Saturday, July 15, 2006
good or bad.?. i dont know...
but it is the start of sometihng..
my commencement is on 13 july morning.. i prefer nite tho.. cos i used to cycle late at nite into nus premises and see the colorful lights.. nice.. if only my life was as colorful..
guess mummy and daddy should be proud.. at least they had done their part in giving moi a good education... i tink i will be nothing without them...

took plenty of pics.. but sadly most of my pics i have sleepy eyes.. arhhhh.. lack of sleep.. was writing thanks u cards the nite before..
xm comfrim willget one for helping moi so much..

labbie and moi

DP2 group
wrote one for prof loh too.. but unfrotunately din manage to take a pic with him.. haiz.. but when i went back to sch for ah ru commencement

and thank him persoally in his office...kinda sad when he say it is kinda wasted that i am not in the chemical industry.. a diff path i chose.. oh well...
took pic with many frined.. old and new.. Xm.. juina. de de sze sze. got supports.. brea brea and chibi.. thanks so much for coming..!!!not forgeting SL lifeng and fang jing!!
a few of the pic turn out kinda "chui".. haiz..
took a pic with eyecandy too.. but she kinda mean.. she ask her sister not to take a pic of us and sort of scold moi when i lower myself to take a pic with her.. sad..

i got 3 hand made card for my grad...brea brea made one.. chibi made one.. and muffin made one.. so touched...i guess i did made good frineds in uni.. i growing fonder of chibi and brea brea.. cos they are just toooo.. nice...
nothing quite fantastic.. but i hope my parents were proud..
and i hope i did leave my foot prints in both nus and in the hearts of my frineds.
with love
1:07 AM