Saturday, October 08, 2005
Exclusive climbing invites
i went climbing to get away from all the work.. and all the shit i been getting.
i discover another free place to climb.. high wall one..
i saw the cutest hand hold

Chamelion)i likes... my FAV....i wanna steal it!!muahaha..

got DinoSaur too.. i pinch its head just now..haik haik
loti frined's place actually.. hehe.. exclusive invites.

mi and loti are some wat alike.. same physiqe.. okie lar i am fatter.. even sunbear say i am fatter by 2 kg..hmpf.
we are selfish ppl and we are limiting the number of ppl climbing.. haha...suppose to have 6 but only 4 turn up..well.. too bad then.

This is sunbear.. own her some CD and a Bday pressie ..haiz..Ah soh give mi some time lar.. okie? dont bite mi with ur metal teeth..

muru the "ong bak"er sexy little bollywood star...
we ended the climb 2 hrs early cos of rain..sianz.. rain drops keep falling on my head.
sheesh.. so much of my pic.. still having fun with the new phone.. anyone knoe how to work the phone cable.. help mi out?but i am not a photo-whore..hehe..
time to la la..
with love
4:40 PM