Saturday, December 31, 2005
FARK up system , FArk up NUS..
everytime sch wanan reopen all the FARk up feeling returns, all the things will screw up..
this time i din get my mod..!!! not one but TWO..!!!!.. plaCE 2620 pts still cannot gET my module...
DONt ASk us to choose specialisation when u all cant cater for the students.. give us hope for wat!!!
dont offer double specialisation also..when the pts alocated in cors cant possiblity grant u all the mod u are required to take.
totally suck..
then i need to work.. then the toopid department office only open office hours. sent e mial also dont bother to reply..
i refer to ST today home new page 14
Thrown out, he stayed on campus till caught
Ex-scholarship student from China jailed after 11-month vagabond stay on NUS campus
NATIONAL University of Singapore (NUS) student and China national Zhang Wei failed several modules, lost his scholarship, his place in the university hostel and was thrown out of school.But he was not going back home - he liked the lifestyle here too much.
So the 21-year-old spent 11 months living on the Kent Ridge campus, sleeping in the open and enjoying a free run of the university grounds.
Security guards did not suspect a thing, as many students use the campus at all times of the day and Zhang had kept his matriculation card, so he could enter restricted areas.
NUS had not cancelled his card access nor closed his computer account - a failure that the university blamed on a technical glitch.
When Zhang felt lonely, he would sneak into an NUS computer laboratory in the dead of night to chat online.But last month, his luck ran out and he was caught.
On Tuesday, he was sentenced to three months in jail on two charges under the Computer Misuse Act.
It was a disappointing turn for a bright student who first arrived in Singapore from China's Hebei province four years ago.
Armed with a scholarship from Singapore's Ministry of Education (MOE), Zhang was on track to get a degree in computing. But he failed three modules in his first year and, in April last year, the MOE cancelled his scholarship.
Zhang started his third semester with his parents' money but last December, he failed another module and was asked to leave the computing degree course and the hostel.
He then decided he would apply for re- admission a year later - in November this year. Meanwhile, strapped for cash, he began his 11-month vagabond stint.
Described by a former hostel mate as 'reserved and soft-spoken', Zhang now plans to return to China after serving his time to continue his studies there.why is soceity so cruel? it is not easy for china student to nblend in alreaedy..
really.. why the strong emphaise of GRADEs.. huh huh? u all never fail before meh? all of u are president scholar meh? oh pls!!! the judges for beauty contest very beautiful meh? who give u the right to jugde? huh? ur experience? ur A GraDE? A grade BIG F meh?
why glorify the Top PSlE student like some GOD.. why .. have u ever consider the tear shed for those with poor grades.. ppl are just not as smart as u.. world unfiar.. just becos u are slighty smarter donest give u the right to pledge ur happiness on hte sorrow of others. do u all evenhave a heart?
oh yah FYi i don heard abt the top PSLE student being the top O level kid.. why cannot susbtain ur glory days? huh huh.. why ? how i feel to watch ppl fare so well while u have fallen from the top .. miserable rite? in ur FACE lor.....!!!
i feel really bad for the china guy..i understand how he feel. itis not easy to let go of someting u hold on really tight to.. how his ideal world just Crash upon him.. his pride his parents his family.. wat ar ppl at home oging to say abt him.. his is unforgivable..
i so hate sch...Sch sucks.. hope some terrorist will bomb up nus really soon...
with love
12:08 AM
Monday, December 26, 2005
X mas Rawks!
cant rem when is teh last time i played so hard.. and spent so much.. spentthirft meng.. both for pressie and to pamper myself.. in fact i jsut bought a new jazz CD.salena jones.hee.
x mas eve morning i went moral home for a visit.. just visit the poor kids.. it is a guillimard minds Tradition..althouth i am from YCK minds. i jsut tagged along.. but gully ppl are more frinedly than yck ppl..
i always thought YCK management is FARk up.. gullimard volunteer go visit moral home on x mas eve.. so meaningful .. in contrast the Screw up YCk ppl when to clean up the YCK store room.. WAH liew!! store room any time can clean up one rite? dont need x mas eve rite? maybe i jsut cross over to gullimard so i cant stand teh way YCK management do stuff.. sucky!! BIg time.
i got a few pics.. i was at rosy house wrapping pressie . pressie from moi and charmaine.. hee..

