i take back.. infacct u loook very okie.. just a bit fleshy.. cos u are skinner last time.. but still look good lar...
oh.. today lecutre got one intersting thingy
if a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
hardwork = 8 + 1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
love =12+15+22+5= 54%
luck =12 +21+3+11 =47%
money=13+ 15+14+5+25= 72%
u know wat makes 100%?
ATTitude!!!! workout urself!!
cool rite? but i believe in hard work!!!
i give 100% and tehn some!!
koala ask mi for climb today( welcome tea).. thanks but no thanks... i tink i will climb on my own now... when i get strong and better.. ppl will flock to mi..
just like any others... if u are rich and powerfull... ppl will come to u..
when u are a nobody.. who the hell care who u are...
practical sociaty... sheesh..
no body like hanging ard with weakings... lousy students...
every one wants to be with person strong in which ever area and every one wanna gather ard dean's lister...
but HAVE u evER though abt those weakers?
their feeling?
dont be so arrogant.. for u will bound be weak at times.
FARK!!! i will get stronger one of this days.. and reach my hand out to those like.mi.. the weak shall not be forgotten or left behind.. for i will protect and offer my aid to those weaker..share in their sad moments.
that is why i need to be strong!
with love
11:46 PM
i tink i been taught this lesson many times already.. but i knoe i aint really learn this lesson of life... humbility...
i think pride is very hard to swallow
one of the hardest thing is believing tat ppl are better that u...
often excuses are make for consolation or self deception.. at least that is wat i always do..
anyway i attribute to the bad mood last weekedn to hthis.. EGO , pride, proudness wat ever u call it..
i dont knoe lar.. just dont admit defeat...
anyway just do it lar... cos i will do WATEVer it takes... to become a stronger person..
seems like i Have fallen but i will walk again..
just like JOhnny walker
" i may walk slow but i never walk backwards"
that my sorted out thoughts..
training started today again ..heee. my arm still hurts...
anwyay i went for malay lessona t nite..
teh ciku say the brain stop develiping at 13 and will shrink at 30.
scary manz...
anwyay ZM maange to helpmi get tickets to Jue DUi superstar!!!
yeah!! thanks Wor!! i going to support kelly!!
but need to wear ligh blue.. i dont have light blue shirt eeks..
shd i buy or not?
with love
12:16 AM
Monday, August 15, 2005
WOooooo... RIDE IN A RX8..WOOoo yeah!!!!
WOOoooo YEAH!! i got a ride on RX 8 home!!!!! thanks to SHAW RAY.. my COCc buddy... THANK!!!! the feelign great!!!! it is a REALly sweeet car.....
shaw is the nicest guy u ever find..... humble,very good tempered,farnie and of cos rich..
sometimes i really do admire him for his gd natured... whicih i know i am not..
which brings mi to the bad mood i had last nite..
i haven had conflict wiht any one for the longest of time but i got into an argument with koala..
wat seems to be a guesture of good will asking mi to go climb turn out to be sometihng bad..
well there is this theory that states " ppl of hte same classification will mixed together.. " dont knoe by who one..
true or false? aggree or disagree?
i itnk it is very true indeed.. correct mi if i am wrong.. officers and specs are segregarted
high class and low class are segregated.
fast runner and slow runner train seperately..
smoker and non smoker too...
ppl with common skills and ablitiy or status seem to be able to click better.. and hence closer....
not that i dont wnan go climbing wiht koala.. in fact i very much hope to go climbing with her . so i can learn from her...
but climbing with pros climber.. no no.. i feel so lousy and demoralise climbing wiht ppl better than u..
i understand and i realise that i not good..weak..FARK!!!.. sick!! digusted!!!i knoe i accepted and i try to improve on it.. really i tried!! i even went gym and climb despite a strained rigth arms....why am i tryig so hard?
i dont noe why but this arguemnet much affected mi , i couldnt sleep well last nite..was thinking wat i am doing? just give up the sport lar... so wat if u can climb? who is there to regonise ur abilties?...train so hard for wat? study lar...
study and mug whole day.. be a nerd!! at least nerd are popular ... they got tuitorial solutions.
spent lonely hrs and lecture at teh bar for FARK?..wat u trying to prove?
i not going to break into group liao.. cos i knoe that is not feasible.. toopid move...just like hte YCK minds Example... if u wnana ahve company or a grp.. all must start off from the same foot..
suffer together or learn together... that is how strong bond is form...
