Wednesday, November 30, 2005
waT is Love and wat is marriage?
"sHarinGan" this from ah jie's blog
One day,
john asked his teacher,
"What is love? How can I find it?"
His teacher answered, "There is a vast wheat field
in front. Walk forward
without turning back, and pick only one stalk.
If you find the most magnificent stalk, then you
have found love." john
walked forward, and before long, he returned with
empty hands, having
picked nothing.
His teacher asked, "Why did you not pick any
stalk?" john answered,
"Because I could only pick once, and yet I could
not turn back.
I did find the most magnificent stalk, but did not
know if there were any
better ones ahead, so I did not pick it. As I walked
further, the stalks
that I saw weren't as good as the earlier one, so I
did not pick any in the
end. His teacher then said, "And that is love."
On another day,
John asked his teacher, "What is marriage? How
can I Find it?" His teacher
answered, "There is a thriving forest in front. Walk
forward without
turning back, and chop down only one tree. If you
find the tallest tree,
then you have found marriage".
john walked forward, and before long, He returned
with a tree. The tree
was not bad, and it was not tall either. It was only
an ordinary tree, not
the best but just a good tree.
His teacher asked, "Why did you chop down such
an ordinary
tree?" john answered, "Because of my previous
experience. I had walked
through the field, but returned with empty hands.
This time, I saw this tree, and I felt that it was the
first good tree that
I saw, so I chopped it down and brought it back. I
did not want to miss the
opportunity." His teacher then said, "And that is
You see john , Love is the most beautiful thing to
happen to a person, its
an opportunity but you don't realise its worth when
you have it but only
when its gone like the field of stalks.
Marriage like the tree you chopped, it's a
compromise; you pick the first
best thing you see and learn to live a happy life
with it."
with love
1:45 AM
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
WAt have WE done?
my blog is not going to be all abt moi whinning and BF ing.. got have some interesting info and insight..actaully i am bored lar.. study half way come blog.*guitly*
i was reading thorught my textbook on the topic evolution.. and mutation..
wanted to share interesting stuff to those who din have chance at bio lessons..
it was said that human form were evolved from monkey.. u tink it is bull? haha tink again....

so the next time anyone scold u "monkey " dont take offence.. accept it.. cos the person also is one.. hee..(muru.. i tho u abt this b4 rite?)(muffin, ur mummy is corrrect to call u a monkey =P) (rosy u like monkey rite?)
for more infomation:
cant believe it .. they actually worshipp ppl with tail.. issit just mutation? *shrug*
another interesting stuff.. mimicry
it is where the species "watch and learn" just like many stuff in life.. u dont knoe.. watch and learn...
the snowberry fly will mimic the zebra spider..amazing rite? the wonders of nature..
feel like going tot he macrhctie canopy walk now.. see nature in action...
BUt hor.. how come call zebra spider le?.. the spider copy the zebra? heeeee
i went to Raffles Museum Biodiversity Research for one of my assignment recently..
The carcass of a baby leopard cat - whose sighting was recorded only twice in Singapore history - is taxidermised carefully after it was run over on Mandai Road last June.
u ever know singapore havae leopards? the sight is kinda gross.. the poor cat head is like totally GONe.. just a bloodly mass..if u ever make a visit to the musuem. u can see how fragile life of such animals..
this is the link
there is a dead dugong also.. dugong are not extinct because they are "gong" okie..
so sad a big Giant skull of the dugong . yah that particular dead one.. locatde in the musuem..
yes yes,, they are both local cases.. if u tink we are insignifcant in contributing to animal extinct.. u are so dead wrong.. every life counts..
wanted to put the pic of a deadoil cladded bald head eagle.. but cant find the pic.. can only see in my text book.. really.. it reflect how the majestic eagle became victim of human pollution.. how sad..
if u have no money to go for nice moive of activity ,make a trip to Raffles Museum Biodiversity Research money and got interesting stuff..
amist all the rat race and the chasing the materialistic life , we ought to sit back and awe at the wonders for once..before they are all gone..
sorri sometihng wrong witht he linking function. dunno why.. just cut and paste to see the link
with love
3:49 PM
Saturday, November 26, 2005
to- do -stuff for X mas..
really huh.. so fast one year is going be up soon.. jsut bearly past CNY .. then x mas liao.. time really flies..
yah.. its been a year.. got good times and got bad times.
we got to "
take the road before us and sing a chorus or two..".. we need to look ahead.. reflect of the past and move on. hee
top 10 Things to do for Xmas
1.make A wish list!!dear santa,
i been a really good boy this year.. so would u kindly bring moi a rock lee plush, a syntace C2 areo bar, an ekynox shades silver color one,a limited edition of wolverine figure saga, a new tri saddle for my bike,and nice disc wheels..pls also make the wishes of my frineds come true..
2. make a snow angel.HOW huh?

