Friday, July 07, 2006
Nice happy day
today was a nice day... meet up with koala...
din see her for the longest of time...she looks kinda tanned but still as nice..she's going for her lets wish her all the best...=)
i got a tigger note holder from de de.. she got that from hong kong disney land.. she just landed on is so nicely packaged... really liked it.. heehee.. thanks de...
becos of the design project.. tiink they address moi as tigger from now on.. kinda werid but oh well... we dont get to stay young tat often..
my commencement is thursday...!! feels kinda werid.. oh well.. going to dress like a waiter. haha.. i got a few thank u cards for those ppl who make an impact on my uni life...
going to write them later.. hee..
i going to be wokring the next 4 day just to make it such tat i got off for my grad.. kinda silly.. but oh well...
thurdays the big day.... tat means i gonna miss all my other frineds commencement.. cos of work.. well kinda sucky.. pukes..
tml going back to work.. boss is kinda lousy.. knowledge sucks, ability sucks and quality sucks.. only know how to smoke.. smoke physically and smoke out.. totally chui one.. KNS..been into too much arguement with him liao.. i just live my life according to my intergrity and my pride. althought act blur do make moi live longer.. haha but i cant sleep at nite knowing i am like that.okie.. ming tain hui gei hao.. hee..
i am answerable for all my men.. i am answerable for all my actions.. i will live my live a proud man and a proud soldier. =)
a few updates.
meet up with my buddy..

like hard gay cute kiki ippatsu

i got a new jazz cd for myself.. hee..
seem kinda excited abt the commencement..
with love
9:11 PM