Monday, April 25, 2005
hmm.. exam start today..but having sleepless nite... kinda getting bored of the topic.. liao.. get it over and done with... as usual can do some... some unsure... but it is over... hahaha... eveyr body has their cheat sheet... cramp with little words... the most extreme is xiye and xindi.. borught along mircoscope lor... hahhaa incredible...
the paper last for 2.5 hr.. got a tooopid guy sat beside mi and he slept... and i swaer he was drooling lor... damnz.. disgusting fellow.. he the one a bit balding one.. looks kinda old... probality too stress liao... hehehee... the other side is better. yanshan sat beside.. hahaha but i dont knoe her..
okie next paper is in three day time.. i can go work out today.. burn all the fat always... body fat is still high.....
time for simpson...
with love
5:44 PM