Sunday, August 26, 2007
SomeWhere over the rainbow
so Fast August Bday coming up reaalli soo.
hard to believe im aready mid twenties.. hahaa feels like old...
had celebration at minds cafe with my Sec frineds.had a toopid "retro" theme. alaways like hanging outwith them
especially Dingy jack and jingy...will put some pics when dingy upload them.
for this dinner, we espcially went to shop for retro stuff.. so silly... avaitor shads and retro shirt..
bought other shirts too.Stone cold one.. my Fav..keke. retial therapied. happi
Ah min and Brea brea Grace the occasion too..
Feel quite guilty.. seems like we area alwyas drown in work and forget the friedns ard us...Brea Brea looks kinda tired.
im pretty sure im not the only one..
woke up at 4 am just to go run.. 21km ... seems like quite short also seem like quite long
despite not training i still got s sub 2 timing... dont feel as motivated to run as before.. maybe it is the Army factor.. too much army guys and too crowded. next race will be real run.. before tat i be supporter for Great easatern or Shape run.. keke
maybe it is just me.. or maybe laziness.
wasnt too bad a run.
got a silly call from jing zai asaking me where to get a rock lee plush..
so heart Warming.. i never purposely give u the link to hint u to get present for me wor..

i wanna this one!! GEt for me.. kekeke..
Jing Zai thanks for being such a Great frined despite making me wait 1 hr 37min and 58 sec at botak jones for you.. Hope things with EAT work out.. ahaha
got a movie invite from debra.. on my B day.. my supplier of free movie tickets.
one of my goal for my 25 years is to remain in touch and meet up wiht frineds..
speaking of which i sitll haven meet oe fo my frineds.. she pretty upset and waant to mail me my gift.. so so so so Sorrie.. haiz..
Work haven been Realli smooth sialling .. a lot oof shit pilling and dropping..
thanks to me Darlin tian.. i was about to get by despite being so tired and drained..
btw i found a reaalli Cheap watch shop at bencoolen..

got white color one.. nicer

or the military style one

it is either the adidas watch or the G shock.. wat say you.. whcih is nicer?
anyway my Fav gift receive is a musical box!!
so nice and soothing !! it totally make my daY!!!
with love
6:22 PM