1. Bundle all participants up in warm clothing, including hats and gloves.
2. Find an area of snow that is clean and has not been walked through.
3. Line up next to each other or spread out around the area.
4. Stand far enough apart so that when you spread your arms you can't touch the person next to you.
5. Fall gently into the snow onto your back.
6. Keep your entire body flat in the snow.
7. Brush your arms between your head and waist in a sweeping motion.
8. Move your legs apart as far as they will go and then together.
9. Repeat these motions (it's like doing a jumping jack while lying on your back) until you have made indentations in the snow.
10. Have someone stand at your feet and pull on your arms to help you up.
11. Get up without stepping on your snow angel or making a handprint in the middle of it.
3. WRITE Xmassie CARDs..i bought x massy cards liao.. going to sent them out really soon... hee..

collect all four..hee
4. go xmas shoppingthe spriit of giving is not giving when u have abandance.. it is when u give when u have little ...althoght we are not earning.. a gift from the hreat is so much more meaningful... (muffin dont go ard giving ppl hug and treating them as x mas pressie)
budget le... sobsob
5. Catch a heart warming moive with my family...Xmas period always show wholesome x mas moive...
teh time where family should be together..
cos i love them all..
6. gather frineds for x mas party and have a mass gift exchange..used to have x mas party at dingy place.. but since dingy left his house and his parents sold the house there is no place to hold the party.. that means no log cake? no gift exchange and no fun... sobosbo .. but i am sure teh oragniser this year will tink so sometihng.. rite? rite? rite? the crowd has been steady increasing ... from 6 guys.. to 16-17 ppl.. got bro kee, alex, kammy , jas?, heyao, dingy , jingy, karen, yin pei, winnie, anan?, adrain?,clara?,mary? , jun xiong?.. wonder got any new ppl this year or not? hee gathering of the dunearnites.. wooHOoooo... We rawks..
7. rwak ard the x mas treetown got many x mas tree... go under the biggest brightest one...shake ur butt... make a wish..
8. rem old friends.. those u have been missing .. and those who dont keep in touch often.. sent them all a nice x mas sms...... my one and only best frined.. zhihao.. ahotught we dont really contact.. i going to give him a surpirze his year.. heee
9. give something to the needy and less .. i have not forgotten abt the minds kid i took care of... jason... hee. i gave him pressie every year... this year wont be excpetion....
10. a sleigh ride with eyecandy..come on... it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with u...
with love
1:12 AM
Thursday, November 24, 2005
slacking day..
one more paper before this sem is over.. so fast.. haiz. the paper is in 7 more day.. so today i decide to slack.. before going back to mugging mode..
had msn outing !! with non other than muru AKa long john (dont ask why)and rosy...
play batminton at rosy'place 10am.. we are not really consider morning person.. we all sleep at 2-4am types.. owls one...


rosy and her alfro hair do da sao like to play batminton to achieve weight loss. haha..batminton was fun.. with the numa numa actions and aggerated actions and sound effects.. seriously .. the on looker were laughing at our hilarious way of playing ..
no kdding huh... oh well.. play like no one watching .. no hawthorn effect..
dance like no one wathcing manz... just do it..
then we went to rosy place to wash up..

this is her silly dog call "baby".. hyperone... crazy dog.. Siao Gao!!
we had ajison for lunch... becos rosy like to mention food at night.. first she temmpted us with subway... not she tempt with ajison... tehn she tempt us wiht cakes... ( if u wanan the cake pic to tempt u.. msg moi.. i sent them to u)

looks good huh? baby squid... i likes. hee
since it is kinda early..we decided to go play pool.. weekday is cheaper.. but quite hard to find time on weekday noon time..oh well..

