Friday, October 28, 2005
Pls DonT Take my sunshine away..
do u sometimes get the feeling of happiness when u see that someone u like?
the sight of that person will just put a smile on ur facE?
do u? do u?
i managed to knoe eyecandy and exchanged phone numbers..and spoke to her twice before.
i was really really really happy when i managed to get her number, keeps mi smiling from ear to ear. jus maybe for once i thought my life is going to be better.
but happiness is short-lived when i found out she is attached.
it was really a emotional roller coaster..
of cos lar.. ppl so nice sure attach one wat.. duh..
only leftover like moi and the rest of the nerdy guys in uni are still wandering like lost ghost.
i did a lot of pulls.. until i lost my pinkie swelling..
maybe i haven told a lot of ppl.. i always put on a brave front. a stylish act. i always dont let my heart govern my actions,telling myself i am okie by myself..
inFACt i am NOT.. i saddens mi greatly to see couples holding hands.. going on date..
i yearn to have that feeling of waking up in the morning and thinking of that special u the drive and passion in wat u do.maybe that explains why i am dragging my arse to sch nowdays..
some one to msg wat u doing..
some one to ask for movie .. i cant even ppl to watch a movie at pathatic..
some one to jion activities togehter..
someone to go cycling at ecp.. doing laps alone at ECP on my bike can be very lonely.
just some company when u are down
some one to share ur happiness.
that's asking for a lot?
to all those attached guy and gals alike: do cherish who ur other half.. cos there are many like moi.. lonely souls.who dont even have a chance to begin with.
i used to have this childish thinking that my very first gf will be my wife.
yah rite! bunch of bull..
i cant even take stuff like this..
i can truthly tell i got a heart. cos i felt it hurt very much just now..although i always like to belief other wise.
ppl are often asking: how come u are still single..
u not bad mah... hard to find a gf meh?
u gay huh? u too fussy issit?
i swear the next person who say something like tat or equilavent.. will get his/her arse kick by mi..intention or un-intentional.
the fact is i sucks lar..
hey rocky.. why dont u take a leak and see ur reflection.. the reason for being single is cos u just sucks..
if not why u think u suck a failure in relation huh?
the advert read: if she not married, u still stand a chance"
yha rite!!wat a fiendish thought.
i thought tat it doesnt matter wat she feels . as long as i like her can liao..
perhaps things could have been worse. she could have rejected moi the first time i said hi..
she would not have given mi her number at all..
maybe this is the best senario for a attached girl in reponse to a lonely guy..
at least i knoe where i stand bah.
i tink i had enough le..
pls bring moi to a a world without love bah..
maybe then i will feel much happier.
my heart is closed and will never be open agian.
cos i really dont belief it in any more.
with love
7:05 PM
Thursday, October 27, 2005
monkeying ard.
i went sch mug today..
was on my way to pull then i realise it is drizzling..damnz...cant pull liao..
so i walked back to the study room..
i saw LF and SL..
LF had been announcing her coming to nus cos she grad liao.
so she is treating at munchie monkey..
i haven see her for quite sometime.. and i was getting sick from mugging
why not take a break... i not so gain perm lar..ppl treat i go...
got quite a number of ppl.. there Alan, ZH,MH,LF,and SL and one more guy i dont knoe one..
i always suspected LF like MH.. but oh well.. no gossip today.. tired.hee
almost everyone say i look thin.. damnz.. thin = no gd.. why huh...
i dont get regular meals a day? i sit ard mugging whole day dont need a lot of energy wat..the long milage i clocked for marathon training?
maybe it is the black shirt.. black give iluusion of thinner.
i like that black shirt.. it read " get a life" hehee
anyway i weight myself today.. still the same weight lar.. hehee,, no worries.
munchie monkey is not bad.. got comfy sofa.. had a nice chit chat with SL and LF..
no bad.the bummers gang.. hee
i itnk i needed a break..
Tml i am going to help Pat paint his new house. he is my airborne buddy. he is a farnie guy. we both like to laught at ppl.. heehee.. we are kinda pantang. jsut before our first jump. we went to pray at the temple and got the sweet..
tehn jsut before the jump we eat the sweet from the temple.
tml is my ah jie b day celebration too.. going to eat buffet..WAH sinful wor.....
oh well .. long long one time..
guess wat is inside the dr doddle gloves?
ipod SKin!!! lastest fashion wor... can u dig tat? heeee cute hor?

tml i will silly pic of painters at work ....
with love
11:16 PM
i cant smile without u.
guess wat?.. becos marko is still my friend i sent him a copy of the turtle report..
then he went to sent to the rest of the group..