this is wei xing.. i really like him.. in last year minds camp he was in my group.. i always rem he imitating the tigger.. so hilarous.. he also pulled moi to show moi his sleeping place.. just a humble little matress with blanket.. how fortunate i am.. i guess that is the reason why i wanan go visit moral home despite being the only non gullimard ppl..
the kids played pass the parcel with the gifts i wrapped.. teh kids very happy and very ren qing.. so hard to organise them..

pass the parcel in progress.
heard that the stuff are usually shared among the kids. hee. but ming song was really appriecaitive of the gift.. i din realise it until sharkie told moi. hee.. oh yah? sharky when are we going to yishun to climb?

apprecaitive ming song.
oh yah.. got this pic by cahnce.. so caixia was pestering ppl to take pic..

eleen and caixia.. just got to know eleen from this year minds camp.. cute girl. hee..
pass muru his gift.. then when sec gathering..
i purposely wrap scraf bearie with transparten wrapper.. so i knoe it willbe the most pouplar gift.

see how cute the ribbon .
jingy pressie was a close second.

ACtually, i felt really lousy at the party u knoe.. cos i felt everyone had drifted so far from moi.. all busy wiht gf.. even thought heman can back from aussie he is like still quite out of it..
perhaps the only one close was dingy and jingy.. kam totally sucks..super bad camera.. only inchange or collecting money.. no program no notihng... i bet heman left cos he feel too sain.. i din really enjoy as it wish i would.. i left at 2am. cos i was dead tired from night range and night wrapping and moral home visit. wehn i left every one left.. so much for x mas party. but i have to admit is was nice to gather once in a while..
Oh yah lor.. scarf bearie ended in mungching hand.. and guess wat i got? A freaking girlie bag.. Hullo!! where got ppl buy Gift like that one... must buy unisex one mah...#$@%@#%.. anyway i gave the bag to year i going to buy lousy gift again.. those FARK up one..
x mas day was also grandma b day.. since i got a cam phone itook pic of all my newphew and niece.. got a lot lor!! like kindergarten likethat.. they are cute little creatures.
introducing my nephews and nieces..
the biggest of them all

JONAthan!!!! heee

his sister joey

and little bro joel
this is angel!! check out her rabbit ears..hee

and her sister..i like her cos she is alwasy smiling and playing happily on her own.. still got one more siter one.. but like given away to other ppl liao...
this is Jasper!!!severly underweight one.. he alwyas play with moi one.. so that makes him my FAV newphew..hee
this is his sister.. cute Big EYES!!!

Both of them are very cute le..!!

this is shu hui.. jsut wake up pic..haha
this is her sister

cute hor.. still very little. cant tok yet. canot only walk ard..helplessly.
this is jamie!!

tall beauty next time when she grow up.she got a happy smile too..this is her byran

quite naughty one. hee.this ist he third smallest baby..

look at her playing with the baby powder .. cutes wor!! likes
this is oliver..!! big mata kuching eyes!!

cute hor!!
still got one more baby.. but he went to chaingmai tour.. smallest one..
the kids kena complain for makeing too much noise but heck lar.. such gathering are RAre.. give then a nice childhood..

this ist he exacty corridor i played at when i was young.hee..
i so love those kids.!!!! heeehee..uncle Ding Ding!! hahahaa...
then i went town.. meet muffin. muru, rosy and lao lao.. get squeeze and take pics and looka x mas lightings. oh also manage to meet de de to give her present.
msn group!!

mr bean rest pt..

like comic man. so much pic.. anyway let cont hee..

act posuer rosy.
be A snow man!!!!

