Monday, December 26, 2005
X mas Rawks!
cant rem when is teh last time i played so hard.. and spent so much.. spentthirft meng.. both for pressie and to pamper myself.. in fact i jsut bought a new jazz CD.salena jones.hee.
x mas eve morning i went moral home for a visit.. just visit the poor kids.. it is a guillimard minds Tradition..althouth i am from YCK minds. i jsut tagged along.. but gully ppl are more frinedly than yck ppl..
i always thought YCK management is FARk up.. gullimard volunteer go visit moral home on x mas eve.. so meaningful .. in contrast the Screw up YCk ppl when to clean up the YCK store room.. WAH liew!! store room any time can clean up one rite? dont need x mas eve rite? maybe i jsut cross over to gullimard so i cant stand teh way YCK management do stuff.. sucky!! BIg time.
i got a few pics.. i was at rosy house wrapping pressie . pressie from moi and charmaine.. hee..

this is wei xing.. i really like him.. in last year minds camp he was in my group.. i always rem he imitating the tigger.. so hilarous.. he also pulled moi to show moi his sleeping place.. just a humble little matress with blanket.. how fortunate i am.. i guess that is the reason why i wanan go visit moral home despite being the only non gullimard ppl..
the kids played pass the parcel with the gifts i wrapped.. teh kids very happy and very ren qing.. so hard to organise them..

pass the parcel in progress.
heard that the stuff are usually shared among the kids. hee. but ming song was really appriecaitive of the gift.. i din realise it until sharkie told moi. hee.. oh yah? sharky when are we going to yishun to climb?

apprecaitive ming song.
oh yah.. got this pic by cahnce.. so caixia was pestering ppl to take pic..

eleen and caixia.. just got to know eleen from this year minds camp.. cute girl. hee..
pass muru his gift.. then when sec gathering..
i purposely wrap scraf bearie with transparten wrapper.. so i knoe it willbe the most pouplar gift.

see how cute the ribbon .
jingy pressie was a close second.

ACtually, i felt really lousy at the party u knoe.. cos i felt everyone had drifted so far from moi.. all busy wiht gf.. even thought heman can back from aussie he is like still quite out of it..
perhaps the only one close was dingy and jingy.. kam totally sucks..super bad camera.. only inchange or collecting money.. no program no notihng... i bet heman left cos he feel too sain.. i din really enjoy as it wish i would.. i left at 2am. cos i was dead tired from night range and night wrapping and moral home visit. wehn i left every one left.. so much for x mas party. but i have to admit is was nice to gather once in a while..
Oh yah lor.. scarf bearie ended in mungching hand.. and guess wat i got? A freaking girlie bag.. Hullo!! where got ppl buy Gift like that one... must buy unisex one mah...#$@%@#%.. anyway i gave the bag to year i going to buy lousy gift again.. those FARK up one..
x mas day was also grandma b day.. since i got a cam phone itook pic of all my newphew and niece.. got a lot lor!! like kindergarten likethat.. they are cute little creatures.
introducing my nephews and nieces..
the biggest of them all

JONAthan!!!! heee

his sister joey

and little bro joel
this is angel!! check out her rabbit ears..hee

and her sister..i like her cos she is alwasy smiling and playing happily on her own.. still got one more siter one.. but like given away to other ppl liao...
this is Jasper!!!severly underweight one.. he alwyas play with moi one.. so that makes him my FAV newphew..hee
this is his sister.. cute Big EYES!!!

Both of them are very cute le..!!

this is shu hui.. jsut wake up pic..haha
this is her sister

cute hor.. still very little. cant tok yet. canot only walk ard..helplessly.
this is jamie!!

tall beauty next time when she grow up.she got a happy smile too..this is her byran

quite naughty one. hee.this ist he third smallest baby..

look at her playing with the baby powder .. cutes wor!! likes
this is oliver..!! big mata kuching eyes!!

cute hor!!
still got one more baby.. but he went to chaingmai tour.. smallest one..
the kids kena complain for makeing too much noise but heck lar.. such gathering are RAre.. give then a nice childhood..

this ist he exacty corridor i played at when i was young.hee..
i so love those kids.!!!! heeehee..uncle Ding Ding!! hahahaa...
then i went town.. meet muffin. muru, rosy and lao lao.. get squeeze and take pics and looka x mas lightings. oh also manage to meet de de to give her present.
msn group!!

mr bean rest pt..

like comic man. so much pic.. anyway let cont hee..

act posuer rosy.
be A snow man!!!!

lao lao and moi
BOXING DAY!!! play baminton1!!! and rosy unwrappes her late pressie form muru and from muffin.

wah lao kinda tekan.. do push up.. FAT fat go away come again another day.

tired liao le.. tml still got work!! time to la la.. super long blog .!!!
so bye bye X mas 05... be waiting the arrival of x mas 06!!!
with love
11:27 PM