Sunday, September 18, 2005
tok to mi?
been the most boring sunday evER..!! after 4 consecutive sunday waking up in unGodly hours 4am 5am.. for 4 differnt run.. i slept till late. cos of the rain.. if not for the rain.. the plan was to run for 2 hrs.. i already arrange with muru laio.. but hten the toopid rain force us to cancel.. i even have to msg him at 4 am to tell him the rain screw us up..and the ru was cancel..
basically i din nothing the whoel day.. i tink later i will try to study for nexxt week test..
came online and not many ppl to chat to.. only dingy and muru.
muru sent mi the pic he took wiht camera phone. so this are the cocksters pictures

it is real farnie how old friends are somewat the best.. cos they seen u when u are young.
when u are young u dont tink so much.. ppl now are more cunning and somewat fake and befriend u for the mere sake of self interest. when u are no use they will go away and look for greener pasture .like those guys with $$ in their pocket.. i can easily name a dozen . i so digust mi tat i am actually so blind to call them my buddies.. well
HELL to u all.!!i going to ask muru to "ong Bak" ur heads..

loti been with mi since primary sch and 4 years togehter as gd buddies..
he is a totally humble person.. lacking temper and always giving forgiveness. he told mi to forgive the person who stole my phone..cos one day he will repent over his loti is mr nice guy!!at least that is wat i am not.or never become.

muru been wiht mi since sec 2. he knows my history. maybe ppl do change a bit.. but i tink there is something in us that makes us sit together and play togehter tehn..
kinda nice and speical.
oh yah.. today is mid autumm festival.. the mood is pretty much complete.. but i got this big void in mi that issnt..
so bored....
with love
5:49 PM