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Saturday, July 16, 2005

the ship tat is not coming..

i read this in muru blog...

Happiness isn't a result of circumstance, it is a choice.

Happiness doesn't come from objects or people or anything at all but you. It comes from how you choose to represent your experiences. Happiness will not come from "having a life", it will come from being grateful for life, and recognizing you do have a life, and you're painting it.

There's a direct link between gratitude and happiness. You will find that those who have much but are not happy simply don't feel as grateful for what they have. They are not ungrateful people, they just unconsciously focus on what they dont have instead of what they do.

There's also a direct link between your psysiology and your state. If you get all slouched and put your head down and take shallow breaths you find it difficult to be happy. You've programmed your body for certain psysiology to be associated to certain feelings. Your state is a result of your internal representations + your psysiology. You dont dance because you feel happy, you feel happy because you dance. You don't sing because you're happy, you're happy because you sing. Body and mind are one. Our bodies are made for movement. If you can't think it, move it.

People may focus on what they dont want to have instead of what they want to. If you focused on what you wanted to have, you will have it. Your sub conscious will bring it to you, because it is constantly on your mind. If in your mind, there is a repeat program of "i am lonely" then that is what you will have, because that is in your mind all the time. And it must become real. Changing it to "i am not lonely" will not help because thats denial and the subconscious is subjective.

Focus on what you want and pretend as though you already have it. Negativity brings negativity. Positivity brings positivity. Its not rocket science, its the law of cause and effect. The pretending won't last if you have faith because the subconscious is subjective and doesn't care about the difference.

“Create a vision of who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true.” - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Are you happy or are you waiting for a ship that isn't coming?

with love
1:31 AM

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