Saturday, November 12, 2005
rocking Rd the X mas Tree!!
i am really tired recently..sleeping at 3-4am .. tehn waking up at 7.20am.. so little sleep.. i got the feeling of falling sick.. those one the verge kind..
wanna sick not sick.. but also not totally well..i need some rest i tink...but htere is no time.. i haven clock milage this week too..
anyway.. there was a test on thurday. the lecturer was known to be slack... and he always set the same test paper.. but this year, he change it!! woohoo!! lets all die..
but i got study lar... i may not be a bright as the other ppl at memorising and copying ans..
this is wat many top students do... this test will test understanding.. so i am happy he change the paper.. level the fighting groud..
got back my project and test 2.. got A+ for both.. damn but the test every one got a A plus.. so still never off set my previous A- .. ARGH>. need to work harder for exams....
anyway after the test i went to buy groovy pressie cos this birthday is sunday... wat a time huh? exam period study weekk..oh well.. got him a nice inuyasha, he mention he like it.. so i get for him..

i also wrap it up... i was tired but i still wrap it up lar.. not as good as a wrapping job as koala's pressie but .. hey count ur blessing.. i am tired okie!

koala's wrap up pressis. i wrap it up all by myself *beaming with pride* nice wrapping rite? inside got one cute koala bear..

damn alwasy cannot find scotch tape when u need them .. i use color tape... i have plenty of those.. haha..sorry lar.. too tired liao....

so today i went to lab to do my turtle presentation.. yha lar the free riders din talk much during the presentation.. maybe they are guilty ..
the lecturer ask abt group work.. i was SO FARking kind to say ur group is nice and GD...which in actual fact is not!! free riders and slackers!!.. i dont wanna hai ppl.. i am just silly lar.. that is moi lar..toopid ming...
anyway i went to SMu to mug.. study week start today cant freaking find a place at nus to mug... SMU RWAKS manz... got pretty girls and nice study room!!! woohoo!! i shd be an smu student!!!oh well i had teh whole study room to myself..So shiok..!!!
thank to ROsy!! and clara DYM dropped by...thanks DYM... u are so sweet..
meet groovy for his Bday dinner.. BK!!! long time no eat liao.. so happy!! my fav meal!!!!! pass him his present.. play acrade... then sit by the x mas tree..taking silly pic and drink some alochol.. help in my insomai i tink...

i like xmas tree!!!

took this pic of myself by myself!! damnz.. eye bags.... tired mugger...

another one.. camera phone is so fun!... looks tired.. oh well.. surely nice tree will wipe away teh tiredness.
i felt a bit sad... abt work relation with marko.. cos when i saw his phone, there are a lot of pics of his mum.. he must have miss her terribly.. makes moi so gulity for quarrelling with him....i also come to realisation that i really do love my mum....i cant imagine wat i cant do without her.. i tink i will give her a hug tml before i go to sch...really.. she is the most impt person to moi..
7 more day to exam...
after exams .. who wanan rock ard the X mas tree with moi?
all are welcome..!!!
except fakos...
with love
2:04 AM