Sunday, October 23, 2005
Doodle Doodle
The transfer cable on my phone is really really getting on my nerves..
not that it never done so already..
but i really hate it..
such a nice camera phone but cannot transfer photo to let everyone see..
defeat the pt of having a camera phone
who knoe how to DO it? TEACH mi!!!
i tink i going to call nokia helpdesk liao wor..
erm.. the movie i caught last nite was hilarous.well some really Ediotic jokes..
but beside that
i tink there is a message to it..
according to my interpretation, the Rob schnieder guy is a ace with girls not becos he is cool, charimastic or tall and muscular..
but he make girls feel comfortable and dont judge or accept ppl according to looks and sterotype them...
i.e to say
1)when u see a FAT person abt to dig into her/his meal , u dont Go like " hey ni bu pai FEi ah? " ( u not scare of fat huh)
2)when u see some really short guy .. u dont say something like" hey hey. how is snow white and teh rest of ur 6 brothers?"
3)when u see a tall ppl u dont ask question like" hey when u get on the bus will ur head hit the top deck? or is ur bed long enought for ur legs not?
this is the best. when u see them sqeeuze intot he crampy seat.. u ask if they are comfortable or not..
4) when u see malay u dont go " aH dui... can play perform dirit barat or not?* clap hand action*"
5) u dont ask someone who is limping " u doing a terry fox run this year?"
i tink u all get my pt lar.
my pt is ppl taht are not jugdemental are nice..i wnan be like that too. tho may be labelled as loser, wimp or pushover.
but i kinda amdire such ppl.. cos they their thinking are contary to mine... they are not jugdemental like the rest of us.
ALL ppl have insecurities.. but he just make them feel confidence abt themselves instead of going over their flaws.
i tink i could do just tat..focus on gd parts rather than my flaws..perhaps taht will make mi a better person ..
and a lady's guy.. heehee...
anyway i was at sch today!! on a sat... wat to do ..
i am a chao mugger.. time is running short manz. tonnes of stuff to do and study..
tml might be going too.. see my mood..kinda suffocating to sit and study for like 8 hrr straght with occasional break.
i took this pic on my toilet break..

this is wat happen if u mug too much..
haik hiak..
i tink it is very farnie.. either i am too bo liao or the guy is damn farnie to be lying motionless onthe bench..
bench very comfy meh?
i can be such a nuisence with a camera phone.
some FARKER stole piggy's Goggles..cheapstake lor... goggles also wanna steal..
hope ur eye rot lar.. digusting ppl.. no interity one..
tired liao going to la la
with love
12:08 AM