Friday, April 28, 2006
i din pray for u not to fall....
but instead pray that u will be stronger after ur fall....
we all fall now and then...
we will be stronger...
with love
2:05 AM
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
felt really loved today
really shd not be bloggin but i going to do so cos i wanna rem this day..
been feelnig realy lousy over the exam tml..or rather today...
downstream processing!! most yucky mod.. pls dont ever take it..pukesSSSSs......
was alone in the library when linyan came and pass moi chocolate.
it brought a smile to my face.... real sweet gesture..
she acompanied moi for dinner despite eaten nice...
reach home at 12midnight.. mum woke up and warm dinner for moi...
depsite all the unhappy sch work and all the tiem i spent away from home at lbrary or yih...
i felt really really loved today..
thanks for all i have.. including my airhead brian...
with love
12:08 AM
Friday, April 21, 2006
tagged by muru..
here goes..
FOUR JOBS I'VE DONE IN MY LIFE( that I can remember)
2.cable puller..
3.tutor.. facilitor
1. the incredibles
2. Toy storY!!
3. ice AGe 2
4. Black hawk down!
1.teck whye
1. The Simpsons
2. naruto!!
3. Whose line
4. America chopper
1. Malaysia
2. thailand
3. taiwan
4. yikes that is all.. i am boring.. sobzZ..
1. Mail
2. Blogs
4. togoparts
1. Burger king anytime
2. DARk bitter choco
3. Milk
4. and almost anything
1. by ur side....
2. in ur dreams.
3. on my bike.
4. anywhere but study room..
1. Sun bear bear
2. Chibi
3. Dr Doodle
4. Ah ru
with love
9:05 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
thankS sun bear bear!
somethings are not meant to be shared..
dede did just tat...
dont u get it? cant u respect ppl privacy..
aint angry,, jsut utterly disappointed..
another one to the cant-be-trusted book..
HEY,, sunbear bear drop by and pass moi Goodies at study room..
so sweet of u.. thanks sunbear..
get more sleep!!!
dinner time..
with love
9:25 PM
last days of a student
today frist paper.. and for some is their last paper.. hwo sick yah?oh well..
i dont complain.. cos i get to be student that much longer.. cherish each and every moment despite exam period...
raining this few days..
as usual pull.. i cant help to miss it.. the uncle whose cleaning tat area. i told him that i going to grad soon.. evey day without fial.. he will be there cleaning..
i coudl learn a tink or two from him.. relentless, repsonsible..

This sem especaily, know more frineds, maybe it is the mood of leaving.. ppl added out of no where.. make a new frineds here and there.. depsite i am going to leave uni soon.. weird eh?
oh ya. the bet stil hold.. and i got to bring tigger to sch...haha.

i thhough of puting it on my exam desk... cos it is ike kinda cute...and it puts a smile to my face..
but but the rest of them bring it too.. hahaa

Winnie's winnie.. after one year. still as cute..
winnie is 25 year old lor.. still act like 18 ... haha...
so farnie..

Xm try to keep his E-or WARM...

and DEhui try to keep all to herself!!!

pink tigger.. happy de wor..

we are really attention seekers..
but... Designproject 2 really link us closer togtoher... i like my dp2 group...
went to hunt for kam pressie.. cos his B day is now!!! grr.. cant find a suitable one..
got myself a plush!!!! happy..
today i am happy.. my day is not wasted..
with love
12:53 AM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
DP2 outing and hai di 1 year old B day.
DP2 mates.had a fine system.. for every min late for meeting.there is an one buck fine.
so towards the end there is like a GOod 79 bucks in the fund..
we decided to go for dim sum and outing lor.. reward ourself for all the hard work
watever teh results.. we had work hard *pat pat*
good job de..
after dim sum ,had some tow huay, some games, some chat , some laughs.. DP2 group is so nice....
rem the posting back then?
Sunday, April 17, 2005
winnie drinking teh at E2 computer cluster
winnie sitting on chair..
this was winnie's B day pressie.
that was in Design project one..
now it is design project two..
the joke now was for winnie to get xm an E-or and get moi a tigger.since he din get one for our B day..
but the catch was to use it as an hp accessory..muahah

xm with HUGE hp Accessories.

my cute tiggER!!
i love to hang ard more with the rare outing but i had to rush to hai di one year old B day.

aint she cute.. she barely can stand during CNY , now she can walk ard liao.

shu hui getting cuter day by day le..

sister shu ern .. cute de wor!!


