Wednesday, May 31, 2006
bright sun, soft sand and the clear SEA!!!
WOOhoo.. had so much fun in redang..
berjaya resort!!private beach..

i always like hanging ard with my kampong kam sec gangs. they are ever so farnie.. and fun....
we went snorkelling..

guess who is who..?
blow some bubbles with R*duckie and R*bearie

bb1 with R*bearie and R*duckie
did silly stuff..

and dingy expose himself..

fly some kites..(R*hawk and R*eagle)

use our mi mi wu qi.. the FAKE submerge banana boat (AKA bamboo)
stunted some of the holiday maker with our superb swimming skills
nua at beach...

ate like a king..

life shd be like this..
with love
1:36 AM
Friday, May 19, 2006
back off..
it takes more courage to back off than to fight...
but i still cant walk away
it hurts moi greatly knowing tat my actions have cause unintentional hurt to u ..
the strongest word ever...
with love
12:16 AM
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
LOST soul # 2
every person has their own unique set of problems.
it just agitates moi when ppl who bearly know moi.. wanna act like they know everything when they haven even been there and haven even done that..
diff ppl chases for diff thigns in life.
for some is GOD
some for moo lah
some for LoVE
some for family
Some for Friends
some for dreams
some for passion
some for happiness
jstlike wat mrs lee said.. "keep everything in perception".. it is all abt how u tink
wat u can live and wat u can live without...
just piss moi off when ppl say i shdnt slack whne i just grad.. i shd be sloggin my arse off? if u ever understand throught all my uni life.. i aint got a break.. unlike u who are on ur papa's scholar ship.. i tink i shd at least rest a while before contiuning...
just my fault for sharing too openly my feelings.. my fault... need to be constantly reminded not to trust ppl.. secrets are only safe wtih myselff..
Friends are a let down..or at least friends as such.. ppl got different needs.
diff ideals.
i guess i am trying to hard to socialise..
once loner froever loner...
at least my solitude is peaceful.....
with love
2:18 PM
something wrong with moi
i am just like the rest.. why? but there is only one me..
i am lost and i dunno
with love
3:07 AM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
i was never alive..
was looking at piggy's vietnam pic... cant help but to compare.
yes indeed singapore ahve every thing they lack, better roads, better housing,
better food, cleaner place, greener trees.
but the one thing we lack.. a happy smile..
at one pt in my life i tink i lost mine.. along with the 4 millions singaporeans..
just a facet of life? i dont knoe.. but the vietnam kids althoght they have lesser but they are happier.. we have so much but we are not happi... wat it is tat i am aksing for... i am so lost now...
BB1 is lost soul 1 cos alex issint by his side
i am lost soul 2 cos i cant fight the demon within moi
jack is lost soul 3 cos he had some problems too..
eveyrybody dreams and wishes for sometihng.. i dontknow wat is mine anymore..
only those that finish the race first seem to be happier.. but out of the million competiors.. only one can emerge victorious... the happiness of one on the sorrow of a million..
just wondering how come i am born lesser .. how come alway the sillest, the lowest grade, the top never belong to moi no matter how hard i try..
i just a loser...yet i refuse to admit it... how sucky.. if ppl with 2nd lower cannot find job.. i tink i shd just die right here.. cos the future is not bright..uni promises to nuture talent.. it din nuture lar... it only kill off those lesser..and package it to make it seem like that they nuture them.. wat? not true? then u are telling mi that uni will accept an ITE student and make then become a Freaking FRist class student? yah rite, most prof only care abt their reseach and publish papers.. u tink they seruou care abt the undergrad? tink again..
that is the reason why ppl lack integrity.. the easiest way to get things done not necessariyl means the right thing..that is why some ARSE hole stole my hp in the tolet. some ARse hole stole labbbie stuff.. and some ARse hole stole sunbear's climbing shoes... u know how sunbear's like those shoes.. well i dont blame them totally.. soceity fault.. all it is interlink.. too competivive, outcast will try to disrupt the syetem and make ends meet.. too busy.. the young lacks upbring.. maybe a few more years all the kids will be calling their maids "mommy" and the second sunday everymay will be known as "happy maids day"... who knows..