ARGH.... then they will take my work.. then copy like no body business!!!
marko still say i din give them a chance...cos i went to do all the work by myself.
this is a darn unfair statement..
just one night before teh prelimary report.. no one bother to even fark care abt it..
the only toopid person is mi.. who last min do until 3-4am then submit the next day..
for wat? cover ur ppl arse?
and not even a word of thanks..
given that, u tink i be so toopid to depend on the team again..nothing will get done lor.. for Goodness say.. all talk like farking loud but do notihng one..
i did sent out mails telling them to be self motivated and asking them if anyone care to help one even bother to reply..
u tink singlehandly do a 4 man project is easy? not time consumming? all tuating at nite is for fun rite? some farker also tag i am i wuss to be whining.. if it ever happen to that farker who make the comment i tink u will break down and cry like a True wuss.... why? u not happy isst? Bring it on i say!!!* show fist*
all those mail is prove manz..
i really regreted taking this mod.. i can see the true colors of ppl... when the going get a bit tougher.. everyone run away... when the work is done.. all wanan claim credit...
i guess this is call work smart huh..
i am so toopid then...
total injustice..
anyway abt today i went do programming, went sch mug, till 9pm..
tehn i went to pull!!!
someone maintain the bar and painted it..
now it is so slippery , totally not conditioned..
oh well.. i shall do pulls up on it until i conditioned the bar with my hand.. yeah
rock lee spirit...
SRc is kinda crowded just now.. got TKD, got floor ball, got canoe polo training..
rem last time marko burst a canoe ball? haha some canoepolo ppl read my blog.dunno why also..and they are angrie..
but but
i am going to add oil to fire.. cos i tink my life is too boring.. sorri sunbear.
if u are not happy losing a canoe polo ball..pls keep ur ball properly..
dont blame ppl if they steal it.. or BURST it...
wanna trace who is marko and kill him rite?.. hahahaa..
oh well.. i lost my phone also wat..cos i din keep it properly.. i got a hard lesson..
u all shd learn that lesson too..
i discover a loop hole in the ezlink card system..
if u pass very quicky throught the gantry when it is open from the person before u..
u cant get out later when u try to exit cos ur card is not been tapped..
now approach the control station and sheepishly say u are in a rush and the thingy never scan the card..
then he will ask u where u come from? and he will do a tap of ur card for u
then now u shd say the nearest station form where u are now..
like that u save the trip $$...
WAH lau eh... why am i thingking like that?hahaahahah
anyway there is an increase in fine for ppl who ride freely... borad bus pay wrong amt or never tap card.. and those ppl who dont do project..
2 more times to see eyecandy.. i cant smile without seeing her..
with love
1:30 AM
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
hell yeah!
one of the project last sem i did with my gd friend XM was use as a reference for the undergrad taking the same mod..(numerical analysis)
so it is kinda cool..
after going at the project at it for a whole day i have finally completed the turtle priecjt single handedly.. my rock lee spirit have lasted till then.. my effort is definately worht an A* manz..or even better
i sent another mail out to the group..but this time i sent with glee..
cos i wnaan them to die.. i going to tell the lecturer.. dont call mi a basturb..
u all started first blood..
dear all,,
the project is 95% done..
only mi and marko have the copy..
the simulation is done too..
pls write up ur own report and feed back.
pls wirte wat u HAVE done
and do not claim credits for wat u have not done date line is 2 weeks later.
since u all din reply any of the earlier mails means u ppl cannot be bother..and not responsible for the team
hence the work was done up by mi and marko..
i have not let down the project group.
gd lucks
rock mengz.
hahahahahaha i am happy this time...
u bet i am...
countless hours in front of the comp.. thinkign of algo .. with no one to help.
as a result my arse grew fatter
my eyesight grew worse
as always, i have not let the team down.
time to mug the other subject with are seriously lagging..
with love
12:19 AM
Sunday, October 23, 2005
wat is faith?
believing in something u cant see...dont knoe..or uncertain.... doubtful..
have u ever waited for a late friend?
DO YOuget irritated by the person who is late?
cuss and swear at him/her for wasting for time?
OR Do Youstart worring wat happen to ur friend..?
think ur friend have gotten into some accidents.or serious problem.?
many of us dont wait by faith.
i have taken a step forward liao... then rest is up to u..
i can only wait by faith..
Do u Wait by faith?
with love
12:41 AM
Doodle Doodle
The transfer cable on my phone is really really getting on my nerves..
not that it never done so already..
but i really hate it..
such a nice camera phone but cannot transfer photo to let everyone see..
defeat the pt of having a camera phone
who knoe how to DO it? TEACH mi!!!
i tink i going to call nokia helpdesk liao wor..
erm.. the movie i caught last nite was hilarous.well some really Ediotic jokes..
but beside that
i tink there is a message to it..
according to my interpretation, the Rob schnieder guy is a ace with girls not becos he is cool, charimastic or tall and muscular..
but he make girls feel comfortable and dont judge or accept ppl according to looks and sterotype them...
i.e to say
1)when u see a FAT person abt to dig into her/his meal , u dont Go like " hey ni bu pai FEi ah? " ( u not scare of fat huh)
2)when u see some really short guy .. u dont say something like" hey hey. how is snow white and teh rest of ur 6 brothers?"
