Thursday, October 06, 2005
how not to shit..
After a nite nap, i feeling much better and had just finish mugging for my test whcih is in an hour time..
it is so riduculous tat my sleeping hours are in intervals of short nap session. my bio clock is so screwed.
anyway some interestting stuff to share. for those who dont have the opportunity to attend lecutre and sch for knowlegde.
heard oF appendicitis? AKA (mang chang yan)
Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. It is thought that appendicitis begins when the opening from the appendix into the cecum becomes blocked. The blockage may be due to a build-up of thick mucus within the appendix or to stool that enters the appendix from the cecum. The mucus or stool hardens, becomes rock-like, and blocks the opening. This rock is called a fecalith (literally, a rock of stool). At other times, the lymphatic tissue in the appendix may swell and block the appendix. Bacteria which normally are found within the appendix then begin to invade (infect) the wall of the appendix. The body responds to the invasion by mounting an attack on the bacteria, an attack called inflammation.
Stool means bian2 bian2 lar..
the theory goes..
ppl nowaday are more prone to get appendicitis .. why?
the reason actually lies in the way u do ur "business".. are u a sitter or a squatter?
when u adopt teh sitting posture. the rectum is bent in such a way . taht the bian bian dont come out easily..
thta is why ppl can spent long hours in the toliet reading papers and story book.

now wat has this got to do wiht appendicitis?
large intestine are organs that prefrom 2 functions.
1. storage place for bian bian
2. reaborption of water and minerals.
if u look at e pic . u relaise htat the large intestine runs up the right side and run down on the left side of teh body..
the appendix is teh small thingy dangling at the right bottom.
so when ppl are rush for time in today busy city, they use FORCE to make cake..AKA "GEK SAI"
when they geK , the bain bian on teh left side will get force out of the body and the right side one will get force into the appendix.
the most natural way is to squat.. according to some studies. squating allows better bian bian process..
so here u go... GEneral knowlegde...haha
so wat ur AH Ma say is not true , running after meals will not cause appendicitis..
by the time the food u eat , the food need 8 hrs to reach teh large intestine..
maybe wat ur ah ma mean is that left over bian bian might get into the appendic if u run up and down too hard...haha..
be thankful u got a large intestine. else u be like birds who shit all over the place..
wat a crappy post..
i get shitty stuff everyday.. now i write shitty stuff..
i am so full of shit
with love
11:16 AM