lao lao and moi
BOXING DAY!!! play baminton1!!! and rosy unwrappes her late pressie form muru and from muffin.

wah lao kinda tekan.. do push up.. FAT fat go away come again another day.

tired liao le.. tml still got work!! time to la la.. super long blog .!!!
so bye bye X mas 05... be waiting the arrival of x mas 06!!!
with love
11:27 PM
Saturday, December 24, 2005
BIg FAT santa!
today was a preety busy day.. Thank GOd daddy is on leave so i can use the car for transport.
went to sch to pass YL x mas card.
wanted to ask someone to pass to Cao bin his wedding gift. but there are no one at lab...
then had range for the whole day till night..
after range , i went to gave Cao bin the weding gift lor.. alothught i am not there for the dinner.. but my blessing reached them. heehee...
i only appeared in the last dish!! mango pudding... not bad liao lar.. hee...
wearing no 4... so paiseh.. but i shd be proud of the GReen!! hee...
sat with a table full of strangers except for huiling and her bf..
she say i look thin... that is likethe 4 time i hear ppl say mi look thin the past weeks lor.. so sain..
anwyay.. tml i am goint to moral home.. got some bears from my house and charmaine contributed a lot of stuff from her house.. she says she dont need it and she goingt o give salvation army anyway..
i suspected the presents are from her suiter.. but those failure suitors type.. hee..
anyway i wrapped up all the gifts with rosy help at freaking 2 am... cos i ran out of wrapping paper and scrotch tape .tml the kids at moral home iwll be happy!!!!cos big fat santa is coming.
i have yet to upload my pic from tour..
i have not write the cards for the ppl i goignt o meet at the party tml..
i have not wash and wax my bike
i have not clean up my room
sunday is my grandma b day.. so happy.
tml going be a long party day!!!!
with love
2:36 AM
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Cao Bin ! wishing u eternal bliss and happiness!
done witht he Wrapping of Cao bin and jialing wedding gift..
bought two bears. sharing with Labbie.
hey Labbie... u see cute or not?



bride and Groom

All packed and ready to go...
Good job in Wrapping..
wedding bear bear : $XX
Wrapper: $1.1
pink background: rosy's
Effort: priceless!!!
i always stay up yill late to wrap pressie or write card.. weird..
with love
10:52 PM
missing in action
been missing from here for someday.. was kinda busy.. firstly work.. overnight exercises. then minds camp.. then genting trip .. then writing all the xmas cards and wrapping the presents.
okie lets go one by one. hee.. feels really nice to go back tekong and have nigth exercise there...used to operate at night.. where we made use of the night and swore by stealth witht he aid of the surrounding darkness... i miss those feeling. no doubt.. studies have made moi weak.. both mentally and physically.. perhaps the only consolation was that i have become owl. accustomed to the quiet nite... long awaiting the arrival of dawn and day break..
the stars are seems always brighter and the air always fresher.. hee.. oh man.. i am such a outfeild guy...
meet a few good frineds. dean and fiazal.. jokeed and fool ard ... nonsense and pranks.. life's a bit moer fun with them ard.
there was patrick wedding some where mid week.. i took leave .. i went alone.. gave a 50 bucks ang bow.. patrick din entertain me.. so much for bro.. boo.., instead his wife entertained moi and put moi wiht her girl frineds.. i just ate and let... sob... feels werid.. lonely again.. his wife is actaully his primary sch frined.. haha..
the farnie thing was i saw my primary sch sweetheart right after the ROM.. irene tham.. hee.. i rem her .. wont ever forget.... msg askign for her address but sadly she din reply... rosy say the guy beside her is most prob her bf.. BOooo..!
oh well watever it is.. i hope u find happiness manz...
over teh weended i went for minds camp.. just a a plian simple volunteer. no appiontment such as group leader or comm members. the kids had grown so much.. some fatter .. some tall... some matures.. jason espcailly.. i see less childish behavooir.. he is still happy and cheerfully.hee.
also drank duff with groovy and pull ..
the farnie thing is that. groovy told moi jason rems moi.. by name... jieyong mention jason was happy that i am coming for hte camp...
this makes moi reflects on wat i had feel prevously.. abt yck and the sucky com...
it is the volunteerory heart that really counts.. it may not mean much to moi.. but to jason it mean quite a lot..
for tat i will go back into volunteering..
and of cos.. groovy company will be wonderful...