rosy pool
not many girls can play pool leh.. rosy is the defending champ okie.. dont play play..

moi pool
we are trying to kill each other "Balls" .. i wanna kill all their balls.

muru pool
the game goes. since there are 15 numberballs.. 1-5 , 6-10 and 11-15..
the goal is to kill the opponents ball.. the first person with any ball will consider lose.. hee fun rite?
we went walk walk afte re that.. i bought X mas cards for this year... not a lot.. wil ration.. some will get.. and some wont.. i have teh habit of sending out cards.. those who din return card last year.. will / will not get.. depending.. i not so ji jaio one.. hey it is xmas wat.. season of giving.. dont let ur stinginess spoilt the festive mmood... heehee.. cant wait for exam to be over.. then x mas shop ard.. yeah.. hee
muru bough a pressie for Dre.. sexy little thing.. hee she shd be consider part of msn group i suppose.. oh well maybe she jio n us nex ttime.. the goal is to expand the msn group.. hee
Since there are no Msn grou pic.. so we decide to take one..

blur pic..
faliure one... shaky hand... cannot make it lar..self taken one.." slap head"

sian liao
after so many try still dont have a nice one... sain liao lar.. got sain 1/2 look..

why teh stunt look muru?spioler..

almost... alamak.. never mind leh this shoudl be consider presentable hor? heck le..

okie time to get serious.. dont mess wiht us manz..