the REst of teh kids are running too wildy for moi to take a decent pic.. Ha..
kids and toddlers..!! they just make my day....
with love
10:49 PM
the last day...
this posting is back dated. computer spoilt for some reason..
after the design project submission on thursay, the whole struggle is over..
this particular thursday offically mark the end of the schooling days. left only the exams to come..
sch particularly quiet for a reason. guess most are busy slogging.. i visited piggy for her poster day,chatted with her and sze before going to yih to mug..
for some reason, i decided to visit the miss sitting there and day dream..

the bar was very quiet.. missing were the vibrant atmosphere from the earlier sem..
only see one familiar face there. yoke hia , he's alwasy been at the bar too..dragon boater for 6 or more years. feel really nice to have some one pulling together..
maybe it is the feeling of having a company.. i know i have been a loner for the longest of time.. marko aint coming back after some minor argument the time my phone was spoilt.. as if i wanted that to happen.. watever..he's prob happy somewhere with his gf.. friends...teach moi tat lesson abt frinedship again?
miss all those who had pull with moi. at one time or another...
dont think the chance will come agian for us to pull together...
it shall always be a wonderful memory i will alwasy carry deep within moi..
feels weird on the last day of sch..
began this journey with no one..
known some good frineds.
of cos some stay and some left..
for those tat stay with moi till the end i am grateful..
i relly need to thank those who helped and encouraged moi along the way..
Big Thanks!
with love
10:24 PM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
last weeek of sch.
just reach home from doing lee sign at sch.. tml the dead line.. dont tink we really did an excellent job.. ended up deleting some of my report just to prevent overshooting of page limit.. So FArking toopid!!..
anyway effort is not equal results... who cares..
i got back my test. fail agian... 19/50.. sure below average one lar.. hahaha..
this mod is sure gone case one.. WTH..
at the mental state i am now.. i tink every thing i do also will fail... just feel lousy and miserable..
cant belief this is the last week of sch.. started off the sem by telling myself to cherish the moment.. ended up neglecting all the stuff i hold dear..and turn into this super no life creature..
mummy bough breakfast for moi yet i left for sch to do design
mummy cook lunch for moi yet i lost appetite cos i was troubled over design..
indeed the design project is tough.. if every sem was like tat. i tink i would have drop out of sch.. cos this is not really the way i wanna live my life.
really have to thank my groupmates for making the process less torturing.mentally torturing.
cant belief exam start next week. and i haven even started revising..
it will be all over.
yesterday will soon be history
there is no light at the end of the tunnel.. only darkness and sadness awaits.
it is not the destination.. but the process...
i suck...
with love
4:24 AM
Friday, April 07, 2006
meng..wat do u want?
i cant help but feel this...
ppl are getting offers. for their wonderful A grades type of results.. wonderful offers from shell.. SRC.. exxon mobile. some even MIT...continue studies...
getting envious over such luxury that will never be offered to moi.. me and my lousy grades... their hard work have paid off.
while for some like moi.. sometimes there are no happy endings.
ppl are somewat insensitive. i was sitting there at the canteen. waiting for some design project discussion and all they ever do is to brag abt how they got into some big company..
i am not interested!!! cant understand why they like to waste my time.. ask moi for project meeting and tok abt other stuff... cant u all tell i am no interested?
my 4 years.. felt so wasted... feel so lousy..
when koala ask moi wat i wanna.. i wanna a second change to make right all my worng doing. i told her i want a second chance at uni.. i jsut hate losing out to the system
why am i suffering so much for the leesing project? cos i din copy senior report.. why did i start from scratch every single Shit thing.. when there are tonnes of senior report. cos i dont belief the key to learning is to copy other works..
maybe i am not a smart worker.. my group mates say just copy senior report and make some changes ehre and there..
where is the justice when copying someone report give u an A and while my orignal report only promise moi a FREaking C... that is life lor.. not unfair.. just reality.
i admit being this stubborn fool who always trys to do stuff on his own and suffer in his own silence..i am not verstailie and flexible to ulitise the system..
so hate it...then again. i am plain toopid..grr...
i cant help now but to envy my frineds.. i choosen a diff path from all of u.. no matter where the path leads.. i will walk it till the end.. if i am lucky..someone nice might jion my lonely walk...
my Poor koala fell and was hurt bad..out of action for 6months.. haiz..
will be praying for u...i make her a get well card the other time..