moi and jason.. FAshion show!!!
i wish to be like peixuan.. a great volunterr with a caring heart. altought she is overly convern over her kids. and often neglect the surronding happenings. pretty bad for a group leader or in chrage.. but as a volunteer, it is fanstatic.. so it is kinda cool in this sense.
oh yah.. i wanna learn sign language.. so cool...
stronger frinedship were forge and new frineds were made...
SL came and crap a lot.. nice huh..
a few new kids.. frinzy and yew joe... frinzy is so cute... shy little boy..

yingjun and xiao jing .. go easy on him le..
and yew joe was frowning most of the time cos he was home sick... heard he was a demon when he is okie.. so helpless when home sick.. farnie....he carries a booster to camp.. to maybe ease his home sickness.. he keep saying home.
i like them both..

yew joe!
wei xing my Fav kid last year.din come .. so din teck wee... i shall go moral home and vist them.. hee
24 dec.. 11am .. who interested?
oh yah i pass the x mas pressent to janice..dunno wat to say also.. so i wont say.just say that it will be the last presetn i be getting her.. cos it dont relaly pay to be a nice guy..

janice pressie.. cute eeyore..
also ate first log cake at minds camp. ..

oh yah.. genting trip... long bus ride..
eat sleep shop play and shit.. hee..
i like the cool weahter the most!!! ehe.. got pic.. but i upload it another time..
a lot of irst time for moi
first time play snoooker wiht daddy
first time enter casino.. kena check .. mans.. i still look young.
first time sit in roller coaster wtih mummy and daddy..
first time climb at genting rock wall..
only moi climbing .. so shiok to have the whole wall to myself.. haha i am possessive manz
also played bowling.. shopped ard. watch moive..
got my "SEcret weapon" to fight cold..
oh mans.. so much to write abt.. i wait till the pics are up..
i need to rsuh off to warp CAo bin wedding bearie.. cos he getting engaged.. but i cant made it.. range tml!! haiz...
with love
7:40 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
WOOHOO X mas invites
Dear All,
Christmas is around the corner, wondering where you
would most likely be heading? Would you be lonesome or
starving at home alone? Fear not! If your name is Jack
Pang, He-Man, Dingy, YongMeng, Kee or Ah Kam, I
suppose you know there can only be one outcome...
Yessss!~ We are having Christmas Dinner at Yong Quan
aka Kee's house this year. Unless you have received a
tall order from your mummy or daddy this Christmas, or
else there is no such thing as "I cannot make it"
reason accepted.
For the following invited guests, you are obliged to
bring your partners along.
Guest List
Kee Eng Chuan, Alexis, Alexis's Brother
Yee Ding Yang, Jingy
Pang Say Yong, Adrian and Clara
Kam Wei Hao, Jaslin
Tan Yong Meng, Murugan
Koh An An, Boyfriend
Wong He Yao
Wynnii Lu
Pang Mung Ching
Waiting for Confirmation Guest
Hui Yu
Yu Shan
Jingy's 3 frds
Missing in Action this year
Karen Loo - Having Party in town with Relative and
Jessica Fung - Church affairs
Mary Tan - Flying to Melbourne to unite with Jun Xiong
Date: 24th Dec 2005
Time: 600 PM
Place: Blk 466 Segar Road #02-180
What to bring:
A small gift per person [not couple shared hor]
(capped at a budget of maximum S$10)
As for payment of food, I will currently set it at
***Pls do bring your bf or gf if you are attached as
this is a private gathering, I can ensure you there
will be no paparazzi snooping.
**As we do not want to have any wastage of food at the
end of the day, pls let me know if you intend to bring
someone special.
*Finally what i mean is, if you are attached, drag
her/him to the dinner, i don't care how you do it.
Host: Kee Eng Chuan
Organising Person: Kam Wei Hao (Pls call me @ 98716721
for inquries or email me at
With Regards
Wei Hao
(Disclaimer: If you think you are not supposed to be
receiving this email, it is an obligation to delete
this email without any hesitation)

