Wednesday, July 19, 2006
thanks for the nice dinner..
with love
4:43 PM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
oops wronged u
today eyecandy out of the blue msg moi.. she don ususally talk to moi de... she ask her for her pic with moi.. haha.. so i sent her.. haha then she commented she look short and type crap!! haha.. weird.. but just happy that the stuff is not the way i imagine it to be.. so happier.. hee heee..
i fell down while turning on a corner... the road was wet.. guess teh tire lost traction... wonder how did tat happen.. hhmm.. still amaze moi... haha
got a bruise butt and a swollen ankle.. aint stopping moi.. hahaa
with love
11:02 PM
good or bad.?. i dont know...
but it is the start of sometihng..
my commencement is on 13 july morning.. i prefer nite tho.. cos i used to cycle late at nite into nus premises and see the colorful lights.. nice.. if only my life was as colorful..
guess mummy and daddy should be proud.. at least they had done their part in giving moi a good education... i tink i will be nothing without them...

took plenty of pics.. but sadly most of my pics i have sleepy eyes.. arhhhh.. lack of sleep.. was writing thanks u cards the nite before..
xm comfrim willget one for helping moi so much..

labbie and moi

DP2 group
wrote one for prof loh too.. but unfrotunately din manage to take a pic with him.. haiz.. but when i went back to sch for ah ru commencement

and thank him persoally in his office...kinda sad when he say it is kinda wasted that i am not in the chemical industry.. a diff path i chose.. oh well...
took pic with many frined.. old and new.. Xm.. juina. de de sze sze. got supports.. brea brea and chibi.. thanks so much for coming..!!!not forgeting SL lifeng and fang jing!!
a few of the pic turn out kinda "chui".. haiz..
took a pic with eyecandy too.. but she kinda mean.. she ask her sister not to take a pic of us and sort of scold moi when i lower myself to take a pic with her.. sad..

i got 3 hand made card for my grad...brea brea made one.. chibi made one.. and muffin made one.. so touched...i guess i did made good frineds in uni.. i growing fonder of chibi and brea brea.. cos they are just toooo.. nice...
nothing quite fantastic.. but i hope my parents were proud..
and i hope i did leave my foot prints in both nus and in the hearts of my frineds.
with love
1:07 AM
Friday, July 07, 2006
Nice happy day
today was a nice day... meet up with koala...
din see her for the longest of time...she looks kinda tanned but still as nice..she's going for her lets wish her all the best...=)
i got a tigger note holder from de de.. she got that from hong kong disney land.. she just landed on is so nicely packaged... really liked it.. heehee.. thanks de...
becos of the design project.. tiink they address moi as tigger from now on.. kinda werid but oh well... we dont get to stay young tat often..
my commencement is thursday...!! feels kinda werid.. oh well.. going to dress like a waiter. haha.. i got a few thank u cards for those ppl who make an impact on my uni life...
going to write them later.. hee..
i going to be wokring the next 4 day just to make it such tat i got off for my grad.. kinda silly.. but oh well...
thurdays the big day.... tat means i gonna miss all my other frineds commencement.. cos of work.. well kinda sucky.. pukes..
tml going back to work.. boss is kinda lousy.. knowledge sucks, ability sucks and quality sucks.. only know how to smoke.. smoke physically and smoke out.. totally chui one.. KNS..been into too much arguement with him liao.. i just live my life according to my intergrity and my pride. althought act blur do make moi live longer.. haha but i cant sleep at nite knowing i am like that.okie.. ming tain hui gei hao.. hee..
i am answerable for all my men.. i am answerable for all my actions.. i will live my live a proud man and a proud soldier. =)
a few updates.
meet up with my buddy..

like hard gay cute kiki ippatsu

i got a new jazz cd for myself.. hee..
seem kinda excited abt the commencement..
with love
9:11 PM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
the fine line
the fine line btw first and second... is that few seconds..
althought i always tell myself the results dont really matter as long as i give in my very best..
but knowing that u aint the first can be a saddening episode for all to bear..
even the strongest of man.
it is perhaps fate that i knew the dragons boaters who came to the bar to pull..
aint surprising given the time i spent ard there..
saw a few of them cried having lost out to NTU..
severvals factors lar.. u might say it is the alignment of the universal then tat cause such a consequence. but the way i see it.. the better team won..
it is always like tat.. i dont care how much training u had.. only that one instance
that one race matters.
that's life...
i went to see the PM cup. just to gain tat some bit of motivation for myself.. been very draining physically for moi lately.. body's telling moi to stop but i have to do that extra something to differiate champions from non champions..
i am tat much motivated..
savour the victory..but rem those that din win.. cos we were once like tat...
there can only be one champion..
for those tat lose..dont dispare there is always next year...
the next time u see moi.. i definately be a stronger person
with love
8:34 PM
Saturday, July 01, 2006
i miss u
yesterday i went to sch to collect teh grad gown... the collection place was mpsh...
feels kinda happy to be heading back to sch once agian...
in fact i was more eager to visit my fav huant than collect my gown..
was alone at sch anyway..
i can only rem vaguely my first day at sch.. filled with anticiptaion and fire.. at the end of 4 years.. i am sad to say uni is not as fufiling at it claims. got tonnes of sadness, tonnes of hyprcritical ppl. of cos.. i also met a few good friends. xm, sze, winnie,de de. also a few prof tat will serve as a role model for moi..
prof loh, Prof laksa, prof lee and prof marc galand.. the 4 chem eng idols.. espically prof laksa!! his passion for teaching raawks...
when i was at the bar.. i cant help to rem the times with had with marko groovy koala at the bar.. been short but fun... althoguht marko and i have not spoken after have some childish arguement, but i miss his company sorely..
i guess sometimes guy are jsut egoistic..i am grading this year. and i sent a mail to marko saying tat i am going to grad this year. wonder when is the chance we will pull again?
since he din reply.. tat is prob the end of the friendship. oh well..
once i din really wann attend commencement.. cos of my losuy classifcation.. but i guess that is wat mom and dad wnan.. to see moi grad with a squarish hard.. at least they be proud of their silly son..
i realise as i grown older and bear more responsiblity.. i dont live for myself... i live for teh others.. the reason tat daddy go to wrok, rain or shine, is becos of family.. the fact tat the poor bagala work relentess under the hot sun is for his family back home.. the energy comes from this very driving force.
i believe i am still in teh process of growing up still..
feels kinda sad ..
oh well...
i am off to get thanks you card..
got a million thanks to those who help moi in one way of another in this 4 years.
with love
9:25 AM