too serious also not good.. relac a bit.. heeee
oh the way home.. my neighbour charmaine gave moi 4 brownies she bake one.. so nice huh...hee..
msn outing 3 is a great success.. msn outing 4.. who wann jion?
with love
7:41 PM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
the more u knoe... the more u dont knoe..
ignorance is indeed bless..
if u dont knoe wat u dont knoe.. then u will not get so uptight abt getting wrong.and will let it go willingly..but if u know but get it wrong.. it is so much much worse...
if u turn a blind eye to everything.. life will perhaps be so much nicer..
the feeling is getting to moi.. cant seem to let it go...
maybe like wat xiang yi said." act blur , life longer."
act like the nothing have happened..even if it din why would any body care..
seem so coincidental tat he-man msg moi today..saying how his 8 month relation with a girl is not worth a one week effort form a new guy the girl met..
he cant stand life at oversea uni too..
SEE the similarity?
i cant stand uni life.. but wat the hell am i doing there..WTH...
he-man a very mild mellow person.. he proablly wont make a big hoo-ha over the whole ordeal.. at least not show it out.. so much effort for the girl.. but got nothing back in return..
i feel so unjust for him.. totally disgusted.
saying stuff like one week with the guy is consider " love ".. surely the 8 months of effort mean something rite? so cold hearted one?
he-man say he cant sleep and cling on to the soft toy the girl gave..
he will prob need a veyr long time to stand up.. and he have no faith in girls liao..
dun believe in ever-lastin love.....n perfect world liao..
farnie.. wasnt this the feeling i feel just a few weeks ago..
she also say something like" u can feel wat u wnana cos she cant control how he feel."
oh manz!!. dont be such a BITCH!!...for crying out loud..
really.. i dunno abt u ..
one way i seek consolation tat i am not the only one feelin such F up feeling..
yet i really duno wat to do and how to improve the whole ordeal..
wat dont break moi... makes moi stronger?
wat had happen lately. not only break moi.. it had killed off watever thinkinf and percpetion i once had..
it aint going to be easy picking up the loose pieces..
with love
7:02 PM
Monday, November 21, 2005
i just wanna break down and cry..
i cant take it any more...
it is not the papers ...
it is not the diffculty of the papers..
it is jsut moi..... really.. no amt of hard work can save moi fro this situation..
i so hated myself.
the mod is so easy.. yet i can miss out the pts i memorise.. i dunno wat is FReaking wrong with moi....WATs my FREAking Problem....!!
i really not cut to be a undergrad...
i didnt wanna be one in hte first place..if getting a toopid degree means having to be sad and disappionted. i really could give up everything...
i dont wanna have any tihng to do with NUS... it is just not a place for moi...
i am so ashamed of my lousiness.. i knoe i am not some smarty pants..why do i wnana try to be like them?.. huh? i dont even admire ppl with smart brians.... in fact i despise them .. yet here i am trying to be one of them..
how freaking ironic..
i erally sucks at every single thing i do.... teh only thing i am good at is self deception...i lie to mylsef time and time again.. getting trap in a delusional world that my hard work can change something..dont fight the fact... the truth hurts.. accept it..
i am jsut a toopid person.. who cant do well at anything... time and time this has always been true... jsut tat i refuse to believe in it...
really... i am veyr tired over the whole ordeal...
i dont wnan fancy gifts this xmas.. i dont wanna expensive pressie.. i dont even wanna date with eyecandy...
i just wanna be happy...
for once in my miserable uni life..
with love
8:46 PM
Saturday, November 19, 2005
i need to open all the gateS..
haiz.. i tink i screw up my paper.. wat's new manz... i just silly and toopid..i was under prepared i admit.. cos there are a few give away questions that i din manage to get correct.
so much for my CHEAt SHIT... CHEAT STOOL... Cheat bian bian.. wat ever u call it lar..
lecutures good but the student aka moi sucks.. haiz..
anyway next paper one day away.. relac and chill out a bit..
i tink i just recover from my cough.. wanted to go for a run now.but i tink i could use a little more rest..
anyway this is to answer piggy question.. the long anticipated gate theroy.
Gate-Control Theory – Ronald Melzack (1960s)Described physiological mechanism by which psychological factors can affect the experience of pain.
Neural gate can open and close thereby modulating pain.
Gate is located in the spinal cord.
Three Factors Involved in Opening and Closing the GateThe amount of activity in the pain fibers.
The amount of activity in other peripheral fibers
Messages that descend from the brain
Conditions that Open the GatePhysical conditions
Extent of injury
Inappropriate activity level
Emotional conditions
Anxiety or worry
Mental Conditions
Focusing on pain
Conditions That Close the GatePhysical conditions
Counter stimulation (e.g., heat, message)
Emotional conditions
Positive emotions
Relaxation, Rest
Mental conditions
Intense concentration or distraction
Involvement and interest in life activities
simplified form.. for more info pls click here..
in other words if u open all ur gates. u will kegg!!!!!!
but little bit of pain keep us alive.. life's a painful journey, the more gate u open without killing urself.. teh stronger u get..
althought the doc downstairs say "coughing cannot kill" but pain can kill ppl..