this is the letter FOr u to show cASe urself SCarf bearie.. wOOhOO...
haiz only moi no partner again.... sian...
where is eye candy???
with love
12:14 AM
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Contented... REtial Therapy raWKs..
SOme ASS just tag on my blog.. WAT ur pt Huh? as if i am going to listen to u.. yah.. i am childish .. i am petty.. i mention that wat in the previous postings wat.. sorri.. ur observation is not needed here. jerk off... and pls have the pride to put ur name and dont put something like" stupid monkey ming" or " ah ming sucks"
u dont like it when ppl call u that. do u...? if u dont like it.. just dont read okie? it is X mas season.. the last thing i need is some fight wiht some idiot like u. SAy sorri u bitch...
anyway, i went out alone today.. cant find ppl out as usual.. i went to get pressies.. Ah jie's and a few other's. shan mention name here. intended surpirse.. hee.
ah jie known of the plan.. damnz.. i forget to lock the phone and accidentally happened to sent a msg tat gave moi away.. sobsob.. cos her name is store as AH jie.. A is the first in the phone list.. haiz.. sway lar.. nvm lar.. liket hat can give her.the present eariler.. better also..dont need wrap..

TATA polar Bearie wiht scraf for Ah jie!! muacks!!!
so now i will write cards and wrap the pressies. hee.. contented ..retial therapy..
oh yah.. i lost the rock lee muru gave moi.. sobsob... must be some where on the street liao... haiz..
WOHOO.. Kammy just comfrim X mas party at kee's place.. i also bought give exchange present liao.. gift item betw 5- 10 bucks...
i bought famous amos cookie last year... it is like the most unpopular gift lor.. cookie nice wat.. unappreciative ppl.. =P..
this year my gift shan be the most popular one... hee

u are going to be the most popular pressie this year at gift excahnge!!!
with love
9:19 PM
Friday, December 09, 2005
how come like tat again?
hmm... why is this always happening? CANNOT FIND PPL to GO out WITH!!!! adsolutely disgusting!!!! got time one say no money... some no time also no money.. oh manz.. i am such a hopeless person..
Can someone give moi some lessons on socaiability or not? even the msn GROup dont wanna come out.. Who is FREE ? and neeed company? PLs pls ask moi out!!!
all say for fun one lar.. say go this place say go that place.. when really wnana go.. then all the toopid excuse come out.. how sick..DONt lie.. say wanan give moi a ride on ur CAR, then say busy...
say after exam wanan go some nice places in the end, cant even see ur shadow lor..
liars!!! the dont be so fake to say stuff u dont mean it.. really.. it dont make moi any happier. liaRs liars.. F off..!!
always blog on a friday nite. cos i am a FREAKing no lifer. form monday to fridya then weekedn stay home.. i am just like a hermit.. watching narutos, surfing for stuff on e bay and logging onto msn for the longest time.
anyway for those who rejected the brownie invite. i had my brownie anyway...=P..
yah lar. i am a petty person.. revengeful one as well.. i am so good at remembering ppl who were unjust to moi.

there u go!! one BIG BOwl of Brownies ice cream and bicuslts.. it is really nice.. kinda filling.. yummy but sinfully... oh no!! but long long one time le.. 10 bucks.. at rouge..
anyway i went out to eat with the camp ppl.. taken a pic with only one of them. super nice guy.. stepthen..Very rich too!! hee

anyway sway stuff always happen to moi.. i drop my phone at work.. then now the phone become mute liao.. so toopid... haiz..the phone too good for work liao..need to get a lousier phone..jsut one of the pic i took with the phone at work.