maybe i expected her to be more understanding.. well.. i guess. i shd go back to my lonely self... nothing lose.. maybe just knoe one more frined..quite appreciate her asking mi for climb.. thanks but no thanks...
no friends = no expectation = no arguement
but not necessarily mean happy..
so fast huh. eveyr starts and end.. seriouly i tink i hate climbing now.. watever. just go back to wat i good at... erm..
basically nothing... jst eat sleep and grow fat..
be truthful dont indule in self deception..
no one believes in mi and i not even sure i can believe my self or not... quite sick...
my hand are like shaking most of the time for tryin so hard.. ulgy blister.. strained arm... time waste pulling my life away...wasting money to go gym and climb.
lost focus!!! ARGH!!!!someone help mi!!
i so tired i going to sleep alreadY...
hope i will sort out my thought soon.
I am so screwed!
with love
12:16 AM
Saturday, August 13, 2005
erm. ARe You Pure ChinESe? You loOK miXED...
hmm.. this is probaly the most common question ppl ask mi when meeting for the firs time.... some say i indain chinese mix .. some say malay chinese mix... some say indonesia chinese... crazY!! ahaha even my Reserach project prof tink so...
maybe it is my bushy brown.. thick manz... haha.. dont like.... haiz...
but no chioce liao.. born like that one.. hmpf...
ohyah... today i caught jue due superstar... i cant help to tink that teh weiliang guy( partially blind fellow guy) cannot possiblily be a superstar....
not that i dont believe in equally..but i do seriuosly have my doubt.. for sure.. i mean ....seriouly the world is practical...
kinda upset mi.. cos i always belief that everybody should be given a chance.. but the sad cold fact is soceity judges.. be it appearance.., disabilites, sterotypes,and results. grades....
the best are decieded by their rules..,, why do they have a say in who is good or not.. wehn they have not even been in the person shoes...
well maybe it is ppl of diff capabilites and potentail to cause soceity to exist.. if every one is the same.. tehn wats the pt of socities's functions..
sad fact of life.. live with it lor..
I BORUGH myself A ROCK LEE hand phone chain!!! wOOHOO!O!!.. i like rock LEE>..
he believes as much as mi tat hard works can overcome lack of talent!!
the lotus of konoha blooms twice, but hte time u see mi.. i be a stronger person...
i registered for yet another running event.. mizuno wave!! 15 bucks...
really running low on cash this month!!!
oh yha.. i went town iwth muru and ate subway...
i got a conned feeling today.. first the sub way stickersc annot cliam a meal.. can only claim a subway 6 foot long sandwosh!! sucky!!
and the carpark cos 8 freaking bucks!!!
noramlly only 2,50 per entry!!!!
WAT the HELL happened manz....?
i top up my daddy cash card.. 20 buck!!!
money flows like water... and i have bearly bought new text books!!!!
if only i was richer..... dreamnzzzz....hiaz..
with love
11:08 PM
Friday, August 12, 2005
WWOooHOoo.. HOmer MENg!!
thursday nite lecture is SCREWED!!! FIRst LECTUre for food tech1!! MS udin!! diE manz... well known for his slackness... the lecture was suppose to start at 1800.. but it started at 1845... 45 minutes worth of delay.. computer cock up.. back in unit!! a mistake like take could earn u like 3 extra duties manz.
i am going to boy cot food tech liao.. the lecturer jsut read off the slides..sheesh!!!
bad teaching1!!
anwya i was at sch early tat day.. to pull!! wat else.hehee... but i mugged in the library for a good 4 hrs. before the lousy lecture...
oh yah..i got NUSSU dairY!! FREE one!!!! auntie menaltiy.. i go on to msg eveyr one adn tell them to take.. heheeeFREE one mar!!!
today is FRIDAY!! YEAH weekend here.. i got lecutre AT 8 am... i purpsoely late one.. cos i kneo starting they will talk crap.. jieying REserve place for mi!!!!!!
gan dong!!!!! i tink no one do that to mi in uni before...!!!! so was a bit touched!!
TAhnks wor!!
then i got 2 hr break.. i go pull agian!!! must get strogner!!
then i went for bio lecture .. not bad... i smuggle in one donut.. which is my lunch.!!!
i like donuts.. homer also like donut.. WOOhoooOO...
then i went climb from 2-5 with koala and frineds.PRof climber!! i will do watever it takes to improve!! . then it was a 4 km run..
they, the pro ,cont to climb... i went to pull with marko!!!! meet a new frined at the bar! ..