EXtreme intense pain will switch off the brian.. when that happen.. u will KEgg..
so next time when u feel hurt u knoe the gates are opening...
wat doest kill us make us stronger issit it?
if ur brain can open and close the gates using mind pwr.. u will be one tough S.O.B to deal with..
with love
5:38 PM
Thursday, November 17, 2005
toopid trip to the doc..
my toopid body is not recovering well.. cant go for any trianing run.. so fustrating...
so being sick for close to 1 week .. i decide i shd pay a visit to the doc..
but guess wAT...
it wasnt the least bit heplful..
the doc say " oh coughing never kill anyone"
WTF.. u are one damn professional doc lar..
then she say .. i think the white spots is more serious..
she say " i not going to give u cough surpy .. cos u will get addicted to it"
i look like some drug abuse guy issit? i look i eat cocanine and herion for meals?
she keep thinking that i am a NS guy..
HULLOZZZ if i am an ns guy .. i will go to my unit MO rite? why will i wanna go visit you and waste money!!
maybe she thinks i am a CHao geng person.. wanna get MC and excuse from training...
this is jsut toopid....
in the end she only give moi tabets for night cough and some for plegm..
oh well it is jsut digusting...
dont have cough surupy and antibotic.
then if i never recover.. then i will have to go back again.. then she will earn profit..
felt so conned of my 24 bucks...
TOOpid body..this won happen if my body is not that weak..toopid!!!
if i am healthy then this toopid shit wont have happened..
with love
12:16 PM
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
yang cong li lun (onion theory)
yang cong li lun (onion theory)
dont avoid.. must 面对...
maybe it is time for moi to cry...
with love
12:44 AM
Monday, November 14, 2005
mans.. i think i am down with cough..bortella pertussis AKA whooping ccough..okie lar.. not so jialat lar.. normal only much for the mind over body thingy
running 20 km on sat... when i was on the verge of falling sick.. but i discounted my self already . ran only 2o instead of 25km....
thanks to loti..whose nick is 20 more days to raceday!!
one more run on wed..25km...
sqeeuze in 3 more 30 k.. i tink i be okie.
4 more day to exam..
i tinki done studying for fisrt paper liao.. need to practice past years.
like wat jack say, i am kinda petty and childish .. getting angry and piss over the most littles of things...he mention this because he say i always qurral with kammy..
we are like the squabble heads... on well.. tat is wat u get if u put two stubbron ppl together...
i admit i am hot headed at times...anyway that is not my pt..
the pt is tat every one is jugdement nowadys..impression counts..
rem last time i blogged abt how i detest kammy and jas... acutally jas is not that bad a girl...jsut taht i am too quick to jump to conclusion..
kammy not so bad u knoe.. he and kee are the only one who bothered abt my 21st birthdya.. a big cake and three bottles of alcohol.. just the three of us..
but kammy and i aint really close...oh well..
back to jas..she kinda chatty sort. now she's feeling down cos of relation with kammy.. i also not sure wat happened..
but i am gulity of the same crime..
some one waited at my viod deck for 3hrs jsut to catch a glimpse of moi.. but i was kinda stress and din wanna meet her.. but i ain that bad.. i sent her home... and though abt how difficult it is for relation to work..
oh well that is the past liao.. why ppl are always like tat leh? when u din get the person , u cherish her.. when u get her liao,, then not so impt liao...hahaa
so farnie....
dun knoe why..
but just farnie...
ask much as i like laughing at ppl.. i tink i shd laugh at myself..
my silliness and my incompetent... haha.. loser mingz...maybe karma!! retribution!!
oh well hope stuff will turn out fine eventaully..
there are more stuff to life then jsut study..
focus on the finger that is pting to the moon and u will miss all the heavenly goodness..( burce lee say one)
in other words. take a break now and tehn take a look at the stars above and be thankful that u are alive and living..awe at their brightness.. seeking upon a new gulding light ...
there are ppl starving some place in this world..
be thankful and give thanks..
thanks to mummy and papa for buying cough suurply for moi..
thanks to many many who mug with moi and chatted with moi online. accompany moi in one way or other..
41 days to rocking ard the X mas tree
19 day to race day
4 day to exam
1 lazy bummer bloggin now..
with love
11:55 PM
Saturday, November 12, 2005
rocking Rd the X mas Tree!!
i am really tired recently..sleeping at 3-4am .. tehn waking up at 7.20am.. so little sleep.. i got the feeling of falling sick.. those one the verge kind..
wanna sick not sick.. but also not totally well..i need some rest i tink...but htere is no time.. i haven clock milage this week too..
anyway.. there was a test on thurday. the lecturer was known to be slack... and he always set the same test paper.. but this year, he change it!! woohoo!! lets all die..
but i got study lar... i may not be a bright as the other ppl at memorising and copying ans..
this is wat many top students do... this test will test understanding.. so i am happy he change the paper.. level the fighting groud..
got back my project and test 2.. got A+ for both.. damn but the test every one got a A plus.. so still never off set my previous A- .. ARGH>. need to work harder for exams....
anyway after the test i went to buy groovy pressie cos this birthday is sunday... wat a time huh? exam period study weekk..oh well.. got him a nice inuyasha, he mention he like it.. so i get for him..