tink i will make a trip to the flea market to see any cheap phone or not..
oh yah.. patrick wedding coming. i am the only one invited..asking my neighbour to pei moi along. since she also stay teck whye.. but she need to work.. so i tinki be going alone.. really hope i wont feel out of place manz.. also haven get a gift for them... maybe a red packet will do..

this is NIcest wolverine figures i saw.. for those who din knoe.. i like wolverine . so cool. haha.. anyway limited edition one..onyl 500 peices. veyr nice hor? ubfortunately got a broken claw in this particular figure.. else i surely get one for myself.. 139 bucks for a faulty figure..saw it sometime ago during the msn outing 3.
anyway my nieghbour made biscults and gave moi some agian.. dont knoe wat is the big fuss my mummy made.. friend only mah... wat the big deal. rite? i mean if ppl give u stuff to eat.. eat lar.. else it be rude to reject mah..aiyah she's alwyas like tat.
dunno lar..dunno lar... dunno lar..
oh yah!! almost forget.. last night after eating the brownie and washing it down with some beer. i went home together with jiayan.. cos i just happen to be on the train and she jsut release from work as a gift wrapper.. had a nice chat on the train.. she busy working and incharge of minds camps . for those who dont knoe minds is AKA Movement for the INtelluarlly Disabled.
anyway i am going for minds camp.. they lack ppl.. come on.. soical developemnt for moi..alhtought i tink i am not tat Wei da.. but heck lar..but i can only go for weekend one..i have to work weekdays.
hmm.. farnie.. now friday nite dont seem so bad when i blogged all this out.
listening to the radio nice songs.. got a veyr nice song "mandy" on air the song..
just dl spongebob game too.. going to play now..
hope tml will be a better day...
with love
10:53 PM
wat it means huh
proverb 8
All the words of my mouth are with righteousness; nothing crooked or perverse is in them
oh well..
have a nice day.
with love
1:06 AM
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
its always like tat.
it is always like that ... never change.. ppl do stuff for self interest.. FACT... hulloo.!!. dont be naive and think otherwise.. this is the real world..
Take it or leave it..
i tink i will leave it.. it is just and my
weirdo thingy.. as always..
how often do i get a time to slack on a weekday afternoon? bearly. i din even wanan to catch up on my preicous sleep. just had a whole nite of exercise..tho i am really tired.. just needed somebody to go out and have some nice brownie together..
just sit back and basked in the lazy afternoon atmostphere.. look and jeer at the race rat u been running. is it
so hard..?
yes.. it is.. every body is busy.. working.. slacking.. Wooing girls..surely life is more than just money and work.. wat abt the happiness and those laughters? surely work is never ending.. life is ever learning..
only when ur frineds are bored then they come and find u. only when they needed u.. it is never too late to learn yet another lesson of life now..i din chhoose to be a
lonely person.. the nature of humans make moi this way...yah.. it had made moi into a hideous creature of extreme jealously. surviving on the reflection of lousiness that runs deeep inside moi.
just recently..loti din wait up for moi when i waited for him for so many times.. din even have the courtesy to reply sms when i msg him... such frineds? oh man... why am i such a sucker for friends..
argh when i call him the past few days, the answer was just .. "sorri i was watching a moive so cannt answer" WTH?? surely it is not that hard to return a missed call.. the
GReat pretender is so Great in hidding and putting on a fake front.
if i was a friend that meant sometHing.. surely a miss call will be return..
DONT go ARD Msging how U and ur love DEvelop.. i am not ur sucker who listen to u bragged abt how great a lover u are.. for all i stinky care.. if u are ever sensitive to sense it..
it is like telling how fast u can run to a cripple.
it is like telling how nice the sunset to a blind person.
it is like telling how much food u wasted to a starving child..
dont u SEE ? why are u telling moi all those stuff? i dont envy u.. i dont need lesson from ur life story.. dont share with moi when u forget everything abt moi when u got that sepcial someone..i dont wanna listen.. i dont care...
The GREAT pretender once again take it with a big silly smile acting happy and all.sorry this is not abt affairs of the heart.. it is guy here.. i have given up on love sometime ago..i am not like one of those jerk..
i get kinda piss when ppl dont reply msges. simply cant be bother.. why.. it is only tat special person u like get msges every 20 sec. yet it is so GOD damn FReaking hard for u to reply one sms to moi.. why are ppl so FARK up one... why cant guy and girl be goo freind ?
i bought sometinhg for janice sometime ago for x mas.. this incident sort of brough this up. she cant be bothered since she found her special someone.. nope i wont be swallowing my pride to keep in touch with u.. u are not worth it.. sorri.. the pressie for u will be given to someone more worthy or i can simply keep it for myself