Dragon boaters crowding ard the bar wor..
i did anyother 100 pulls.. before going for dinner!!!!
marko say my growth trangle is screwed .. eat too little.. only a bread in morening and a donut for lunch....
no one pei mi eat lar.. wat to do?
feels good after all the training!! yeah!!
with love
9:50 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
after yesterday demoralise FEELing..i headed to the gym today.. to whack lats pull..
lets see wat i do
7 set of 140 lbs 10 reps.
6 set of 90lbs 20 reps
2 set of cable row.
10 mins of rowing..
then swim then long john lunch at lot 1 with muru, dingy, pikachew and kee
dont know why the lng john combo one got free chicken...
once we eat long john .. it means we are running low on allowance.. hahaha
then we went to play pool.. OMG. they play techno music for those head shaking bengs kee suggest the personwho play 9 ball pool lose will go and ask the girl incharge to chagne teh music as a forfeit... ( the music is really noisy manz)
then kee as the one who lost tahsnk to murugan.. hehehe...
the farnie thingy is that once the music got changeed... kee suggested the next person to lose will say thank u to the girl...
and u guess who lost?
I DID!!! GOSH... i did say like thanks for changing the song at the end.. but she like went"HUH!!!!" intially before asking which type of song we perfer .. the techno or normal music.. ahah defineately not techno!!! LC!!!!!!!
anyway as soon as i reach home... i went out to cycle with dingy.. to cathc fire work!!!!
nice i tell u
no matter how many times i see it.. i still like it!!!! just cool!!!
the grasss at espanade are a goner.. with all the crowd steping on it.. the police was trying very hard to tell ppl dont step on the grass via loud speaker..
tehn there is this irritating lady.. who say
" why dont u tell this bikers who kill the grass with their bike""
HULLOO!!!! u never wear specs huh? the grass patch and the pathment beside the grass patch are nott he same leH!!!!!
i tink she say that to spike us.. cos i let other ppl walk as i was like with a bicycle.. then she like behind us... DAMN>> crowd leh... eveyr body have to sqeeze mah.. give and take.. be paitence lar... toopid woman....
just now got a police who say. bikes are not allow ont he road.. pls go to pathment...
SHEESH wat u wnana mi to do? pathment got irriating ladies and road get scold by police...anyway i din heed the police's warning and cycle
which he say a loud " EXCUSE ME"
heck lar... catch mi if u can.. BLEH!!!!!!!
btw the crowd and the fire work?
definately!! worht it!!
had lychee dirnk before heading home!!!!swweet!!!!!!
sch tml !! haiz..
still in holiday mood..1!!
with love
12:26 AM
Monday, August 08, 2005
Frist DAy of sch!!
first day of sch today!!! saw many new faces wors.. of cos lar.. year 4 liao leh.. old manz.... haha i went to sch at noon when my lecture start at 1800...
i no so hardworking lar.. actually koala ask mi to go climb and run.. but deep inside i knoe i am like just a substitue when her training partner cannot train with her... quite sad rite? as much as i don like to be someone replacemetn and the fact aht nothing will work out.. i still went to pei her.. dont knoe why lar... maybe just seeing her will make mi happy... okie okie.. i knoe i knoe.. quit nagging at mi...
let mi the toopid love fool..
if it was a dream .. dont wake mi up... let mi be happy even if it is temporary..
she was late today.. so i went to visit my pull ...guess who ii saw?
DINGY!!!!! so farnie... but it is great to see my bro on the first day of sch!!!
we climbed and ran 4km..cant really rem when is it that i run so short and so leisurely.. normally i run quite hard and long one.. but it is nice nonetheless.
i used to dislike ppl who run are sch campus.. so poser .. especailly the running pass the buss stop.. but today i did that !!! sheesh.. just for her..
after the run i completed 2 routes i cant do before so i was kinda glad..
then we do some pull ups
KOALa did 19 pulls
and i did only 16.5
FWAH LAU!!!! i KEGG liao... very very demoralise!!kena disgusted at my lousiness.. at my fingers for being so weak.. ARGH..
yah i went lecture after taht.. the lecturer is kinda cool... worthy of being the fourth chem eng idol... marc garland..he from A star. naturally,he veyr knowledgdable.. he share a few interesting stuff abt agro chemicals..
asians are more prone to kidney problems cos of the rice we eat got fungus. unless treated with fungiticides
got a drug thatprevnet morning sickness in pregnant ladies. optical entanomers are impt .. the other half will cause the babies to born without limbs.. scary...
the impt of reseach.. screw up a bit then lifes are at risk...
he sort of reminded mi of prof loh.. but prof loh kinda more friendly ...
but i tink marc garland is too smart and li haiz.. so i shall keep my distance.. haha
very farnie.. he mention karimi . ( a chem eng lecturer too)
he call him CREAMY cos of his accent!!
