Friday, April 07, 2006
meng..wat do u want?
i cant help but feel this...
ppl are getting offers. for their wonderful A grades type of results.. wonderful offers from shell.. SRC.. exxon mobile. some even MIT...continue studies...
getting envious over such luxury that will never be offered to moi.. me and my lousy grades... their hard work have paid off.
while for some like moi.. sometimes there are no happy endings.
ppl are somewat insensitive. i was sitting there at the canteen. waiting for some design project discussion and all they ever do is to brag abt how they got into some big company..
i am not interested!!! cant understand why they like to waste my time.. ask moi for project meeting and tok abt other stuff... cant u all tell i am no interested?
my 4 years.. felt so wasted... feel so lousy..
when koala ask moi wat i wanna.. i wanna a second change to make right all my worng doing. i told her i want a second chance at uni.. i jsut hate losing out to the system
why am i suffering so much for the leesing project? cos i din copy senior report.. why did i start from scratch every single Shit thing.. when there are tonnes of senior report. cos i dont belief the key to learning is to copy other works..
maybe i am not a smart worker.. my group mates say just copy senior report and make some changes ehre and there..
where is the justice when copying someone report give u an A and while my orignal report only promise moi a FREaking C... that is life lor.. not unfair.. just reality.
i admit being this stubborn fool who always trys to do stuff on his own and suffer in his own silence..i am not verstailie and flexible to ulitise the system..
so hate it...then again. i am plain toopid..grr...
i cant help now but to envy my frineds.. i choosen a diff path from all of u.. no matter where the path leads.. i will walk it till the end.. if i am lucky..someone nice might jion my lonely walk...
my Poor koala fell and was hurt bad..out of action for 6months.. haiz..
will be praying for u...i make her a get well card the other time..

hope she will hang on and get well real soon...
i am uncontactable again..hp at nokia care agian.. just got it repiar cos cannot hear caller.. not i cant speak to caller.. sucks.. everytihng just like to go wrong.
ruoyah gave moi something to cheer moi up.. ways to stay happi....
thanks ger.. she also share someting with moi...
be glad tat at least i have a reason to cry...
others dont... some chim stuff... take time to digest it.
no matter wat. the sun alway shine.. be it under the cloud or out in the open..
i shd be like the sun.. shining and smiling alwasy.. like wat koala said. look forward and do watever u can. and be thank ful for all that i am today..
with love
11:51 PM