Friday, January 06, 2006
it is a hard world out there!
really.. i had been the most misunderstood person.. maybe it is the tactless stuff i mouth and the senseless stuff i wrote..
jy,one of the very few good friends i know in nus, msg moi about the unfair statement i made regarding the yck minds spring cleaning.. just my thought that it is quite silly to do cleaning on a x massy weekend.. anyway, i din mean anything lar.. just my silly thoughts. sorr if i made u pissed or angry.
it surpirse moi how stuff i wrote affect ppl, the last thing i wnaan as to make jy unhappy. cos she is the only who bother to book seats for moi..normall i just sit alone some corner of the lecture room. i knewn she hate moi for my striaghtforwardness adn my demanding request at minds camp a few year ago.but somewat somehow we became really nice frineds. oh yah she is the one who introduce moi to naruto too.. anyway just ignore my werid tinking...
today i went climbing with sharky and sunbear. i din do my homework and cos them to wait in vain for like the whole morning..feel really bad and it freaking rained.... feel very conned..
but we did keep a promise that we will climb together in yishun agian.. it was the same us the preivous climb.. yishun is far and Expensive. thanks sharky and sunbear bear.
money jsut flows like water!!! up with two frineds of muru.. B3 and pinkie. who had been desprately loking for jobs. for the past 1 year..
i was kinda shocked. althought i like slacking at times but one year is way too long i guess..
it is reaally hard to get a job nowadays..sharky also facing the same problem.. i am glad i secure a job for myself but at the same time feel it realyl tat hard to find a job? any job is still a job.. a job need to have prospects and chances of promotion. and must be skilled or value added.. else u be just expendable.
every thing is abt $$.. is it our fault or socaiety fault?
i am a fighting daydream believer.. hoping tat someday my dream will be true and prove to myself time and time again my true worth.
i knoe my mentality is not the same 4 years ago.. i grown stronger in some way yet weaker in some.i grown very comforable ... very comfortable wiht life.. taking most stuff for granted.. become a homely person. risk advert.. spenting unnecessary on little unessential stuff to keep moi temp happy. spendig long hrs in fornt of comp. dling stuff, wathcing anime and surfing e bays and bloggin shit..having cynical thoughts all the time and seeeking out for friends that most often than not left moi vunerble and weak.
today it happen again.. loti never reply or ans my call.. some friend wor.. when u ask stuff from ppl, espcailly lesser is hard.. oh well.. i learn this now!! i will remeber it forever...i swear.
jingy gave moi an adivce that expecatations are hard to make and i cant expect a lot form frineds... yah totally agree..

jingy gave a pic of furby also.. for the viewing pleasure of those who like furby as well
i am not like those FARK up ppl.. althought i cant fulfil ppl exepcation but at least i try..i dont cut and run.. i dont make use of my frineds. really i am quite sick of such fako and loser frineds.. pls pls get out of my life.. my block list is alreayd very long liao...
for the frineds tat have been with moi.. i wish good stuff will last forever.
am i really a hard person to be with?
p.s: for those reading this blog.. i am collecting watches for the kids at moral home.. old but usable watches. the poor kids dont have watches and some could not even tell the time.. perhaps a watch will be useful in teaching them to tell the time. and ur old watches are just collecitng dust at home.. thansk a lot ppl.
with love
1:25 AM