Tuesday, November 29, 2005
WAt have WE done?
my blog is not going to be all abt moi whinning and BF ing.. got have some interesting info and insight..actaully i am bored lar.. study half way come blog.*guitly*
i was reading thorught my textbook on the topic evolution.. and mutation..
wanted to share interesting stuff to those who din have chance at bio lessons..
it was said that human form were evolved from monkey.. u tink it is bull? haha tink again....

so the next time anyone scold u "monkey " dont take offence.. accept it.. cos the person also is one.. hee..(muru.. i tho u abt this b4 rite?)(muffin, ur mummy is corrrect to call u a monkey =P) (rosy u like monkey rite?)
for more infomation: http://www.visual-evolution.com/tails.htm
cant believe it .. they actually worshipp ppl with tail.. issit just mutation? *shrug*
another interesting stuff.. mimicry
it is where the species "watch and learn" just like many stuff in life.. u dont knoe.. watch and learn...
the snowberry fly will mimic the zebra spider..amazing rite? the wonders of nature..
feel like going tot he macrhctie canopy walk now.. see nature in action...
BUt hor.. how come call zebra spider le?.. the spider copy the zebra? heeeee
i went to Raffles Museum Biodiversity Research for one of my assignment recently..
The carcass of a baby leopard cat - whose sighting was recorded only twice in Singapore history - is taxidermised carefully after it was run over on Mandai Road last June.
u ever know singapore havae leopards? the sight is kinda gross.. the poor cat head is like totally GONe.. just a bloodly mass..if u ever make a visit to the musuem. u can see how fragile life of such animals..
this is the link
there is a dead dugong also.. dugong are not extinct because they are "gong" okie..
so sad le...got a big Giant skull of the dugong . yah that particular dead one.. locatde in the musuem..
yes yes,, they are both local cases.. if u tink we are insignifcant in contributing to animal extinct.. u are so dead wrong.. every life counts..
wanted to put the pic of a deadoil cladded bald head eagle.. but cant find the pic.. can only see in my text book.. really.. it reflect how the majestic eagle became victim of human pollution.. how sad..
if u have no money to go for nice moive of activity ,make a trip to Raffles Museum Biodiversity Research ...save money and got interesting stuff..
amist all the rat race and the chasing the materialistic life , we ought to sit back and awe at the wonders for once..before they are all gone..
sorri sometihng wrong witht he linking function. dunno why.. just cut and paste to see the link
with love
3:49 PM