WE call HIM KAR -LEE -ME...heheheee
oh yah.. i saw my eye candy zj at the lecture today!! din see her since last sem... she still looks nice ...
aniway. i wasted 6.50 on cab feee.. i rush after he lecture for my malay classes.. i was like 1 hr late... sobsob.. going be like this from now on liao....
so much for first day of sch...
i din have anytihng since morning.. was like starving when i reach home.. it was late.. so most shop was like close.. expcept macs.. 24 hrs..
unhealty but i need food.. so yah lor... sianz
alvin ask mi for a cycle but he went ahead wihtout mi... again!!! hEY.. u ARE pushing IT manz...since when u ride at 7 pm one... wat happen to riding from 10 pm onwards... tehn accuse mi for converting to a roadie.. not that i dont wanan ride with u ppl!!!
u ppl aint worth it manz... not that i wanna be alone.. cos some company can do without.. WTH!!!!
frineds!!! like i alwyas say.. they only good as long as they last...
so much for fisrt day of sch!
tml public holiday!!
with love
11:16 PM
Sunday, August 07, 2005
sch starts tml.. GOSh !!
it been so FAST... three month sem break is over.. at least not for mi lar..
just one week of slacking...
i been watching naruto. from episode 1-136 courtesy of jieying... damn addictive and DAMn nice...
who got 137- to current episode... lent mi pls!!!!!haha
today i saw at market place an aero bar selling at $120.. syntace C2... kinda interested.. but tehn the owner just sold it this afternoon.. well.. i just have to wait for the next seller to come along tehn... life is always like that . wait and wait.. when cahnces dont come .. they just dont come... and often when they come i miss it already... manz...
i tink i am falling sick.. a bit sore thorat.. too heaty and a bit flu in the this web site my labbie sent mi.. quite cute... check out the flu buggy...
EEkkks... quite cute...
today i wanted to go for marko mummy senting off... but there is no one except mi.. so i feel like so weird and decided not to go... manz.. i wish i could do something to make marko feel better.. but i just dont knoe how... haiz.. some frined i am ..
i am a lousy friend...
my class guy organise some bbq on national day.. but i dont wanna go... cos i am like even close to them despite see each other for a few sems... just dont click..
maybe for XM and winnie are kinda consider frineds. the rest are just normal ppl.. haha... so i am not going on tuesday...
damn.. Alvin ask mi for a ride on tuesday.. tehn he dont tell mi any tihng.. then last min.. then accuse me for not going.. or they all planning another Rich KIDDies cycling trip... GOSH... dont push it manz....
slut got some birthdya party plan for alvin manz.. rich ppl can plan surpirze party lar... if possible i also wanan plan..plan for all my good frineds...not much.. din knoe since when alvin and slut so close one.maybe they stay close to each other. and the supper together...Supper unhealty manz.. not that i dont wnana jion u ppl.. cos u all start so near... and i stay like 30mins cycle away... tehn so late.. there is no bus...pls put urself in my shoes.. be a considerate frined..i dont mind going for nite cycle.. but nite cycle tehn supper.. HELL no!!! i still rem i bought samurai X figure for slut during OCS days.. cos he kinda like it..
well.. i aint going to do anything nice for this party.. ppl worthiness are questionable.. maybe i dont even go.. i am capable of stunts like this..very infact.
just like the time the pull up gang all skip prom nite.. hahaha..who the hell cares..
gosh i had a hard time deciding where to eat on my birthyda.. such a hassle.. stll tink it is kammy fault.. for starting a trend for B day person to treat everyone..
ur faulT!!!!!!!
sheesh i haven do my malay homework.... gonna do now!!
plus more pulls!! wooah!
with love
11:10 PM
Saturday, August 06, 2005
typical singapoREan mind SET
wat is not urs.. u dont take care!!!
same goes for equipment!!! be it bicycle, guitar... book.. etcetc
u lent ur " frineds" ur stuff... and u expect them to return in the same state rite?