i also wrap it up... i was tired but i still wrap it up lar.. not as good as a wrapping job as koala's pressie but .. hey count ur blessing.. i am tired okie!

koala's wrap up pressis. i wrap it up all by myself *beaming with pride* nice wrapping rite? inside got one cute koala bear..

damn alwasy cannot find scotch tape when u need them .. i use color tape... i have plenty of those.. haha..sorry lar.. too tired liao....

so today i went to lab to do my turtle presentation.. yha lar the free riders din talk much during the presentation.. maybe they are guilty ..
the lecturer ask abt group work.. i was SO FARking kind to say ur group is nice and GD...which in actual fact is not!! free riders and slackers!!.. i dont wanna hai ppl.. i am just silly lar.. that is moi lar..toopid ming...
anyway i went to SMu to mug.. study week start today cant freaking find a place at nus to mug... SMU RWAKS manz... got pretty girls and nice study room!!! woohoo!! i shd be an smu student!!!oh well i had teh whole study room to myself..So shiok..!!!
thank to ROsy!! and clara DYM dropped by...thanks DYM... u are so sweet..
meet groovy for his Bday dinner.. BK!!! long time no eat liao.. so happy!! my fav meal!!!!! pass him his present.. play acrade... then sit by the x mas tree..taking silly pic and drink some alochol.. help in my insomai i tink...

i like xmas tree!!!

took this pic of myself by myself!! damnz.. eye bags.... tired mugger...

another one.. camera phone is so fun!... looks tired.. oh well.. surely nice tree will wipe away teh tiredness.
i felt a bit sad... abt work relation with marko.. cos when i saw his phone, there are a lot of pics of his mum.. he must have miss her terribly.. makes moi so gulity for quarrelling with him....i also come to realisation that i really do love my mum....i cant imagine wat i cant do without her.. i tink i will give her a hug tml before i go to sch...really.. she is the most impt person to moi..
7 more day to exam...
after exams .. who wanan rock ard the X mas tree with moi?
all are welcome..!!!
except fakos...
with love
2:04 AM
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
harry's potter?
i always have nick name for my lecuters..
i call one of my lecutre harry potter.. since the harry potter new book is out.. i shall do this..i say i will make a comparison in one of my prevous posting.
i got a C for his mod.... ARGH>>>>> oh well.. at least i knoe a little bit more abt petrol chem.... i tink my mid term scew moi.. i was bottom few... oh well..
i tink i wont get into trouble with his posting bah..even if i do... i dont care.. cos i am not going to take his mod already..

see the striking remsemble? ahaha i tink my RP prof AKa prof loH knows i call him harry potter.
anyway when i was searching for "harry potter pic" .. the 4th chem eng idol pic came i decided to post it...

