Wednesday, March 08, 2006
uncertainty lurks
something wrong with the blogspot. i blogged the other day but nothing appear..
amist all the busy project and poster presentation, ppl are planning for grad trip..
wonder if i shd go for one too?.. haven really rested since i enter uni... been like working very sem break... no doubt i learn during every work attachment but then i realise i wish to be like the rest of the undergrad.. slack and nua under the moon..
have fun and do wat ever when i am still young...
so tink really carefully if you wanna take up study award.. be prepare to scarfice le.. nolife... in other words.. perhaps it ill be better just to take up a papa and mama scholar ship...
i had been introduce to another perspective .. reagradless of how i do... graduation will mark the end of my study life.. sad but true..
i will miss the pool where i swam and swam in my younger years in uni
and i will miss the bar most where i spent my lonliness and saddest time there...
i definately miss the gd frineds i met in uni.. only this few. Xm, dede, piggy, winnie, sunbear and koala. i tink there shd be a few more..i tink.
it had been a mentally tiring coourse.. i just glad it is almost over but i will miss wat piggy said.. enter aimlessly and leave endlessly.. i did not "begin with the end in mind."
just not sure wat will happen in the future.. just afraid of uncertainty..
anyway i jsut wanna take abt 1 month off before i resume work.. just play and get wild yeah? i tink this is hte only time to enjoy witout any serious commitment
but problem is where and who?
cant seem to find ppl who are intersted.. either budget or not time.
i wish to do this.. go for a dive trip.. see other parts of the world and cycling up genting highlands..and climb some place nice..
any takers?
i had my poster presentaiton today and tml..

do drop by and see moi yeah? afternoon 2-4..dont thinki am too interested in presenting to the industry ppl but more of interacting with ppl. realise i have so little pic of my uni days..
so tml will be taking pic of most ppl iknoe.. hee..

groovy pop by today despite being on i.a..
still got pretty much stuff to do..
i need to step out of my comfort zone.
and brave the unknown..
with love
11:24 PM