HELL no!!! ppl will not take good care of ur stuff merely the fact tath that stuff is not theirs...
this is most likely the reason why i wanna be a selfish freak... becos of the present of this jackASS!!!!
i asking back somelecture notes for some mod i took a few sem ago..from alexis.. kee's gf... now she tell mi
" i THOUGHT You say can throw away"
u tink i tho WHO FARking COnfirm?
come one lar... dont be a irresponsible person.. we are all grown ups....
then the other time i ask her for shaman king comic
cos she got the whole set she say " oh... if u wnana borrow cna.. but hor. u cannot dirty it" very relutantly
big deal.. u expect ppl to do that but u can do that to other ppl!! sheesh!!!
u really got a fantastic mind set!!
u are world best!!!
i really wanna be a seflsih person... there is this guy.. JS from my fac one.. always borrow lab coat form mi... this sem also.. but i din reply....
i dont knoe wat it is abt him.. but some girls tink he is cool.. but i tink he is nothing...
i got a record of bashing up my buddy in OCS cos my buddy really dont derserve to pass out of OCS then this JS guy try to be peace maker thinking he knows eveyr tihng... but hey. dont step into stuff u dont FARKing knoe!!!!
anyway i lent him my labcoat the last sem.. as expected manz.. the lab coat was like dirty and one button came off!!!! no even a tahnks at the end of the sem....
and iwas the one who need to wash and repaeir the button...
if u are my bro iwont mind doing that for u.. but the fact is u are nobody to mi!!
sheeshh..ppl are jsut seflish man... that is the reason i dont like to lent my thingd out.. cos mostly it come back ko yaih ko yaih one...
lesson to learn.. : pls take care of ppls stuff !! treat it as tho they belong to u...
goodness sake.. dont behave like priamry sch kids manz
with love
3:45 PM
There ARe not WEak ppl... only WEak minds..
NOThing beats a big big icy cold plain water.. one full bottle.. glup it all down in one mothful!!!.. satisfied..
i concluded i am crazy.. ahah i always liket he nite .. espcailly training at nite... the traffic lighter.. the air cooler.. and quieter...
maybe it is the crazy mi.. then again it may be the lonely froday nite... i cycle all teh way from home to ECP... do two laps there... then cycle to nus.. do 80 pull ups
then cycle home...
milage 79km... CRAZY... i tink my minds not weak after all.. heehee
i started cycling at 930 pm.. reach sch at 12 mindnite...
got a different feeling doing pull up in the silent nite... especailly so without koala and marko.....
hope marko getting fine...
the nite kinda scary and eerie... maybe it is the 7th lunar month.. hee.. anyway it is good lar..the sch forum still kinda crowded with ppl.. some oreitation stuff...
haiz , i alwasy regret this part of my uni life.. not jioning orietation... haiz...
well.. live with it manz...
anyway i cant get ppl to watch moive with mi!!!! sobsob!!! my popularity sucky manz...
even the rich cycling boys dont cycle with mi no more.. hang out with guy with the yellow bettle manz..... concluded .. ppl will flock to rich ppl.. with big house big bike big car... i seen too many example...
to rich boys who use their daddy moneys and think they are rich... you all can take ur dollar notes and shaft it!!!! BOo!!
i clear up my desk today.. prepare for sch next week.. i also cahnge my wallet...
i still rem the wallet is a gift from janice to mi... well... she got a bf liao... the wallet not worth anything liao.. bye wallet...
actually my mummy bought mi a new wallet long time ago.. just that i din change it.. heheee .. toobad the wallet got no coin comparmetn.. i will carry a coin pouch ard..
dont be a heart person.... be a head person... dont let emotions control mi!! ARGH...
make mi vunerable... rem that lesson in life....but farnie thing is that we keep making that mistake over and over agian...
oh yah.. when i was riding at ECP i saw many ppl doing nite cycling... those leusire cyclist lar... stuck at traffic light..waiting for frineds one...
manz.. miss those day of cycling leisurely.... with good crowd then makan supper.. prata... milo dinosaur.. teh... and lychee!!!! haha
been quite some time... cos every time i ride now.. i ride hard....till i drip sweat...
this weekedn boring agian....
sat study my bahasa melayu
sun training at CCK stadium under harsest condition..
with love
1:13 AM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
i would give up everything just to be wiht u one more day..
life's short..
i dunno now how marko coping over the loss of his mummy..
cant imagine it happening to mi.. i be so so lost.. even pulling 10000000 billions times wont help...
i guess it is just a phase of life..
i just wanna tell my mummy how much i love her.*muackz* . i knoe sometimes she will take a peep at my blog.hee..
