Saturday, September 03, 2005
rainy sat..
work had been piling lately.. so today going to stay at home and study.. so sain. every one been out partying and ahopping and merry makign.. i at home..
actaully wanted to catch the Jack neo's new moive one. but TOppid Ahjie.. always so busy.. now i sain liao.. dont wnana watch liao..
i did programing till 4 am on thrusdya and got my arse whooped by those turtles!!! argh.. sickz.. toopid turtle.
junwei pass mi his keys on thurdays. so i helped myself to the rock gym on friday.. heehee...
the new balance real run pic are out already.. i wasnt aware of this wed site until the real run advertise it..well it is quite kok up.. they got mix up.. my number is 2502 but they register mi as 2501.. so when u serach for " yong meng" some old man face will appear... but tat is no me lar!! no wonder i never heard of this before cos too cock up.. aniawe this is my pic..
end pt!

eeks.. my shorts are dripping sweat.. maybe they shd put my pic on some postcard to inspire couchpotates or new runners.haik haik..
my ending time is 50 min and 49sec according to my watch.. pretty bad actaully.. the sand is quite sucky..haha..never train.. wat u expect.. hehee

the number tag is so small.. but the tag is made of gd material not paper like many othe races
i also did a serach for 2004 full marathon and found my pic!! yeah!! check out the tired moi!! shackED!!
the lonely journey

but i tink i can still manage smile.. not the brightest one tho..
smile will bring a SunshinE DAy!!

check out the FAt thighs sob sob..but good for running lar..
i still rem 2004 marathon is 5 dec.. i jsut finish exam 1 dec.. tehn went with sec frineds. to batam and came back on the 4.. totally not conditioned for the run.. but my mind always conquers the body!! eventually..
i also got loti pic!!! yeah..
Go loti GO!!

been busy with sch work.. only ran once this week.. haiz.. i dont tink i really for mizuno run.. but heck.. i will try my best..AS always..hehee..
run tml at 7.30!!
wish mi luck!!
with love
12:51 PM