Thursday, November 24, 2005
slacking day..
one more paper before this sem is over.. so fast.. haiz. the paper is in 7 more day.. so today i decide to slack.. before going back to mugging mode..
had msn outing !! with non other than muru AKa long john (dont ask why)and rosy...
play batminton at rosy'place 10am.. we are not really consider morning person.. we all sleep at 2-4am types.. owls one...


rosy and her alfro hair do da sao like to play batminton to achieve weight loss. haha..batminton was fun.. with the numa numa actions and aggerated actions and sound effects.. seriously .. the on looker were laughing at our hilarious way of playing ..
no kdding huh... oh well.. play like no one watching .. no hawthorn effect..
dance like no one wathcing manz... just do it..
then we went to rosy place to wash up..

this is her silly dog call "baby".. hyperone... crazy dog.. Siao Gao!!
we had ajison for lunch... becos rosy like to mention food at night.. first she temmpted us with subway... not she tempt with ajison... tehn she tempt us wiht cakes... ( if u wanan the cake pic to tempt u.. msg moi.. i sent them to u)

looks good huh? baby squid... i likes. hee
since it is kinda early..we decided to go play pool.. weekday is cheaper.. but quite hard to find time on weekday noon time..oh well..

rosy pool
not many girls can play pool leh.. rosy is the defending champ okie.. dont play play..

moi pool
we are trying to kill each other "Balls" .. i wanna kill all their balls.

muru pool
the game goes. since there are 15 numberballs.. 1-5 , 6-10 and 11-15..
the goal is to kill the opponents ball.. the first person with any ball will consider lose.. hee fun rite?
we went walk walk afte re that.. i bought X mas cards for this year... not a lot.. wil ration.. some will get.. and some wont.. i have teh habit of sending out cards.. those who din return card last year.. will / will not get.. depending.. i not so ji jaio one.. hey it is xmas wat.. season of giving.. dont let ur stinginess spoilt the festive mmood... heehee.. cant wait for exam to be over.. then x mas shop ard.. yeah.. hee
muru bough a pressie for Dre.. sexy little thing.. hee she shd be consider part of msn group i suppose.. oh well maybe she jio n us nex ttime.. the goal is to expand the msn group.. hee
Since there are no Msn grou pic.. so we decide to take one..

blur pic..
faliure one... shaky hand... cannot make it lar..self taken one.." slap head"

sian liao
after so many try still dont have a nice one... sain liao lar.. got sain 1/2 look..

why teh stunt look muru?spioler..

almost... alamak.. never mind leh this shoudl be consider presentable hor? heck le..

okie time to get serious.. dont mess wiht us manz..

too serious also not good.. relac a bit.. heeee
oh the way home.. my neighbour charmaine gave moi 4 brownies she bake one.. so nice huh...hee..
msn outing 3 is a great success.. msn outing 4.. who wann jion?
with love
7:41 PM