i know tat i always kept to myself in case you worry and stuff.. but i learning to grow up u know.. especailly in my desire to become a stronger person and often neglect family..
life pretty sad already, i hope eveyone will be happy .. really....
maybe not to those i dislike one.. hahaha..
i was bored today. again.. no one to ask out lor... tho i am the busy one.. when i am free eveyone else is busy.. haiz.. played shaman king the whole day!! addicted laio!!
every one say " hey lets meet up next time for coffee or movie.." but all talk only
sheesh... talks cheap manz...
my birthday comming soon.. toopid weihao treat everyone during his bithday cos he wanna show case his gf.. which i still think she is spolied to the max. tehn everyone in hte gang started treating for bday..
my birthdya coming soon.. tat means i have to treat everyone of them..
200 bucks gone!!sobsob..
i guess i better sleep early manz . tml moring study a bit then go visit marko!!
hang in there.. pull up buddy coming.....
with love
1:01 AM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
clean up Room DAy
my room been kinda messy nowadays.. despite i not sleeping at home for the past month... but i clean up most of the stuff and realise how much rubbish i have!! hahahaa
i got many typs of shoes mans...
hard to store them...
lets see wat i have
02 x asic running shoe.. model Ds runner and GEl Speed master
01 x army brooks new balance shoe
03 X boots..
01 X superstar adidas shoes.
01 x cycling shoes R125
01 x spike shoes
01 x adidas soccer boots
01 x nike presto
01 x format shoes for those format dinner
01 x brown shoes for rugged look one...
01 x climbing shoes 5.10
sheesh !! i got a lot of shoes hor....hhaha i need one more running shoes for event one.. the runnning shoes excceed their life span liao manz..hahaha..
got a lot of other junks manz.. magzaines. books, comics, recipts,
but i tink text books and lecture notes make up the bunk.. haahha and some army stuff..
although got so muhc junk but i tink my room is cleaner relative to typical boys room. hehehehhe not bad already liao lar.. hehehe..
caugh simpson today!! atfer a long long logn time. ahaha not bad.. hehee
today it rained heavy , spolit my plan of going sch to pull... sian...
wonder how the freshie are enjoying themsleves at sch.. are they any loner like mi one? ......
the cors system is sucky man... place 500 pts liao still got ppl outbid complemary medicine..
Dont ForCE mi show hand my PTS!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!
with love
9:33 PM
Monday, August 01, 2005
bUsy DAY!!
FinaLLY, i can again manage my own time... but today morning i went back to camp to settle unfinshed STuff!!! beyond duty sia.!!!! hahaahaa
then i went bike shop buy degreaser for my beloved bike.!!!hehehe
i actually plan to go sch pull before nite classes.. but james ask to meet huiling AKA slug... cos she is going to shang hao FOR NOC.... fortunate child.. get to see the world... haha give her a chance to learn to be indepentant.. hehehehe
WEnt far EASt cos james wanna cahnge his T shirt... which cost like FREking 50 bucks for a piece of rag... which the preson refuse to change!!!!... evil merchant!! hope ur business will plunge.. hahaaha
according to james the t shirt is imported form japan.. that is why so ex... hahaa
crazy .. i wont never spent so much on clothing.. hahaha maybe on sport apparrel but never on gai gai shirt.. hehee i tink i am quite plain.. only the few polo shirt and t shirt.. keep rotating. anyway there is no one to see..
oh i llearn something new todya!!! Ringer T..
to all those who dont knoe wat it is.. let moi enlighted u!!! the t shirt with band on the collar and sleeves are call ringer T ... hahahaa
i dont tink i have a ringer T.. hahaha
Coffe club is Ex mans...5 plus for coffee? .. erm.. could have enjoy a health meal of sub way... coudl have enjoy it more.. but must follow crowd... well.. long long one time lar...
malay classes is still okie... but a bit tired.. and not absorbing... got a lady we call mickey mouse, she quite li haiz... i must be better than her!! i will revise this week... hahaa and ans all the teacher question....the person at the learning centre say i cute lar.. heheheehe
wat to do tml leh? go cycing , pull or swim ?
jingy wanna wathc cahrlie and choco factory.. but i dont tink i am interested.. dont feel like going out with couples gang.. sainz...
fit one moive this week... wedding crasher.. then smuggle subway inside to eat.. hehhehe
with love
10:55 PM
the most powerful word S.O.R.R,Y
sorry if I made u sad.
with love
12:26 AM