3)when u see a tall ppl u dont ask question like" hey when u get on the bus will ur head hit the top deck? or is ur bed long enought for ur legs not?
this is the best. when u see them sqeeuze intot he crampy seat.. u ask if they are comfortable or not..
4) when u see malay u dont go " aH dui... can play perform dirit barat or not?* clap hand action*"
5) u dont ask someone who is limping " u doing a terry fox run this year?"
i tink u all get my pt lar.
my pt is ppl taht are not jugdemental are nice..i wnan be like that too. tho may be labelled as loser, wimp or pushover.
but i kinda amdire such ppl.. cos they their thinking are contary to mine... they are not jugdemental like the rest of us.
ALL ppl have insecurities.. but he just make them feel confidence abt themselves instead of going over their flaws.
i tink i could do just tat..focus on gd parts rather than my flaws..perhaps taht will make mi a better person ..
and a lady's guy.. heehee...
anyway i was at sch today!! on a sat... wat to do ..
i am a chao mugger.. time is running short manz. tonnes of stuff to do and study..
tml might be going too.. see my mood..kinda suffocating to sit and study for like 8 hrr straght with occasional break.
i took this pic on my toilet break..

this is wat happen if u mug too much..
haik hiak..
i tink it is very farnie.. either i am too bo liao or the guy is damn farnie to be lying motionless onthe bench..
bench very comfy meh?
i can be such a nuisence with a camera phone.
some FARKER stole piggy's Goggles..cheapstake lor... goggles also wanna steal..
hope ur eye rot lar.. digusting ppl.. no interity one..
tired liao going to la la
with love
12:08 AM
Friday, October 21, 2005
i am only capable of going that far?
i sleep at 3.45 am after failing to debug the program.. i was really too tired.
the porject is taking a lot of my time.
i got lecutre at 8 am. i went to do my turtle lab cos 5pm is the date line..
i been spenting of much time on turtle project and din do up turtle lab..
and guess wat?
the rest of the proejct mate do up liao..
they see mi doing my lab they din offer to help...
basturb huh? never do project then got time to do ur own lab..
while i am doing ur work for u all...
oh yah.. if u are interest to knoe .. they also never reply my du lan mail..
u all tink complaing to the lecutrer will help? i got the list of e mial to support my claim...i reaally wanna do that..
cap 4 and above can dont need do porject meh?
why pick on ppl with low cap score?
anyway something gd happen today..
i manage to do 32 pulls..
increase by 2... dunno why..
so happy... may i get strnger and strnger
i went retial therapy with rosy..
she made mi wait for like 1hr...u own mi an ajison meal manz..
i got a pressie for my sister.. her Bday...
i tink i dont talk much to my sister nowdays.. i am kinda austitic nowadya..
aniwae jsut wnan tell my sister thanks for doing all those bo liao stuff for mi.. like check out prices and buy hand phone cover, buy cute toys, etc
i cant imagine life without her.. altought i always punch ur soft toys but.. oh well, u knoe i love u.. hee
muacks...*Big hugs*
hope she will like the pressie..
goign to watch movie with msn group..muru and rosy
deuce bigalow.hee
that shd be able to keep mihappy momentarily.
with love
9:58 PM
Thursday, October 20, 2005
i am having a BITch FIt..
i dont really feel like blogging this few days.. but i jsut wnan get this off my chest.
how come i always got SCREWed up team mates?
why why why?
my mail..hi peeps,
sorrie abt the meeting today.. i oversleep i got a test tml..
i too tired liao..sobosb..
anyway hear u guys have done up the net part.
it was the same as my idea.. so haiqing previous idea was kinda wrongly interpreted..
great job guys..
but after 5 hrs of playing with the program i made a few major changes.
changes 1
the fineness of net is not equal to the size of net..
do u all lrealise that ? in the modifed4 file it was coded other wise.
i remedied it liao..
fineness of net = how small the holes.
size of net = area of circle.
change 2
ask prey [if ((random-float 100) < (size * (85 + 3 * size)))[set caught caught + 1 die] ] ]
this is kinda wrong..
cos the probability of getting caught cant be represented by a generic eqn..
tink abt it
for example : size 1 : 1* (85+3) = 88
size 0.5 : o.5*(83 +1.5)=werid number
size 0.2 : 0.2* (83 + 0.6) = werid number
so i tink it is kinda wrong.. rite? hai qing u do this part one rite? u agree?maybe u can tell mi how u get the eqn?
i remedy it liao
change 3
There is a major logic error.. becos we din put one fish per patch.. there fore got a decresing trend eveyr time...
for example got 33 fishes per patch..
one patch can only give one plankton .. of cos the 32 other fishes will die of hunger..
so i remedy that too..
cahnge 4
hai qing for ur part again.. the circle part ..
u code ' let prey random-one-of fish-here '
that means the fishes tat are at the boundary will get caught..
so i tink it is wrong.. it shd be the area of the circle as the catchment area...not the boundary
do u all agree?
i remdy that as well..
cahnge 5
i have incooperated the profit concept into the program..