hope she will hang on and get well real soon...
i am uncontactable again..hp at nokia care agian.. just got it repiar cos cannot hear caller.. not i cant speak to caller.. sucks.. everytihng just like to go wrong.
ruoyah gave moi something to cheer moi up.. ways to stay happi....
thanks ger.. she also share someting with moi...
be glad tat at least i have a reason to cry...
others dont... some chim stuff... take time to digest it.
no matter wat. the sun alway shine.. be it under the cloud or out in the open..
i shd be like the sun.. shining and smiling alwasy.. like wat koala said. look forward and do watever u can. and be thank ful for all that i am today..
with love
11:51 PM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
a world made of steel and rock.
i been unhappy and sad for the Gazillion time in NUS...
SCREW it..
SCrew nus and all its prof..
SCREW all the system and the fake enviroment..
SCreW all the ulgy ppl and those back stabber and selfish FARKers...
today is one of the suckiest day ever....
desing porject just pass up..
then got test tml.. of cos haven start studying...
design project got a some admends and some flaws.. i refuse to touch it . cos it had like suck one whole FREsking week out of moi life!!! SCREW design .. SCREW it SCrew it Screw it..
sent hp for repiar.. feel naked without it..
toopid tube burst after i tried to repair it.. Scratch the rim of my wheel,.. suckssss
then the second tube leak!!!! WTF... why eveyr sway tihng happen to moi..17 bucks down the drain for nothing.. $ 17 bucks.... one seven!!!!! damn it...
act smart and took back my test paper . got like 10/40 !! FREAKing fail miserably... FARK fARK fARK...
not taht i din study.. come on everybody.. laugh at moi...
laugh at the joke the world play on moi.. hahaah so freaking farnie.!!!!!
prof like just like to mark moi wrong.. evenwhen correct.. he will say soemtihng like u had fail to show u understand!! yah rite.. take all ur understanding and shaft it...
i woke up this morning feeling so sickish and shivered under my comforter.
got aheadache.. miss one lecuture but drag my big fat arse to sch..
climb up the flight of stair and i feel giddy and breathless...
i am so screwed.. sch has made moi unhealthy and weak..
day in day out breath the lousy air con air...!!
day in day out sit on the toopid chair and grow fat arse..
cant even afford some good time for tirnaing.. without gettting my mind of sch wrok
i am so sick...
sick sick sick sick sick sick!!!!
SCRew everything... it is just not worth it..
with love
10:44 PM
Monday, April 03, 2006
LEE sign completed
left 8hrs to dead line for leesign project..
i tink i complete it.. with much sarifices.but i have emerge a stronger last i tink i am more tolerant to stress and working with tight dead lines and able to work 12 hrs or more at one go..
that is the finale. the most siong project at nus chem eng..*grin*
i only skip 8 days of leuctue and tutorial for it. and the rest of the mod are laggin. wat's new..
doing this project make moi learn many stuff.
in terms of adversity, ppl will come to u and seek help. and ppl jion forces and team up..
maybe my loner nature shd make a team player.. sometimes, things get done easier and when things fall.. u wont feel so much effect..sometine like taht.
then comes the free loader.. prideless creature.. come Brudder Brudder u only when u have good stuff.. how typical of the society..
so dispise them..
got the other kind. more dispicable.. ask moi then i tell them.. then when i ask them .. they wnan keep all knowledge like trade secret.. WTF lar!!!! like i takign a peice of flesh from u.. so competitive for wat?
if u are really good.. then fight or complete on an even ground lar..dont resort to such means....idont tink i lost to anyone..i only lost becos i refuse to get suck into the shitty system.. at least i am still myself... not ulgy on the inside.
and the knowing of new frineds who all do the same subunit for design..jsut friends.
got to interact withi eyecandy over the porject. but she is not really as nice as i though her to be.. she kinda stubborn and head on type.. din wanted arguement.. oh well, eyecandy will alwasy be eyecandy only.. regaarldess of her character.
got to see chibi in person.. she help moi draw usig solid works...grateful..
versatile gemini hates "housefly" for no apparent free choco and free drawing not bad wat..i also wanna!!
it must have been great to have a best frined.. when i look at chibi and sunbear, i get jealous.. been loner for so long..the feeling of sharing and confiding in someone..someone to talk to when are sad and lonely . someone to walk teh extra miles for u..someone who know all abt u and understands u..
toobad, just din have the luck of getting or makin a best the age now , frined are just frineds. teh defination change as ur age grows. nowadays friendship are transactional.. sheesh. i dont wanan grow up in this fashion.. but shucks taht the way it is..
amist the busy period.. i do take a look at the stars sometihng.. though they dont shine as bright as they used to.. not as promising as they seem and not convinving in showing moi the way..but wat every choices we made.. we stick to it and make the best out of it.
piggy had make a choice but i belief she made the correct one..!!
every seconds counts,i may skip meals and lessons for this project but i din forget abt close friends.still manage some time to make get well card..
time to chill abit. wed got one test..
tml shall go to nokia cnetre repair my sms machine, get comic book from joycelene, stroll ard, get repiar for bike and maybe watch ice age 2..
any takers?
with love
1:58 AM