Saturday, August 27, 2005
PResent FROm thePull Gang..
yeah... Got pressie from Groovy and Marko!!! nice nice..
groovy had lesson till late wor.. 8pm...
my lesson ended at like 1400.. so i basically came home first... lala a bit .. then went out again
meet at the until cannot do.. aching body.. sheesh.
we went to eat subway... nowadays we are healthy ppl.. no more fast food, no more soft gassy drinks..
marko's thoery of pwr triangle.. where training, technique and nutrition makes the sides of the traingle.. any lack in the components. then u get a loped sided triangle.. which is not good.. hehe
then we went to NYDC.. dingy part timing there.. been quite i long time i went to nydc.. but i always like the warm brownie with ice cream.. nice nice..!!!
been quite a long time i went suntec wor.. been kinda sad to see couples holding hand s almost eveyr where.. sicky... avoid such places.. make mi sad.. hahaha
oh yah chem eng got new t shirt.. quite nice!! high pressure!!!
high pressure indeed!!

dont mess with chem engineers..

true... really smart ppl in chem eng manz... haiz.. how come they are so smart? not only are they smart .. they are also diligent.. bet they aint got life one.. mug and mug and mug... sheesh..
oh yah.. i relaise xiao fei took micro bee wiht mi .. i ask her to do lab with mi togerther.. so at least i have some company.. hehee.. dont knoe her very well.. but only knoe she daughter of do do..aiyah not the extinct birdie lar.. but the DO DO company.. rich girl.. but she dont have airs ard her.. humble nice girl..
okie lar.. i am a goner.. i miss my 16 km run.. haiz.. die lar..hope the race tml will be okie.. aint got high hopes.. sianz... all groovy fault.. lesson end so late!!
this weekend i will stay at home and do work.. read lecutre notes and do tutoiral..
things are starting to get busy!!
with love
11:38 AM