3 bucks for a big fish
and 2 for middel and 1 for samll fish..
hmm.. marko say that to maximise profit reduce the net size so can catch more fish...
BUT BUt...i tink
some of the small size fishes are purposely let to life so they will grow bigger and fetch more price..
we will include this pt intot he report..
cahnge 6
then how do we maximise the profit?
in fishing there is certain element of luck involved or some expericence.
therefore to maximise profit
the trawler got to move... i put in a waiting time
waiting time = time without any catch..
so the boat will move to a place wtih more fishes..
this will make our simulation robust..
i tink the porject is more of less completed.. abt 70 percent.. just need to generated the report..
before i start generating the report.. i need to finalise the program.. this shoud be the finalise one .. just need to tidy up a bit..
eveybody need to do a wirte-up on wat u have done and wat the group do..
so every one need to write nice nice thigns abt the group one.. so all will get AAAAA...
anyway got any question or problem pls highlight to mi..
if not the report will be up by this SAT night..
marko u wnana generate the report with mi?
i realise a few limitation of our programs.. i will write in thhe report.
rock mengz
why ppl just cant seem to be bother to reply my mial? i FARKing write such a long long mail for CASPer to read issit? CASper also busy making friends to read my mial lor.
when ppl say meeting cancel they immedaietly reply " gotit".. (refer to preivous blog posting)
can u ppl clap for such farkupness..? applaude leh.. it is inborn one leh.. TALEnt sia.. not everyone can do!!! * standing ovation from mi manz*
the mail clearly assigned some tasking leh..
teh least u all can do is acknowledge rite?
i dont expect u all to say"got it" with gusto
just reply a pathetic "k " i be okie lor...
u all 3 person only make one small change and the change is also wrong one..
i one person make 6 gd changes
unfair wor..
sobb sob..
my du lan mailhow come always no one reply my mail one..
at least acknowlegde can?do u guys knoe u all need to do a wirte up each?
dont u all wanna the best for the group?
there is sometinhg wrong with the program still...
the trend is wrong... i cant start the simulation..
the draft report is hence stucked.
i tink i done a lot liao wor..
some one care to share the work?
i dont wnana meet up cos i knoe group meeting are often not productive..
so u guys need to be self motivated.
over and out
tired mingz.
there is only so much i can be nice...
i wanna be nicer.. but this is group work still rite?
with fark up atttude i wont die for u ppl.. i wont waste my energy on u guys..
u all aint worth it..
with love
11:51 PM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Tat time of the yEar again..
everytime i see the YIH Study room open 24 hrs, i knoe it is time to mutate into a chao mugger...
that means
1.studying from the moment u wake up till the moment u concuss on ur comfy bed
2.muggin in the cold cold library and occasionally stare into the space.
3. sit and mug and let all the lipids accumulate ard ur arse adn develop a wonderful pear shape/ big arse figure..
hey dont laugh.. this is trade mark of nus students...
yah wat.. everytime sit, eat ,mug and grow fat..
4. GET over-dosage of caffine.
Best manz..
i so hate it..
i dont knoe wat i have been doing this past 2 weeks.. dont feel like mugging. dont feel like training.. feel very drained.dont knoe why.. feel tired easily..
go lecture not for the sake of listening lecture but to see someone.
like to hide in my comfy room nowadays and be hideous..
i guess lack motivation and drive.
*put on nerdy specs*
*take thick stack of notes*
*punch the calculator*
*swing pen in a circular manner ard thumb*
*cuss and swear*
time to mug.
with love
9:10 PM
Friday, October 14, 2005
my soul
saw the test from
wan'er site..
Your soul is broken.You are living through a lot of pain everyday
that you have to deal with, which is making you
sorrowful. No one ever stays by your side when
you truly need them and no one ever will.
Everything is hopeless and tragic and you keep
yearning for the day you will be free from
pain. Love is unlikely to happen to you because
you isolate yourself and are suspicious of
peoples motives. You stand in the shadows of
the world, watching what you can never have.
The bruises you carry never seems to heal, your
mind is dark and no one seems to understand or
wants to help. As always, you will be alone in
the world, fighting your dark thoughts by
How is your soul? [pics] brought to you by Quizillafor those who wanna try the qiuz here the
with love
8:01 PM
lousiness flows in my blood..
just got back another test paper.MCQ one 30 questions... i got A-
025679H A+
025709H A+
025712X A+
025741Y A+
025882U A+
my grade A-026540L A+
026733W B-
026954W A+
026994E A+
cant u ppl see it? lousiness runs in me.. look AT the figures!!! the A- is screaming something..
it is screaming" hell yeah, i am screwed "
the B+ is also shouting something" we are both screwed."
can u ppl hear it? usual my day was spoilted..
i am definately getting an A for this mod. it is not hard. just memory work..
i will start revision today..DAmn it.
i got another test.
i got 89.9..
the highest was 97.. how they do it one?
the average was 74..
i figure now already.. i will cut off all entertainment..
now life will just revolve ard books and workout.
no life.
i knoe.
wat to do.
with love
7:37 PM
Thursday, October 13, 2005
i hate sch nowadays
why? cos going to sch without freinds is kinda lonely.
project mates sucks..
since most of the group project already submitted their project.
there are only 30 groups and GUEsS how many do on the andes mossy example?
