Thursday, August 24, 2006
Everything fades away..

duno why.. for some unknown reason i went back to sch on my off day..
visited my fav huant and spent abt 1.5 hr there.. feels kinda nice.. meet up with hui for lunch.. bump into Zm and WL.. had lunch together..
went town for a walk.. will be out of town for two good weeks..
going taiwan for trg.
dont miss moi too much de.
Thanks for the Advnace b day icecream treat.
thanks for all the b day wishes
thanks for all the smile u all put on my face.
with love
11:45 AM
Sunday, August 20, 2006
delightful weekend
it was my first Open air movie screening!!! watch 2 movies ( xmen3 and mi3)at padang. out in the open. with brea brea , chibi, jess, wynnni and her sister qui something de.. toobad dingy and kam din make it haiz..
munch on burger king and potato chips.. got whacky Dj to entertain the crowd and a whole lot of kids and a few missing child.. haha.. the expereience is truly nice and special indeed.

my hp can only take the pic.. the top of screen says class 95 movies at the padang..
the best deal abt it is that it is FREE!!! WOHOOOOoooooo

this is contribuited by jess...the pic
today the real run.. i woke up at much for teh practice run last weekend


look ferice can alreayd.. dont need run fast. heee

nothing like a 100 plus after race!!

post race pic.. haha not tired yet..

pretending to look shack out during warming down. haha
silly shots..

oh well.. lets wait for the race pic to come out.. hee..
06 real run buaiz.. seeya at real run 07.
with love
1:11 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
friendly cyclist
on my way to work.. i got a flat tire...
had no choice but to wake my daddy to recover my bike...
peak hr taxi hard to get. haiz...
to the friendly cyclist who offer moi a spare tube...
Thank you very much..
thought my day was lousy.. ppl like u make cyclist way cool...
(",)// WOOOOhooooo
with love
10:21 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
weekend is always so short
been such a wonderful weekend...
went to yishun to climb on a friday morning.. first time visiting the rock gym therE..
FREE!!! wooohooo.. nice air con place.. two storey can climb up.. tiles by the window.. but the bad thing abt it is that it is expensive.

we are the yellow team. haha..we won!!
gather dingy, jack, heman, kam , chibi and brea brea at TCC to nua for the advance b day celebration... then off to KTV... since i croak like a toad.. i dont seldom go ktv de.. pretty Ex anyway . espeically on weekends.. haha..
thanks brea brea and chibi for the book... and useless thing..
thanks gill and sharky for the little doggie and book of wisdom..
i guess it is ppl likethem that make my life so much better..
went for run at sentosa today with loti..haha.. since we sneak into sneak into sentosa without paying entrance.. haha ..we are ninjas!! heee..
ran for abt 1.5hrs..

we wanted to take a pic at every signborad.. but kinda craazy.. haha 5.10 is enought
then went to meet chibi and brea for concert at esplanade...
first time going inside!! FREE de!!! HOO WOooo...nubbad u know.. golden hits.. got song like love, dancing queen, standy by moi , how deep is ur love. sha lalala. sunshine day.. kinda nice.. make moi feel like i am those refined cultured ppl.. hahaa
the conductor was particularly cool.. with her fluid motions tat matchs the taichi master..
reminds moi tat to be standing infront of the orhestra..a conductor have to turn his back to the crowd....
hmmm ponder...
with love
8:24 PM
Monday, August 07, 2006
family photo shoot
ah jie had a studio shoot package when she grad..but she says she wait for moi to grad then take a family photo her's package is two year old. haha
so sunday we went to take..

doing all the very formal de..

shuai mah? heee look farnie.. first time in coat wor...

moi and papa!!

mi and mummy . taken from reflection with my losuy cam phone.. some one get moi a V3

moi and ah jie.. after eveyr thing le.. going for dinner soon.. HOOoooo
oh yah
i saw something cute!! a grad bear!!wOOOhoooo

yeah... get moi one!!!1
with love
10:47 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
count my blessings
been quite sucky lately...
having a lousy boss doesnt help too..
attitude fellow workmates din help either
dont really matter cos i know if anyone can get the job done.. it will be moi cos i can..
going back to work on two off day.. how sucky...
tml suppose to be on leave.. but still going back work..
WONderful manz!!!
amist the work.. i counted my blessings. and i alwasy counted a few of u twice.. brea brea , chibi and all those who give moi a occasional nudge and push when i needed some motivation and alistening is just my mind and my perception
fail to meet sze cos of work.. wasnt too keen on going anyways.
fail to get a graddie bear from brea brea.. shd be quite cute..
got another surpise today..
dautie gave moi a grad bear.. a bit late.. but better late than never.

grad bear makes my day and put a smile to my face .
plus a cute ducky and a frog and tadpole..
a few dark chocolate. a few bottles of milk.. and soothing jazz
life is good..
with love
10:40 PM