Monday, February 27, 2006
it really aint tat bad.
it is only the start of the week.. and things aint looking great.
Changes had to be made to the poster i spent making the whole of sunday afternoon doing. just felt tat putting the protocol inside and taking pics of the lab apparatus was a totally un cool move.. i mean have u ever seen journals or review showing pic of wat apparatus and equipment u use? i mean the method was not develop by us.. we jsut try to use the method.. so now wirting the method was somewat wrong. most of the infomation could be read up rom books and reveiw anyway.. just need $$ for the euqipments..obivous my poster got critised by my prof and changes had to be made.. i sudden FElt my FYP is a waste of time.. in short.. i dont tink i have acomplish anything.. jst some silly uni requirement..others din seem to have this prob.. disgusted.
feel very silly since i wasnt able to generate wat the prof expected.. where else labbie was able to do it... like ppl telling moi how to do it but yet i do wrongly.
i feel so mini infront of the prof. probably becos of my toopidity..
shit dont come alone.. they come all at once.. the results of the prevous mcq test were released.. of cos the 6 peopl who map the mod unto lsm 2202 was clearly at a disadvanage cos we vere exempted from pratical. and teh freaking TESt got a whole lot of practical questions.. concept i dont even know and seen before.. statistic show we flare worse than those lsm2202 by average of 16 marks.. i got a 46 marks..Fail lor..
highest was only 60 and lowest is 36.
OF cos lar.!!! cos teh TEST is not FAIR..
i so wanna make noise.. if Nus is indeed serious abt making student learn and instead of going through the motion of setting generic test paper for all.
there is not learning value in throwing moi into a test without teaching or exposeing moi to it. and judge moi base on the GRADes..
i so wanted to make noise cos i really think this whole shit is so wrong.. but i have no time.
i so hate NUS..
hate the system .. hate the people and hate my own incompetence..
i got a test tml but i cant study cos i have to rush the poster for printing...
i try not to blog abt sad stuff but i just cant help it.really.
i pulle with marko today at the bar.. din realise how much i miss his company.prob miss pulling wiht koala too..MARko!! i miss u at the BAR!!!! . we had some fun and laughter there today..we did nonsense.. "warming up" and be Silly Airheads.. that is wat we are only capable off.

our "MAgnum" look.. it's "BeautiFUL". trying hard to be airhead like zoolander.
feeling low and stressed..and very blue and tired.
i thought abt the cute babies newphew and niece, little bundles of joy
and the watermelon piggie gave.
i just felt this little much better.
live stronger.
with love
10:55 PM