very shuai.. IDOL!!!! woohoo!!!... but now he got a beard.. more cool!!!!very lihai also....
i will post the other 3 chem eng idol next time..
2 more set of notes to mug.!!
with love
3:01 AM
X'Mas ard the korneR!!!!
The Xmas Deco are up liao..!! just caught a glimpse of it when i cycle past town..
i was planning on a 20 km run agian.. but then it is too taxing on my mind so i went for a cycle instead.. from my house to ECP.. one lap...
in terms of time spent is abt the same lar.. 2.5 hrs.. including washing up..
but but almost got into an accident.. i was cycling along bukit timah stretch.. at abt 40 km/h.. then got this pizza boy in a motor. cut into my lane.. and wanna make a left into the condo.. he cut in so fast then "zamp Brak" to make the left turn..
then i also E brake lor...the whole bike skidded.. my poor tires.. i knew i could not stop in time.. my cleats are still on.. stop also will fall down.. then i swerve... just miss him by inches.. i let out a "FARK" .. but i tink the malay pizza boy din hear...
roadies are not as slow as u tink lor..
i knoe ur pizza need to be sent pippin hot to the customer .. but dont do stunt like that one... dont do abrupt lane change.. minus 6 pts.
wait the only pizza u see is moi lor.....
my blood will be tomato sauce and my yellow bike will be the cheese..$%@#$^@#$^
oh well keep my heart beating ...
got 2 roadies try to qie moi.. had a nice frinedly mini race.... hahahaha
i won... woohoo!!but then i dont knoe how much they have cycle before hand.. so oh well...
anway xmas is ard the kroner... yeah yeah!! pressie and cards..
as usual i will rite cards to ppl.. ahah..seems like a missing tradition .. veyr little ppl are writing x mas card..
the only one u allget are prob the company give one or insurance one..shucks...
oh yah.. also pressie..maybe i can reward myself ... buy moi somethign i like.. hahaha.. looking forward!!
the SBS bus also got one x mas humpty dumpty lor.. nice...
cant wait for it...
okie.. mugging time..
with love
12:30 AM
Sunday, November 06, 2005
exam start 18 nov...
now is 6..
less than freaking 2 weeks....
i am starting to feel "it" liao.... althought i got a few relac mod.. but i dont tink i am ready yet...
i tink i am Krazy oreadi... i just went for yet another 2 hr run.. i dont even have enought time to mug.. yet i go for a long run...WTH... wat i am tinking? ARgh.....
then again time is alwasy not enought lor.. tat is uni life for u.. if there was enoght time.. even the auntie cleaner can get a degree lor...
there is so much stuff i wanna do.. but yet i am stuck at either home or yih study room.. kinda stuffy. SAFOcating.. *choke Choke*
i wanted to watch teh movie the Great raid.. any taker? i guess not.. all become muggers. or pia-ster liao..
no more bummer and nuaster or slacker ard anymore..haiz..
by the time exam ended. the show will not be screened liao.. damnz...
okieoke.. let's not waste time..
i shall mug form now to 3 am..
xmas jsut ard the korner... looking forward
with love
11:54 PM
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Had a realli realli good nite la la..
i was feeling kinda bored. not mood to mug also.. so i just change up and went for a 20 km run..
1hr 35 min at average heart beat of 180 BPM. no complain for this run
the nite was pretty cooling.. and the weathers just perfect.. those kinda when u know u can break ur personal best timing type..
because i ran from 10 - 12 mn, i ended up sleeping late.. cos i was feeling energetic from the run.. ended up sleepign at 3.. not anything specail.. i alwasy sleep abt tat time.. i suspected i am suffer from insomia.. cant sleep to well..
got a nice jazz concert today "jazz at the moives " at VCH
kinda interested.. 15 bucks for students.. will feature the song u are listening to now..
doubt i will find any company..
no one interested in jazzy music.. most ppl only like those "TOom ZIp TOOM" clubbing music or those MORDern music... which i dont really like..
maybe i go for a spin later. swaet it out.. depend on the progress of mugging..
boring sat..YawnZ>>
with love
12:58 PM
Friday, November 04, 2005
Last glance at the sunshine before darkness..
so much for the 2 Public holiday this weeks. i was down at sch mugging..
Chao muggER.. figure i will just bum ard at home..studying at sch was kinda sucky on a holiday becos there are no vendor open on a weekend.. i guess man shall not live on bread alone.. eat books and notes full already..
the only thing that keep moi moitvated was perhaps the pull session at abt 5 -6pm..
take a break and a breather.
pull with dragonboaters yesterday cos they were having secret unoffical training..
in the past 2 week i got priase by 3 unknown person at the SRC.. so i was momentary happy. cos i dun think there are ppl doing pull up by the 100s. but there are a lot in fact.. the climber and the dragonboaters( i shall not mention the canoe r cos i dont likethem =P).i tink i have been to the bar too often lately.. my body aches but my heart ache more. oh well..
my pinkie is till swollen. but it aint going to take away my self indulgence off from the sets of disgusting lecutre notes.
just had a test... 8.30 am..
today was probaly the last time i am going to see eye candy.. saddens moi quite a bit.. out of all places, she had to sit just one row below moi.. sheesh..maybe i wont feel so bad if i din spoted her today.
anwyay i handed up the test paper and went off early.normally i will check my ans until the last min. but i guess i just wanna leave the place..
ironic issnt it.. ?
it is the last chance to steal one last glance but i chose to leave..maybe i could just manage a weak hi.. but i din..
the study room was cold, the bar was wet, and i am feeling snoogly..

thanks to muffin for finding this sepcial strip for moi.
i guess the next natural thing to do is to head home..
i was heading for home at 10.15 like frekaing early.. i bet most nus ppl are bearly awake.
when everyone alight at the bus stop.. i was the only one boarding it.. toopid..
marathon is in one month exactly.. haven clock enough milage.. plus i feeling snoogly still..
any motivation out there?
any moitvation will do..
just give moi some..
with love
3:24 PM