Thursday, December 22, 2005
missing in action
been missing from here for someday.. was kinda busy.. firstly work.. overnight exercises. then minds camp.. then genting trip .. then writing all the xmas cards and wrapping the presents.
okie lets go one by one. hee.. feels really nice to go back tekong and have nigth exercise there...used to operate at night.. where we made use of the night and swore by stealth witht he aid of the surrounding darkness... i miss those feeling. no doubt.. studies have made moi weak.. both mentally and physically.. perhaps the only consolation was that i have become owl. accustomed to the quiet nite... long awaiting the arrival of dawn and day break..
the stars are seems always brighter and the air always fresher.. hee.. oh man.. i am such a outfeild guy...
meet a few good frineds. dean and fiazal.. jokeed and fool ard ... nonsense and pranks.. life's a bit moer fun with them ard.
there was patrick wedding some where mid week.. i took leave .. i went alone.. gave a 50 bucks ang bow.. patrick din entertain me.. so much for bro.. boo.., instead his wife entertained moi and put moi wiht her girl frineds.. i just ate and let... sob... feels werid.. lonely again.. his wife is actaully his primary sch frined.. haha..
the farnie thing was i saw my primary sch sweetheart right after the ROM.. irene tham.. hee.. i rem her .. wont ever forget.... msg askign for her address but sadly she din reply... rosy say the guy beside her is most prob her bf.. BOooo..!
oh well watever it is.. i hope u find happiness manz...
over teh weended i went for minds camp.. just a a plian simple volunteer. no appiontment such as group leader or comm members. the kids had grown so much.. some fatter .. some tall... some matures.. jason espcailly.. i see less childish behavooir.. he is still happy and cheerfully.hee.
also drank duff with groovy and pull ..
the farnie thing is that. groovy told moi jason rems moi.. by name... jieyong mention jason was happy that i am coming for hte camp...
this makes moi reflects on wat i had feel prevously.. abt yck and the sucky com...
it is the volunteerory heart that really counts.. it may not mean much to moi.. but to jason it mean quite a lot..
for tat i will go back into volunteering..
and of cos.. groovy company will be wonderful...

moi and jason.. FAshion show!!!
i wish to be like peixuan.. a great volunterr with a caring heart. altought she is overly convern over her kids. and often neglect the surronding happenings. pretty bad for a group leader or in chrage.. but as a volunteer, it is fanstatic.. so it is kinda cool in this sense.
oh yah.. i wanna learn sign language.. so cool...
stronger frinedship were forge and new frineds were made...
SL came and crap a lot.. nice huh..
a few new kids.. frinzy and yew joe... frinzy is so cute... shy little boy..

yingjun and xiao jing .. go easy on him le..
and yew joe was frowning most of the time cos he was home sick... heard he was a demon when he is okie.. so helpless when home sick.. farnie....he carries a booster to camp.. to maybe ease his home sickness.. he keep saying home.
i like them both..

yew joe!
wei xing my Fav kid last year.din come .. so din teck wee... i shall go moral home and vist them.. hee
24 dec.. 11am .. who interested?
oh yah i pass the x mas pressent to janice..dunno wat to say also.. so i wont say.just say that it will be the last presetn i be getting her.. cos it dont relaly pay to be a nice guy..

janice pressie.. cute eeyore..
also ate first log cake at minds camp. ..

oh yah.. genting trip... long bus ride..
eat sleep shop play and shit.. hee..
i like the cool weahter the most!!! ehe.. got pic.. but i upload it another time..
a lot of irst time for moi
first time play snoooker wiht daddy
first time enter casino.. kena check .. mans.. i still look young.
first time sit in roller coaster wtih mummy and daddy..
first time climb at genting rock wall..
only moi climbing .. so shiok to have the whole wall to myself.. haha i am possessive manz
also played bowling.. shopped ard. watch moive..
got my "SEcret weapon" to fight cold..
oh mans.. so much to write abt.. i wait till the pics are up..
i need to rsuh off to warp CAo bin wedding bearie.. cos he getting engaged.. but i cant made it.. range tml!! haiz...
with love
7:40 PM