i lost the ability to give... i have become such a stroooge.. i dont tink i'll be writing out my remaining x mas cards .. those who have recieve this years are the few fortunate one..i would just use the $$ to buy stuff i like.. like those in my wish list..materialistic happiness are more dependaable works only temperary but as long as i keep sustaining it. it is shallow.. it is not everlasting. it is superficalial.. i am the
gREAt pretender rem?
horses are always seeking greener pastures. horse do no eat on grass land it has already grazed.. wat had pass are meant to pass.. memories are a special way to keep it happy. dont re-live ..cos it wont never be the same.
time changes ppl...
it had change not only u
but moi.
with love
6:30 PM
Sunday, December 04, 2005
I suck le.
U suck le seems to be lingo for the msn trio group. in a friendly non offensive sort of way.
this year marathon was pretty bad for moi.. lack of sleep, lack of food, lack of mental strengh and lack of training..
i sleep at 2 am and woke up at 4am. i know.i shd have sleep more. i was tired during the run. cos i went to rosy house to transfer to her naruto and play batminton with muru, rosy and lao lao.. new friend,lao lao.
i was down with cough recently so that din not help with training..
the carbo loading was not even done properly. had egg sandwich and chicken sandwich at 1.30am. some hungry pangs towards teh end of the run.
the first 21 km was okie.. but my mind was pretty moitivation.. it is quite scary.. when i suddenly thought abt giving up. For the first time in all my runs, i felt this way. i dunno wat happen also. my legs was okie.. my breathing was deep and good.. but then my mind was not there. i ask why am i always pushing myself when i bearly train enough. that's it.. i gave up on my timing .. and decide to have fun running..and decide to wait for loti.. he is like 4km behind moi.. i walk 4 km till he caught up..
anyway he din wait for moi when i juice out at 36km.. so ungrateful one!!!!!! waited for him on so many occasions..oh well.. it just a personal thingy. every man for himself.. there are not such things call "waiting for each other".. NOw i learn.. cant blame him. cos i also every time break off and run..
the frist marathon was for experience.. tahnsk to alvin who introduce moi to it.
he got cramp and i guess i was the only idiot to ran to and forth just to give him deep heat from the safety tentage.
the second was for pride, i just wnan outdo myself.. i got a 3.50 timing for the second one. thanks to Kok yew. we were ocs frineds and COcc mates. he is a very good runner.. i always recognise him by his runnning style. we both din wanan lose to each other then... we just keep pacing and before i knew it we had a good time. anyway saw kokyew this year too. he had injury. after walking for 4 km he is still behind.. oh well. u better take good care manz..
the third for for love, that was notlong before i got the lovely feeling.. just wanna run fast so that i can say hey, look ur BF is not weak one.. haha sometthng liket tat lar. egoistic statement.. anyway i get so envy of those ppl with GF situated at specific location to cheer then on with banners and some energy food.. how sad.
the forth probaly the worst run. weather was very hot, mind was not there. saw a few frineds. climbing frineds, dragon boaters.. it is so weird. although i slow down so much and walking so much. they are still slower. Maybe it is not jsut moi that have problems.. but the one thing i get out of this run is tat it gives moi the reason to train harder.. i knoe.. all those mugging had robbed away my fitness.. so hate it.
but i have my rush of adenaline. so i was glad.
i made a promise to mrs lee that i will be better when i saw her after the race.. she was not here this year i tink.. maybe i was too slow to catch a glimpse of her. haiz..
thanks to those who msg and wish moi luck for the race, i had let u ppl down..
it is the same thing everything.. i set my sight on something and i cant achieve it..
i wana get good at climbing i cant do it.
i wanan do one arm pull, i cant do it.
i Suck le..
the next time u see moi, i will be a stronger person.
cos i wont suck no more.
with love
6:53 PM
Friday, December 02, 2005
i will survive.
manz.. i was suffering from insomia.. cant get myself to sleep ont he eve of the last paper.. fustrating.. i knew i need to sleep to get a fresh mind..maybe i took a nap earlier .. ended up surfing for Bruce lee wall paper.. so silly huh..and reading some of his books.
anyway today paper was kinda hard..(open book) but i do it slowly. hope to get it correct.anyway, there was a big issue on plagrism.. on one of the assignments for these mod..heard from outide the exam hall. the lecturer sent out the letters of warning on the eve of the exams..wah lau.. disrupt the studying mind lor.. mess up the mentality.. anyway i took the mod alone.. so i din copy le. but i still minus marks for wrong ans. 1.5 freaking marks.. oh well..cant be as bad as those who copy.. ZEro. hee..evil moi..
anyway i went to do 100 miss the bar.. dunno why.. i do until i a bit giddy before heading home to change..
outing!!! MSN outing 4... rosy and muru again.. hee..
the plan was to go smoke turkish pipe and listen jazz..
but but.. since we were not properly attired. we went shopping and movies instead.
more wholesome and frinedly on the wallet..

