Friday, December 09, 2005
how come like tat again?
hmm... why is this always happening? CANNOT FIND PPL to GO out WITH!!!! adsolutely disgusting!!!! got time one say no money... some no time also no money.. oh manz.. i am such a hopeless person..
Can someone give moi some lessons on socaiability or not? even the msn GROup dont wanna come out.. Who is FREE ? and neeed company? PLs pls ask moi out!!!
all say for fun one lar.. say go this place say go that place.. when really wnana go.. then all the toopid excuse come out.. how sick..DONt lie.. say wanan give moi a ride on ur CAR, then say busy...
say after exam wanan go some nice places in the end, cant even see ur shadow lor..
liars!!! the dont be so fake to say stuff u dont mean it.. really.. it dont make moi any happier. liaRs liars.. F off..!!
always blog on a friday nite. cos i am a FREAKing no lifer. form monday to fridya then weekedn stay home.. i am just like a hermit.. watching narutos, surfing for stuff on e bay and logging onto msn for the longest time.
anyway for those who rejected the brownie invite. i had my brownie anyway...=P..
yah lar. i am a petty person.. revengeful one as well.. i am so good at remembering ppl who were unjust to moi.

there u go!! one BIG BOwl of Brownies ice cream and bicuslts.. it is really nice.. kinda filling.. yummy but sinfully... oh no!! but long long one time le.. 10 bucks.. at rouge..
anyway i went out to eat with the camp ppl.. taken a pic with only one of them. super nice guy.. stepthen..Very rich too!! hee

anyway sway stuff always happen to moi.. i drop my phone at work.. then now the phone become mute liao.. so toopid... haiz..the phone too good for work liao..need to get a lousier phone..jsut one of the pic i took with the phone at work.

tink i will make a trip to the flea market to see any cheap phone or not..
oh yah.. patrick wedding coming. i am the only one invited..asking my neighbour to pei moi along. since she also stay teck whye.. but she need to work.. so i tinki be going alone.. really hope i wont feel out of place manz.. also haven get a gift for them... maybe a red packet will do..

this is NIcest wolverine figures i saw.. for those who din knoe.. i like wolverine . so cool. haha.. anyway limited edition one..onyl 500 peices. veyr nice hor? ubfortunately got a broken claw in this particular figure.. else i surely get one for myself.. 139 bucks for a faulty figure..saw it sometime ago during the msn outing 3.
anyway my nieghbour made biscults and gave moi some agian.. dont knoe wat is the big fuss my mummy made.. friend only mah... wat the big deal. rite? i mean if ppl give u stuff to eat.. eat lar.. else it be rude to reject mah..aiyah she's alwyas like tat.
dunno lar..dunno lar... dunno lar..
oh yah!! almost forget.. last night after eating the brownie and washing it down with some beer. i went home together with jiayan.. cos i just happen to be on the train and she jsut release from work as a gift wrapper.. had a nice chat on the train.. she busy working and incharge of minds camps . for those who dont knoe minds is AKA Movement for the INtelluarlly Disabled.
anyway i am going for minds camp.. they lack ppl.. come on.. soical developemnt for moi..alhtought i tink i am not tat Wei da.. but heck lar..but i can only go for weekend one..i have to work weekdays.
hmm.. farnie.. now friday nite dont seem so bad when i blogged all this out.
listening to the radio nice songs.. got a veyr nice song "mandy" on air the song..
just dl spongebob game too.. going to play now..
hope tml will be a better day...
with love
10:53 PM