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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

a world made of steel and rock.

i been unhappy and sad for the Gazillion time in NUS...
SCREW it..
SCrew nus and all its prof..
SCREW all the system and the fake enviroment..
SCreW all the ulgy ppl and those back stabber and selfish FARKers...

today is one of the suckiest day ever....
desing porject just pass up..
then got test tml.. of cos haven start studying...

design project got a some admends and some flaws.. i refuse to touch it . cos it had like suck one whole FREsking week out of moi life!!! SCREW design .. SCREW it SCrew it Screw it..

sent hp for repiar.. feel naked without it..

toopid tube burst after i tried to repair it.. Scratch the rim of my wheel,.. suckssss

then the second tube leak!!!! WTF... why eveyr sway tihng happen to moi..17 bucks down the drain for nothing.. $ 17 bucks.... one seven!!!!! damn it...

act smart and took back my test paper . got like 10/40 !! FREAKing fail miserably... FARK fARK fARK...
not taht i din study.. come on everybody.. laugh at moi...
laugh at the joke the world play on moi.. hahaah so freaking farnie.!!!!!
prof like just like to mark moi wrong.. evenwhen correct.. he will say soemtihng like u had fail to show u understand!! yah rite.. take all ur understanding and shaft it...

i woke up this morning feeling so sickish and shivered under my comforter.
got aheadache.. miss one lecuture but drag my big fat arse to sch..

climb up the flight of stair and i feel giddy and breathless...
i am so screwed.. sch has made moi unhealthy and weak..

day in day out breath the lousy air con air...!!
day in day out sit on the toopid chair and grow fat arse..

cant even afford some good time for tirnaing.. without gettting my mind of sch wrok

i am so sick...
sick sick sick sick sick sick!!!!

SCRew everything... it is just not worth it..

with love
10:44 PM

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