watch chicken little.. look cutes. but the voice totally suck.. sound like a 40 year old ah peH..
drop by to visit jiayan AKA gift wrapper after buying her some sweets.
walk all the way to the end of orchard to look for LOVE!!! just a chance to see that speical her... haha.. it is not moi le.. it is muru...
i understand the feelin. cos i also countdown to the day to see eyecandy last time..oh well all is lets us hope muru will get her number tml.. cos he miss a very good chance today.. hee GO muru GO
try looking for a patrick for rosy.. walk all over town.. manZ patrick is so hard to find.. din manage to find in the end..
but but!! there is a set of cute winnie the pooh for 45 bucks at plaza sing.. one set
who will be so kind to get for moi? heheee
saw this :

had pasta mania for dinner.. moi and rosy treat muru cos he is running low on $$.. oh well eveyr single thing cos $$$ sucks.
we play acrade.. le. since i am not those good with fighting games.. aiyah u knoe lar..
those one token play only a while then game over type.. so we can only play game like photo hunt and crossward puzzle.. Dont laugh at moi le.. sob sob.
guess wat? the naruto trio got 4 th okie.. not bad rite?

i try to catch a minnie mouse.. but fail.. hey i try my best liao.. the UFO catcher is too weak..i do a dry run on the machine and.. muru as sniggering over my failure to catch a toy
the movie chicken little is not bad.. worth a few good laugh... not veyr good.. not block buster type..

there is this sony ericsson advert before the move which i tink is totally so cool.. the retro daddy cahnging the son's hp music to retro music.. manz.. i am such a retro person..
retro rwaks!!! *retro dance moves*
a few retro song turn up in the move.. I will survive.. staying alive. lollypop.. damn retro.. my type.. hee..
the story say that the sky may fall down on us eveyr day, but tml will be a new day and we will face it anew...
i will survive..we will survive.
such a nice feeling to get sometihng off my mind.. not for long.. but enjoy the moment.
with love
1:38 AM