i only rem teh happier times i had in sec sch, kee, kammy dingy, heman , jack. hope to relive the fun days again..teh fun days with marko, groovy and weiyang..perhaps this is wat u do when u are old and rocking on a chair.. remininces abt the good old days.. for GOD had blessed us with memories..
sometimes i never felt alive before .. i wish i wasnt a town mouse... but a country mouse....
but country mouse has his own set of problems.
with love
11:29 PM
Saturday, May 13, 2006
still hanging ard
been only abt a week or more since the last paper..
been cyclin lots, climbing, going out, nuaing , wathcing anime and catchignup with frineds and family..
a lot of time at hand causes u to ponder over certain stuffs in life..
for some reason, i was constantly reminded by friend's death on the road, i cycle with some element of fear nowadays.. the fear was lesser in group rides tho, eveyr time some huge vehicle comes near or just miss moi inches away.. wonder why... maybe some omen.. maybe shd laid of cycling for soemtime.. do safer stuff.
Some SEP student call louis, ask moi for my notes..he is some mexican guy lar, appreantely he din take final exam tehn and now he is panicy asking to borrow my notes and tutorial..
he sent moi an SMS. calling moi "YAOMING".. For CRyingoutloud.. the least u can do is to get the person name corect lar..
i lent him none the less cos it is my "nature to SAve"... acccording to some cool lifeguard it is a silly thing to do. sometimes i agree but then i am just silly..
i been told to focus on the little pleasures in life at least life would have been happier. until the day i am contented i guess i will never be relly happi..
peception changes when u are 18 and compare to when u are mid twenties... when u are young u wanna fight the world.. wanna oppose eveyr thing... whne u are old, as long as i get to live another day and see my loves one .. i am contented... how weird.. is that growing up?
dreams are meant to be chased..
shd i just keep on chasing or shd i just give up..
in the end.. wat realli matters?
i am not young anymore.. the fire had indeed diminished
the air head need to think...
with love
10:31 PM
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
joke of the day
the problem with accents...
bb1 work as IT help. then he got tonnes of indain collegues
he cant understeadn the way they speak..
A is pronoun as YEH.....
Happy is pronoun as YEH - PI...
let moi hear ur ABC
YeH b c d e f g h i j k
YAO YAM YAM o p q r s t u v da ber you x y Z.....
with love
1:45 AM
that's life..
life dont usually promise u a lot.. it just dont..u dont often get wat u want..perhaps the best is really to be contented with wat u have.. and try to experience happiness....
a friend just pass away from bike crash.. only 25.. if i were to leave the world today. i tink i will not die peacefully . cos there is still so much to do and i have not really live life to the fullest..
over the 4 years, i believe i have change a considerable amt.. become milder, kinder, and more concern abt other's feeling..even do social work.. i rem i wasnt like tat.. was very competetive and angry then.. guess that is the way i wanna live my life.. be a nice person.. and the silly monk who scoop the scorpian that sting. cos it is my nature to save..
sad stuff aside.. psot exam activities!!!! been slakcing and enjoying the freedom..
lates nites.. cycle till 4-5 am anime.. meet up with friends.. plan trips.. going to redang with kampong friends!!! so hard to orangise one.. cos everybdy is tied down... really happy all is gonig!!!WOOHoooo we wil creat havoc once agian....
wannted to do rescuce diver cos.. but i tink time and space dont permit..
pretty broke also...
going to taiwan with family.. never go so far before .. this is the best chance liao le.. heee..
got two wedding dinner side by side... haha

the neice that i seldom see...considered given away bah..haiz.. so sad..

good food.. good company.. cute kids...

cute haidi..
going pay for trip tml, go climb and go pei ah jie and ah bert sister to shop.. hunt for new shoes. my leather shoes are formal shoes le
some cute pic i took during the exam period

tigger with style like owner
silly looking creature call hoops.. just look cute and silly..

things to do
1) catch up wit frineds.
2) run faster, cycle faster,swim faster
3) smile more..
4) nice moive
5) go chill out
6) be nice..
7) sushi buffet
8) class 2a
any takers?
with love
1:03 AM
Monday, May 01, 2006
lesson for the day..
pls dont try ...
u know the results
so why even bother...?
with love
1:24 AM