FREaking 5 groups are doing that lar... (to the CT guy, i am correct , why u are so stubborn to listen)
i am so glad that we are doing something diff.
with the nus top ten fark up guy.. i really dont tink we cant measure or even compete with one man handicapped
nobody wanna meet up for project meeting.. why am i the only one worry abt it..
i just realise the dead line is just 3 more weeks.
i am just jinx to do project with them lar
marko treats my phone call like some loan shark chasing him for $$..
all the pulls up we done together are a phoney.
i get delusional with images of friendship that never existed in the first place.
he is just using mi...
the bottom line is this: i am not going to do ur job.. it is project work.. all have to contribute equally.
marko is no longer my friends.. just someone i happen to do the project together.
i was blind but not anymore.
with love
5:28 PM
i am jinxed.
i dont knoe wat i am doing lately..
doing bo liao stuff till lates.
the FREaking CAble to transfer image and ringtone cannot freaking work..
my handphone is still silent .. cos donthave nice ring tone..
the toopid cable cos 38 bucks.
i try to install the wireless thigny into my comp. it cannot work too.. i try and try.. and waste a gd 1.5 hr.
i serously think i am jinxed.
with love
12:47 AM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
i get so pissed everytime i see the FArk up AKA project mates from hell person mail.
1st fark up mail..
Hi all,
Since the topic has been finalized, can we distribute the workload and get things started?
Chin Tong
my say: SO wishy washy...instead of asking mi or the rest ot assign. u can also assigned wat. this type of stuff need to say one meh? in other words this mail is fei one.. OF cos must distribute work lar..Dont farking sent a mail and act like u are doing a lot for teh project.there is not even a word of thanks for the report i submited. (hey BTW the lecturer ask for it and sent a mass mail out to all asking them to pass up report) ungrateful basturb.
2nd fark up mail
Sorry, can the meeting be postponed till next Wednesday? There's no turtle lab tomorrow.
my say: there is turtlelab tml lor.. u aint even sure or ur own schdule. u have a serious issue with the concept of time. u say u have anohter project..then next week u say u ahve turtle lab 3 to due.. it is an endless fight lar.. unless u commit ur time.. nothing can get done lar..i am not going to double up and do ur share of work.. arse hole...
3rd fark up mail
Got it..
my say: when i assign the tasking.. no one farkin bother to reply..
now when say porject meeting postponed.. then reply got it like so farking happy.Dont the rest of teh group realise got turtle lab? the blind leading the blind. no brainer...
4th fark up mail
Meanwhile, is it necessary to have 2 diff gender for the fishes? We just assign engery to the fishs. Becos some fishes are unigender or can change sex. We have two variables for the fishes, AGE and ENergy. Once a fish is too old or doesnt have enough energy, he dies.(or it caught). Once a fish reaches maturity (dependent on the steps he has taken) and he has sufficient engery, he HAtch one.
Question regarding my part -
1) What are the criterias/factors for 'spawning' a new turtle?
(Age? Energy? When a male meets a female?)
2) Is there really a need for eggs? If so, are the eggs supposed to be floating randomly in the sea?
3) How many types of fish are there?
6? (Adult male, adult female, young; adult male predator, adult male predator, predator young)
2? (Predator + Prey, i.e. Unisex???)
Meanwhile, I will try and come up with something presentable.
my say:Dont FArking patronise mi.. we are not spoon feeding here. u are uni student.. come out with something and then propose it.. neither mi nor the lectuer nor the group have the correct ans. pls dont fakring take the easy way out lar..of cos there are 2 gender of fishes lar..i kneo it is harder. but it still can be done.
hullo are u an ediot?
u tink a fish grow too old then will give birth to a new fish?or when energy deplete?
use ur brain ...use ur Brainnnn...
is there a need for eggs? unless the fish u eat is dohpine or whale or shark tehn dont need egg. FOr normal fish of cos lar.. cant u dont alway take the easier way or not!!
the last question
dont try to act lihai but introducing more fishes when u cant even handle. there are only 4 types, eggs, male normal fish, female noraml fish, a big fat predator.
so farking hard meh?
i concluded .. u shd be awarded NUS top ten FARk up person award.
with love
9:41 AM
Monday, October 10, 2005
project mate from hell.
for a moment i was happily wrapping pressies for those oct babies late last night.
until dingy told mi the brief report for the project is!
as expected , none of the projectmates from hell even bother to do or ask ard..
marko din even reply my sms..
but it is okie.. i always believe action speak louder than words.
anyway it is also 1 am in the morning. i bet they are all farking asleep.
only those with rock lee spirit work hard into the night. i finish up the whole report. took abt 1.5 hours.
i sent out to them.. thought it will be better to sent to them out of courtesy before sending the lecturer..
guess WAT?
the fARKing guy by the name of CHIN TONG msg mi and say HE already got another idea!!!and he got something up liao!!
