Friday, December 02, 2005
i will survive.
manz.. i was suffering from insomia.. cant get myself to sleep ont he eve of the last paper.. fustrating.. i knew i need to sleep to get a fresh mind..maybe i took a nap earlier .. ended up surfing for Bruce lee wall paper.. so silly huh..and reading some of his books.
anyway today paper was kinda hard..(open book) but i do it slowly. hope to get it correct.anyway, there was a big issue on plagrism.. on one of the assignments for these mod..heard from outide the exam hall. the lecturer sent out the letters of warning on the eve of the exams..wah lau.. disrupt the studying mind lor.. mess up the mentality.. anyway i took the mod alone.. so i din copy le. but i still minus marks for wrong ans. 1.5 freaking marks.. oh well..cant be as bad as those who copy.. ZEro. hee..evil moi..
anyway i went to do 100 miss the bar.. dunno why.. i do until i a bit giddy before heading home to change..
outing!!! MSN outing 4... rosy and muru again.. hee..
the plan was to go smoke turkish pipe and listen jazz..
but but.. since we were not properly attired. we went shopping and movies instead.
more wholesome and frinedly on the wallet..

watch chicken little.. look cutes. but the voice totally suck.. sound like a 40 year old ah peH..
drop by to visit jiayan AKA gift wrapper after buying her some sweets.
walk all the way to the end of orchard to look for LOVE!!! just a chance to see that speical her... haha.. it is not moi le.. it is muru...
i understand the feelin. cos i also countdown to the day to see eyecandy last time..oh well all is lets us hope muru will get her number tml.. cos he miss a very good chance today.. hee GO muru GO
try looking for a patrick for rosy.. walk all over town.. manZ patrick is so hard to find.. din manage to find in the end..
but but!! there is a set of cute winnie the pooh for 45 bucks at plaza sing.. one set
who will be so kind to get for moi? heheee
saw this :

had pasta mania for dinner.. moi and rosy treat muru cos he is running low on $$.. oh well eveyr single thing cos $$$ sucks.
we play acrade.. le. since i am not those good with fighting games.. aiyah u knoe lar..
those one token play only a while then game over type.. so we can only play game like photo hunt and crossward puzzle.. Dont laugh at moi le.. sob sob.
guess wat? the naruto trio got 4 th okie.. not bad rite?

i try to catch a minnie mouse.. but fail.. hey i try my best liao.. the UFO catcher is too weak..i do a dry run on the machine and.. muru as sniggering over my failure to catch a toy
the movie chicken little is not bad.. worth a few good laugh... not veyr good.. not block buster type..

there is this sony ericsson advert before the move which i tink is totally so cool.. the retro daddy cahnging the son's hp music to retro music.. manz.. i am such a retro person..
retro rwaks!!! *retro dance moves*
a few retro song turn up in the move.. I will survive.. staying alive. lollypop.. damn retro.. my type.. hee..
the story say that the sky may fall down on us eveyr day, but tml will be a new day and we will face it anew...
i will survive..we will survive.
such a nice feeling to get sometihng off my mind.. not for long.. but enjoy the moment.
with love
1:38 AM