Saturday, December 10, 2005
Contented... REtial Therapy raWKs..
SOme ASS just tag on my blog.. WAT ur pt Huh? as if i am going to listen to u.. yah.. i am childish .. i am petty.. i mention that wat in the previous postings wat.. sorri.. ur observation is not needed here. jerk off... and pls have the pride to put ur name and dont put something like" stupid monkey ming" or " ah ming sucks"
u dont like it when ppl call u that. do u...? if u dont like it.. just dont read okie? it is X mas season.. the last thing i need is some fight wiht some idiot like u. SAy sorri u bitch...
anyway, i went out alone today.. cant find ppl out as usual.. i went to get pressies.. Ah jie's and a few other's. shan mention name here. intended surpirse.. hee.
ah jie known of the plan.. damnz.. i forget to lock the phone and accidentally happened to sent a msg tat gave moi away.. sobsob.. cos her name is store as AH jie.. A is the first in the phone list.. haiz.. sway lar.. nvm lar.. liket hat can give her.the present eariler.. better also..dont need wrap..

TATA polar Bearie wiht scraf for Ah jie!! muacks!!!
so now i will write cards and wrap the pressies. hee.. contented ..retial therapy..
oh yah.. i lost the rock lee muru gave moi.. sobsob... must be some where on the street liao... haiz..
WOHOO.. Kammy just comfrim X mas party at kee's place.. i also bought give exchange present liao.. gift item betw 5- 10 bucks...
i bought famous amos cookie last year... it is like the most unpopular gift lor.. cookie nice wat.. unappreciative ppl.. =P..
this year my gift shan be the most popular one... hee

u are going to be the most popular pressie this year at gift excahnge!!!
with love
9:19 PM