HEY chinTONG: u are a FARKing CHEE BYEE... Stop saying wat u have done verbally..
talk is cheap lar... if u have done up.. how come u never do up the breif report..
and have mi to cover the whole team arse by sacrifcing my sleep to come out with the report by today.
if u got an idea liao how come u never do? u waiting for wat? waiting for dead line to be over or waiting of the taliban to bomb nus?
u ppl could have at least say a FARKing TAHNK you to mi.......
u din even have the FArking nuts to tell mi the plan of the project..
why are u so persisitance abt ur dengue project..
DONt farking try to act like u are MR current AFFAIR.
teh dengue theme is gd.. but the rest of ur program just sucks lar.. u are not being specific. i can just change the mossy to any other living things. it still will hold other words it is a generic program which is not GD...
must be specific then got insight mah...
stop being wishy washy.. if the majority agree.. then u will do.. if every one go and die.. u will go too rite? FArking spineless tranvestite loiter at changi V.
HEY.. FARK u understand .. can u make a stand or not.. FARking wuss...
i dont knoe u well.. but i taken marko word that u are a gd worker... either marko is a big fat liar or u are damn jialat...
i tink u are damn farking jialat..
sleep too much... come out with too much werid idea and talk abt this and that..
hey where is ur program? can u farking sent to the rest or not.. instead of babbling abt wat the fark have u done..
if i see nothing, i take it u haven done a single fark shit.
dont mess mi today.. i am soo freaking pissed.
calm down..
lesson learn: action always speak louder tahn words.
and dont ever do project with strangers...
i rem tat
with love
3:58 PM
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Exclusive climbing invites
i went climbing to get away from all the work.. and all the shit i been getting.
i discover another free place to climb.. high wall one..
i saw the cutest hand hold

Chamelion)i likes... my FAV....i wanna steal it!!muahaha..

got DinoSaur too.. i pinch its head just now..haik haik
loti frined's place actually.. hehe.. exclusive invites.

mi and loti are some wat alike.. same physiqe.. okie lar i am fatter.. even sunbear say i am fatter by 2 kg..hmpf.
we are selfish ppl and we are limiting the number of ppl climbing.. haha...suppose to have 6 but only 4 turn up..well.. too bad then.

This is sunbear.. own her some CD and a Bday pressie ..haiz..Ah soh give mi some time lar.. okie? dont bite mi with ur metal teeth..

muru the "ong bak"er sexy little bollywood star...
we ended the climb 2 hrs early cos of rain..sianz.. rain drops keep falling on my head.
sheesh.. so much of my pic.. still having fun with the new phone.. anyone knoe how to work the phone cable.. help mi out?but i am not a photo-whore..hehe..
time to la la..
with love
4:40 PM
Counting lesson..
Dingy Birthday treat at outback!!
how many turn up?
ONE ( ALexis.. Bro kee's wife)

TWO ( bro KEE AKA BB 2 PN)

Three (KAMMY AKA CHieF son..)


Five ( jingy AKA candy EMpire GIRL)


SEven ( moi!!)

Eight( jack AKA hui-ge lookalike =p... jingy say one)

got 3 more jingy frineds came..
absentees: jaslyn, pika CHew.
the high influX of pic is due to the presence of my nokia CAMera one..
haik haik
with love
4:09 PM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
i really blew it this time..
i fail my test..
i cant differiate the forest from the trees and the trees from hte forest.
i cannot even transfer teh figures properly from the caculator to the paper..
i am a utter failure..
i hate myself and everyone else..
why is it so hard to be happy.?
with love
2:58 PM
how not to shit..
After a nite nap, i feeling much better and had just finish mugging for my test whcih is in an hour time..
it is so riduculous tat my sleeping hours are in intervals of short nap session. my bio clock is so screwed.
anyway some interestting stuff to share. for those who dont have the opportunity to attend lecutre and sch for knowlegde.
heard oF appendicitis? AKA (mang chang yan)
Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. It is thought that appendicitis begins when the opening from the appendix into the cecum becomes blocked. The blockage may be due to a build-up of thick mucus within the appendix or to stool that enters the appendix from the cecum. The mucus or stool hardens, becomes rock-like, and blocks the opening. This rock is called a fecalith (literally, a rock of stool). At other times, the lymphatic tissue in the appendix may swell and block the appendix. Bacteria which normally are found within the appendix then begin to invade (infect) the wall of the appendix. The body responds to the invasion by mounting an attack on the bacteria, an attack called inflammation.
