Friday, February 24, 2006
a neW understanding
i had a enlightening trip to prof loh office today.. oh well. poster day was soon and had to see him for advise cos it is but my first time doing poster.. i gain newer understanding.. sheesh.. a sem after my completed the project.. one of the stuff i probaly need to learn is abt packing contort the results to make it seem impressive.
easier said than done..
now thinking back on how moi and labbie tough it out at the lab, kinda sickening at htat time but now i can say i did relatively okay.
i can conclude my report was not well done. and quoting time was a limitation was a down part on my side.. sheesh. how unprofessional manz.. yah .. blame it on time..
* gulity*
i guess that cant be blame.. prob the mentality at that time. so frustated trying to get results.. long hours in the lab.. isolation....
i be surpirse if i can churn out a good report given that mental state i was in..
oh well.. i learned since.
how farnie.. i always try the blood and guts routine.. try to toughen out everything.
now i look at if from a diff pt of view, if i slow down and evalute wat i wanna show and present, i prob be able to put forth a better representation of my work.
oh well not totally..
Cao bin was a great teacher and advisor.. without him i probably wont even be at this stage of the project..
oh well all is done and i will concentrate on my poster. do come down and visit moi at poster presentation on the 8 and 10 at Engine auditorium.
so much for the term break.. been to sch almost everyday.. i was at the libray teh other day trying to read stuff for my desing project.. cos most of the books are loan out plus many holds.. sickening.. anyway i saw jsut this little bit of light for my design project.. now to obtain only the data. AgaR Agar knoe the general direction.. at least all the aspect the lecturer showed plus some others.
Absorber ppl.. let our pwr combine!
i got my V day pressie

A cute monkey to add on to my monkeys stuff toys.(^^,)
two months more to graduation..
i see uncertainty amongst my few good frineds in sch.its that cross road once again.
i see uncertainty in myself, my dreams, my passion.
be thankful.. many still cant land a job. or at least a good one.
i guess i must get ready to grown up..
the fire still burns.. althought it waver a bit in the strong winds..
i wont be going down without a fight.. but i refrain from the blood and guts routine..
so much for the term break. sch resumes.
with love
1:08 AM