Friday, March 03, 2006
introducing Ah Kor..
i went to print my poster at peace centre..
i was the last person to print.. din knoe they close so early..
20 bucks for an A1 size poster..
first time printing..
i couldnt explain the relief when teh poster came out inch by inch from the printer..
it represent the long hours and lonely times i spent at the lab.. the times i spent staring at the journels and getting lost most of the time. staying over at lab for a few weekends ... going home at 2-3am.. i am so glad the whole thingy will be over soon.. just like my 4 years of sch.. love hate relation.. (^^,)
print nice nice and keep as souvneir. i got back my report and reading it make moi disgusted cos i tink it is so badly written.. yucks..
since i was at town i meet up with ah jie and felicia for dinner.. feli is ah bert sister...quite and frinedly one.. caring sister also.. bought ah bert dinner adn treat moi ice cream.. Ex manz.. indigestion..
anyway ah bert came and fetch us.. and we pop by his house for a short visit..

Ah kor... the legendary duckie.!! it is call ah kor cos it is the eldest soft toy.. hee...cute manz...
i din sleep when i reach home.. work on design till 4 am..
then wake up at 7 to go sch to pull.... jsut wanted to destress a bit.. Free one.muahaha
anyway got streams of ppl going to career fair..i prob be like them.. lost upon graduation..
someone approiach moi today asking to recruit moi for some modeling thingy.. had a few of those.. may be it is not bad to take part time modelling.. be like zoolander.. airhead one.. jsut like moi.. worth considering..
really hope those grad will find the job they like so 4 years of studying wont be seen like a false promise..
wanted to go climbing but sunbear go eat sushi.. no climb buddy.. haiz..
rot and home on a weekend.yucks!!
tml going for volunteer work .. maybe on of the last chance liao le..
cant wait for sunday ride... new tires. excited
with love
10:22 PM