Sunday, August 21, 2005
MIss THe podium! but HaPPI.... very!!
WOOooooHHHOoooo.. every time i use WWOoooo hooo!! means i am high or happY!!!...
yesterday was my birhtyda treat.... tehn we played pool till late.. i had to sent clara home.. dotn understand her.. she jion us but she din play.. she always come watch watch only.. weroid.. either she too free or she really enjoy our company.. ? i think she too free..haha .. but she cliam she is nice.. ahah yah lah. she nice and veyr indenpendant one...
i reach home at 130 am.. then i K.o.. cos i wanna go running with dingy.. he need to win sometihng for his NYDC... so i fugure i go pace him... i lack motivation lately.. after losing my koala motivation...cant train well and dont feel like studying.. plus injury.. haiz..
i woke up at 6 am... snooze for 5 mins.. the morning was cold and nice to cuddle in bed.. was contemplating to slepe throughout or not.. but i guess my heart wanna to go.. despite the body saying no!! hahaha...
but i WAS DEfinately glad i did......
dingy say the run is at 730... we reach there at abt 7... but the race start at 7!!!!!
there was extra number tag.. so i just took one from dingy and run... i was bearly warm up... hand and legs are so cold form the sleep last nite.. and the lung was like not even warm up hte least bit...
nonetheless i ran... i was leading for a while before kena over taken... hahaa but still can count..
i got FOurth!!!! not bad lar.. a steeady fourth.. the third was like 40 sec away and there was like no one behind mi... i wasnt even prepare for the run ... no training wat soever.. just last min ad hoc due to extra number tag.. plus i did not warm up...
i tink i am like the most bulit runner.. all those pulling and all.. not ideal.. carry excess weight.. got a kid skinny and thin.. he pretty good.. think he is ideal for running.. this body type.. like those kenya runners. carry jiak enough weight fro the run.. no more no less.
it kinda remind mi of my SAJC track in jc2 .. i had shin splint and i ran... i tink i was suppose to secure a top 20 position.. despite the injury.. i got 21 place.... that day i was so sad htat i went home after the run instread of going out witht he track guys... sucky huh....
but nice to run marchite agian!!..
thast is not the best part!! the best part is i got to shake hand with a pretty girl!! according to dingy .. she is miss singapore.. she is really hot!!!! hahaa.. good looks and gd figure!!
if i knoe she is at the ending pt , i tink i would have whack the run and got first1!! haha..
when i got the pics i will post it up!!!!
hee .. happie!!!!!! VERy happie!!
anwyay i saw karen... farnie lor.. she keep giggling and laughing at her poor frined!! haaha... but nice to see familar face ard...
also saw kah gay.. my ocs frined..
looks like i still can run despite missing from running for like 1.5 years.time spent mugging in the library..haha i am a mugger manz..
anwyay two more small run and one big run! real , wave and FUll!!
had tau hui for breakfast!! nice!! and warm..
oh yah.. labbie ask mi to post pic of my shoes.. i got two.. my adidas superstar..
pensisular got a shop selling!!! many models.. $89 bucks.. nice nice!!! u wont go wrong with this pair of shoes... cool!!
nice ?hologram one!!

notice the hologram!!! haha
my ADiDaS superSTAR!!

the dirty one is bro kee shoes!! the cleaner in is mine... soon it will be dirty!!! more rugged.....but till it get dirty.. it is going to remain clean and white..( erm.. bro u better stop stepping on my shoes liao =P)
Labbie... nice rite? hehe oh yah.. got a converse shoe i saw.. black shoes with red lace..!!! quite nice.. when ur shoe spoilt got get that.. cos i tink really nice...
that is one more pinky one. muru's FAV .. hahahaa damn.. too bad i am broke.. else i get a size 9 pink converse for him cos his birthdya TODAY.. happy B daY MURU!!!
not going to wash my hand..
hhaa pretty girl touch before..
ahahhaa. CRAzy!!
with love
10:49 AM