Stool means bian2 bian2 lar..
the theory goes..
ppl nowaday are more prone to get appendicitis .. why?
the reason actually lies in the way u do ur "business".. are u a sitter or a squatter?
when u adopt teh sitting posture. the rectum is bent in such a way . taht the bian bian dont come out easily..
thta is why ppl can spent long hours in the toliet reading papers and story book.

now wat has this got to do wiht appendicitis?
large intestine are organs that prefrom 2 functions.
1. storage place for bian bian
2. reaborption of water and minerals.
if u look at e pic . u relaise htat the large intestine runs up the right side and run down on the left side of teh body..
the appendix is teh small thingy dangling at the right bottom.
so when ppl are rush for time in today busy city, they use FORCE to make cake..AKA "GEK SAI"
when they geK , the bain bian on teh left side will get force out of the body and the right side one will get force into the appendix.
the most natural way is to squat.. according to some studies. squating allows better bian bian process..
so here u go... GEneral knowlegde...haha
so wat ur AH Ma say is not true , running after meals will not cause appendicitis..
by the time the food u eat , the food need 8 hrs to reach teh large intestine..
maybe wat ur ah ma mean is that left over bian bian might get into the appendic if u run up and down too hard...haha..
be thankful u got a large intestine. else u be like birds who shit all over the place..
wat a crappy post..
i get shitty stuff everyday.. now i write shitty stuff..
i am so full of shit
with love
11:16 AM
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
i am a BIG disappointment
i realise.. i wont be able to print the poster in time by 5 .. i have to make a trip down to queensway shapping centre to make the A1 printing..
i got lecutre and i got test..
i did up the poster but i tink it kinda crappy.. given the limited time..
aftermuch thought i GAVE up the poster presentation.
it is not necessary but i tink exposure would be gd.
i am a total failure.. lack of insight... lack of faith..
my best friends are swayness, bad lucks, toopidness, mistakes and loneliness..
my enemy is time..
warning!! all u ppl stay away from mi.. i dont wanna infect my "swayness" to u all...
i went to sit by the lonier pull and dazed.
i saw chris... my gd frined.from archi fac.. he say nus can print A1 .. can get immdietely one..
i would have ask him if not for my lost phone... ( to the farker who stole my phone. hope ur hands are rotten arleady) my phone bearly got any contacts now..
i ask my sister bf instead.. ask the wrong person.. damnz...
i am just so FARKing sway lar..!!!! just a feeling taht feels like shit.. i did all i could but things like this screw mi..
with love
7:12 PM
i dont CARE
i sleep at 3 am last nite..wokeup at 7..
tehn all the way till now..
sheesh this must have been the longest day yet since this sem..
8-9: test ( i freakign make 3 mistake) @#$#@$#@%%$$#%
9-10: lecuture.. saw eyecandy.. AKa pink krumper bag girl
pick up line: hi ppl call mi Ym... but u can call mi tonight.( courtesy of wee wee)haha
10-12: whoop turlte at turtle lab( i have done all the turtle lab 2 laio..
if u need help guys, i will certainty help.
Ym: but u must say sorry to mi...
groupmates from hell: huh??
Ym: u must say u are very very very sorri
groupmate from hell: sori sori sori (B.accent)
i am so so childish,
12-14:then pull a bit.. ate lonely lunch.. ( i walk ard with 10 kg nowaday)
14-17:trip to gardenia..factory visit.. Uddin took home a lot of free bread lor..
so greedy sai... i din take any..cos i used to throw away tonnes of them in camp. guilty..
ohyah,,jonhhy u are a selfish basturd.. the world sucks becos of ppl like u..
17-18:did 2 pages wirte up on factory visit..slot under prof undin door..
18-19:meet cao bin for poster stuff.. urgent..
21- mid night:did poster till 12mignight
midnight-now :touching up on turtle..
got a test on thrudays i haven study yet sob..
i realise i had been so sad lately .. over my own failure..
but i tink i need to learn to count my blessing..
i have a roof over my head.. i am okie blessed and safe..
it doesnt matter wat she feels.. as long as i love her..
it doesnt matter wat marks i get.. as long as i worked hard.
this is rockie's way from now on......
with love
1:01 AM
Sunday, October 02, 2005
HUh? i thought u are my GD friend?
friends indeed have a way of letting u down...
ppl act only to self-interest. this is So damn truth...
dont be childish and naive and say u believe in frinedship the way u do in pirmary or secondary sch..
