Saturday, November 26, 2005
to- do -stuff for X mas..
really huh.. so fast one year is going be up soon.. jsut bearly past CNY .. then x mas liao.. time really flies..
yah.. its been a year.. got good times and got bad times.
we got to "
take the road before us and sing a chorus or two..".. we need to look ahead.. reflect of the past and move on. hee
top 10 Things to do for Xmas
1.make A wish list!!dear santa,
i been a really good boy this year.. so would u kindly bring moi a rock lee plush, a syntace C2 areo bar, an ekynox shades silver color one,a limited edition of wolverine figure saga, a new tri saddle for my bike,and nice disc wheels..pls also make the wishes of my frineds come true..
2. make a snow angel.HOW huh?

1. Bundle all participants up in warm clothing, including hats and gloves.
2. Find an area of snow that is clean and has not been walked through.
3. Line up next to each other or spread out around the area.
4. Stand far enough apart so that when you spread your arms you can't touch the person next to you.
5. Fall gently into the snow onto your back.
6. Keep your entire body flat in the snow.
7. Brush your arms between your head and waist in a sweeping motion.
8. Move your legs apart as far as they will go and then together.
9. Repeat these motions (it's like doing a jumping jack while lying on your back) until you have made indentations in the snow.
10. Have someone stand at your feet and pull on your arms to help you up.
11. Get up without stepping on your snow angel or making a handprint in the middle of it.
3. WRITE Xmassie CARDs..i bought x massy cards liao.. going to sent them out really soon... hee..

collect all four..hee
4. go xmas shoppingthe spriit of giving is not giving when u have abandance.. it is when u give when u have little ...althoght we are not earning.. a gift from the hreat is so much more meaningful... (muffin dont go ard giving ppl hug and treating them as x mas pressie)
budget le... sobsob
5. Catch a heart warming moive with my family...Xmas period always show wholesome x mas moive...
teh time where family should be together..
cos i love them all..
6. gather frineds for x mas party and have a mass gift exchange..used to have x mas party at dingy place.. but since dingy left his house and his parents sold the house there is no place to hold the party.. that means no log cake? no gift exchange and no fun... sobosbo .. but i am sure teh oragniser this year will tink so sometihng.. rite? rite? rite? the crowd has been steady increasing ... from 6 guys.. to 16-17 ppl.. got bro kee, alex, kammy , jas?, heyao, dingy , jingy, karen, yin pei, winnie, anan?, adrain?,clara?,mary? , jun xiong?.. wonder got any new ppl this year or not? hee gathering of the dunearnites.. wooHOoooo... We rawks..
7. rwak ard the x mas treetown got many x mas tree... go under the biggest brightest one...shake ur butt... make a wish..
8. rem old friends.. those u have been missing .. and those who dont keep in touch often.. sent them all a nice x mas sms...... my one and only best frined.. zhihao.. ahotught we dont really contact.. i going to give him a surpirze his year.. heee
9. give something to the needy and less .. i have not forgotten abt the minds kid i took care of... jason... hee. i gave him pressie every year... this year wont be excpetion....
10. a sleigh ride with eyecandy..come on... it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with u...
with love
1:12 AM