I cant stand it much longer....
this just happen today.. my turtle lab project group just sucks.... they all wanna do the easiest of project . why do hte bare minimum? where is the pride in ur work?
dont have gd grades but i take pride in my work..
cant u believe it? one of them is marko..
anyway, they all settled for the easiest project.. i was of cos naturally not happi.. since they want it their minimalist way.. i just figure i just keep quiet and let u all do wat u wanna..
since u all are so gd at programming .. u all do ur own...
u knoe wat? marko today have the cheek to ask mi to sent him my answer for the turtle lab which i spent a few gd nights to do..
when i din sent him, he say i thought u are my frined? and scolded mi.
WTH? this is not call friendship lor.. this is call making use of mi.!!!!
where the fark is ur chintong frined? chintong suggest doing a "terminator"program which is beyond the capaticity of the netlogo...since u all are so GD at suggesting nonsense program.. why not freaking do it urself..
ask mi sent u my answer for WAT?
the reason for not sending him is becos i wanan him to realise that i am right for choosing a relative hard project..
and to tell him dont depend on his chin tong frined..
his chintong frined sleeps at lecture and eveyr time say he freaking understnad...when i dont tink he really knoes
Dont fark with mi manz.... for their first lab... i help the both of them with their program...
i could be better off using that time to do my work or do a few pulls...
u ungrateful basturds.....
i dont tink i am much of a team player. i dont tink i need much frineds like this.
u all just sucks...
dont make use of me....
i shall stand strong alone.. at least i dont have to deal wiht ur crap
unlike u ppl...
To hell wiht u all....
with love
9:51 PM
Saturday, October 01, 2005
intervieW with The Rock..
now now..i got tagged by
redefyne ..
sheesh why u tag mi? bo liao one but i as a blogger i do it.. hahaa.. at the same time take a break from mugging..
here goes
1. Do you try to look hot when you go to the grocery store just in case someone recognizes you from your blog?
Grocery store? i not a housewife lar..sch maybe ...but i already look hot.. so no issue here... haikhaik...
2. Are the photos you post Photoshopped or otherwise altered?
too freaking lazy.. cant be bother.... haha
3. Do you like it when creeps or dorks email you?
hmm... not really.. but i like it when ppl sent a nice mail or two.
4. Do you lie in your blog?
i tink i am quite honest abt it..
5. Are you passive-aggressive in your blog?
simi si passive-aggressive.. too chim liao.. skip....
6. Do you ever threaten to quit writing so people will tell you not to stop?
7. Are you in therapy? If not, should you be? If so, is it helping?
yah... i tink i do a bit of retail therapy.. buying stuff to keep mi and frineds happy . counted or not?
8. Do you delete mean comments? Do you fake nice ones?
hmm.. no i dont.. got a toopid person try to say bad things abt mi some time ago in my tagboard.. but he /she is gone liao.. hey .. i still haven kick ur jabroni arse..
9. Have you ever rubbed one out while reading a blog? How about after?
rub wat???
10. If your readers knew you in person, would they like you more or like you less?
more i guess?
11. Do you have a job?
yes.. A FREAKing CHAO muGGER...
12. If someone offered you a decent salary to blog full-time without restrictions, would you do it?
why not?
13. Which blogger do you want to meet in real life?
Hmmmm... dunno manz.. any nice blogger will do.
14. Which bloggers have you made out with?
alamak.. wat with these questions .. none lor..if i so freaking got a life.. i wont be blogging rite? i be out PAR-T-YINg......(oh this uestion are from FHM issit?) tsktsk
15. Do you usually act like you have more money or less money than you really have?
i am poor.. i need a sugar mummy. any takers?
16. Does your family read your blog?
yupper.. ah jie does.. papa does too and mummy too.. the whole family lar.
17. How old is your blog?
a few months?
18. Do you get more than 1000 page views per day? Do you care?
no .. only a few bo liao soul will read waat the bo liao soul(mi ) type.
19. Do you have another secret blog in which you write about being depressed, slutty, or a liar?
haha i dont! but i knoe some one by the name of sunbear do.. she got 2 blog. one is to fake ppl and the other is her true expression. i tink.. i din read hers. cos she quite relentant to give mi her Secret blog.. hehee
20. Have you ever given another blogger money for his/her writing?
i am not stinky rich...even if.. i problaby use hte money else where
21. Do you report the money you earn from your blog on your taxes?
no earning lar....
22. Is blogging narcissistic?
23. Do you feel guilty when you don't post for a long time?
Why would i?
24. Do you like John Mayer?
Who in te BLueee hell is he?
25. Do you have enemies?
enemies? plenty.. From the malay ishak guy i fought wiht in jc( he chicken out) and the SAJc rugger ( chinese high one) and the screwed up class uni accqiatnces. and all those who like back stabbbing and all the sucky bitches..and a lot more lah
26. Are you lonely?
quite.. hahaha *oh no*
27. Why bother?
Why not?
27 questions?
why got so many bo liao questions?
i going to tag someone. so they have to do the toopid questions. ahahaha
muffin.. ur turn!
piggy xian .. hahah take a break from lab will u? haikhaik..
with love
10:38 PM